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Programming 101

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1. I want to learn how to connect NETBEAN ant XAMPP

m very hapi that u hav explain it in very

This entire blog contains programs with concepts of core Java, just read through my posts in order starting with this one ?

Heres some great information about void and Class methods in Java:

hello I,m new. so plz tell me about scop of java?

Excellent question!  In Java, the programming language wants to knowwhatkindof informationyou are going to bestoring in a variable.  This is because Java is astrongly typed language.  I could teach you about what the difference is between a strongly typed language and a weakly typed language, but that will likely bore you right now, so lets just focus onwhat a type is in Java and why its important.

When you sign up youll receive login information to start learning about Java. If you decide you dont like the courses, you can cancel at any time. If you decide you love the courses then you dont have to do anything and you can stay subscribed for as long as you like for just $10/month or $97/year.

Thats what this blog is all about. This will teach you Java. My eBook is also a great resource for learning Java:

Before we start learning: if youre someone who also enjoys learning by watching videos, then I have the perfect deal for you. You can get access to over 50 hours of video tutorials (plus exercise files, assignments, quizzes and a private Facebook community of like minded programmers) for free for 30 days. You canclick here to learn more about the Java courses.

Thanks Hardik, Im glad you think so, this is a new site so keep checking in every week for new topics.

could you provide us some clear example programs about data abstraction,throw and catch .

u hav good information please could you provide me with information about void and class methods

Now, if we want to get more specific, when it comes to the Java programming language, variables have differenttypes.Brace yourself here, as Im going to try to confuse you by explaining an important concept in three sentences. If I were to be storing your name in a variable, thattypewould be aString.  Or, lets say I also wanted to store your age, thattypewould be stored as anInteger.  Or lets say I wanted to store how much money you make in a year, thattypewould be stored as aDouble.

Variables are the backbone of any program, and thus the backbone of any programming language. I like to start off by defining what were about to learn, so, Wiki defines a variable as follows:

We would get theString: 223

Nice to have another Java blogger in the neighbourhood ?

Thanks for your great comment Im here to help out, as I was a student who was completely lost as well! Feel free to shoot and questions my way if theres anything youre stuck on ?

And to all you newbies out there, dont be afraid to take it slow.

My sincere thanks for taking the time to leave that comment, it means a lot to me!

Sorry, I really dont understand what you need to accomplish, do you have more details than just that?

I recognize that these words probably look foreign to you, but dont worry, Ill do my very best at taking the mystery out of them.  Now, theres a lot to say about each of these 5 concepts, so for todays post Ill only be talked about item 1,variables!

To Java, theString22 is the sametypeof data as the String twenty-two, theyre both characters arranged in a specific way.

What the heck areString,IntegerandDouble?

This is a great tutorial to help you setup Java so it can run in windows.

I have two resources for you to check out, one is a blog post I created that explains this /exceptions-in-java/

I also have a walk-through of a real world example available when you sign up for my mailing list on

Specifying what kind of data that you are dealing with allows the programming language to use that data in interesting ways. Again, what I say specifying what kind of data, Im just referring to thetypeof data.

This concept is extremely powerful in programming and is used constantly.  It is what makes Facebook and Twitter work, its what makes paying your bills via your online bank work, its what allows you to place a bid on eBay.  Variables make the programming world go round.

Im completely humbled by your comment. Its one thing for me to think that Im a decent teacher, and its another to have other programming enthusiasts say that Im a decent teacher but its an entirely different thing (in my opinion) to have a former College professor tell me Im a natural.

I really cant help you there unless you give me some more information. Calculates the weekly class schedule means nothing to me unfortuantely.

If you were to have two variables, each defined asStringsand they stored the data 22 and 3 (respectively), what would happen if we added them together?

Okay, well, thats kind of cryptic.  To me, a variable is simply a way to store some sort of information for later use, and we can retrieve this information by referring to a word that will describe this information.

easy wayn can u explain me y we use try ;

Alright, so if youre read this far down the article, then youre clearly interested in learning how to code. You can currently get access to my 2 best courses on Java for free for 30 days (then its just $10/month afterwards, or $97/year).

I need your help ! ive got a java test in school with nested if on monday I am totally confused!

Happy to be of service Jerry, enjoy your learning and feel free to ask any questions here if you get stuck ?

But what happens if your variables are notIntegers, but areStrings?

Thats all thats happening with theStrings22 and 3 Java behaves differently because of thetypeof the variables.

A solid understanding of fundamentals and much practice will take you far in the long run.

could you pls help me doing a joption pane using a dialog box,,?its like doing year entry level

i Actually dont know how to proggram with nested if,when it is used and stuff.

AStringin Java is a different kind of data type and it behaves differently BECAUSE it is a different type of data.

Hi, Today was my first class about this crap! I was sleeping there but its really helpful and good information for me. I am going to read all info. here.

Thanks Elyot, I think a lot of the other readers here would agree with you, and theres plenty more available here! I hope you learn tons!

please send me what is the differnece between string and stringbuffer

I think what youre asking for is the way to setup a database server on your computer, if thats true then watch this 15 minute video I made about just that topic:

Just wanted to let you know what a great of a site you have.

this is de best tutorial ive ever read. Good job ?

i want learn java&other language pleas help me

Thanks for the comment, bit i need you to be a little more specific. I dont know what you want exactly.

i want the program on how to make connetion between java and database like sql or ms access with what are setting made before actual code is wriiten. i want small snap short pictures of those setting . can you give me small project like simple hotel management system , with different window , coding and picks of setting .

If u dont mine i want real time explnation on any project

I appreciate how you break things down using simple (human) language.

Youll have to re-phrase your question and be more specific, I dont understand what youre asking.

i am a newbie and is still taking java programming. We have to develop a game using java SE.. we are making a SPOT THE DIFFERENCE game.. just want to know more about the mouselistener and imageicon and the other tools we will be needing in developing this game.. and oh we only have about 3 weeks to finish it.. thanks in advance ?

Catch; and finally block in java..plez help me

I did write a post about Java UI where I reference some training materialshere

So I hope this information has been helpful to you, and I hope you realize what the benefits of learning a programming language are! The allure to learning a programming language is quite high in todays corporate world, as most companies are hiring programmers with the skills to create web applications. The programming profession is one that provides excellent pay and job stability, and in the end, isnt that what were all looking for?

im beginner to java programming language.. awesome tutorial.. thanks for sharing.. ?

If you have defined your variables to be of typeInteger, then adding 22 and 3 together will result in theInteger25. Makes perfect sense right? Of course, this is simple Math.

Typingin Java, allows the programming language to know with absolute certainty that the information being stored in a variable will be a certain way.  So like I said, if youre storing your age, you would use theIntegertype well thats because in Java, anIntegermeans you have a number that wont have any decimal places in it.  It will be a whole number, like 5, or 20, or 60, or -60, or 4000, or -16000.  All of those numbers would be considered anIntegerin Java.

I assume youre using Java AWT of Swing for the Graphical User Interface is that correct?

plz send me programs on concept of core java.

hi this is my first time to see or visite,, its nice to read coz i leard something about this topic but what i want is example.

For example, lets say you come to my website and the first thing I want to do, is ask you what your name is (so that I can greet you in a nice way the next time you visit my website).  I would put a little text box on the screen that asks you what your name is that text box would represent avariable!  Lets say I called that text box yourName, that would be thesymbolic name(or word) for your variable (as described from our wiki definition above).

want to be a good programmer,how can i learn java perfectly?

2. can u help me how to create web site.

Can you elaborate a little about what you mean by the scope of Java? Do you mean, where is Java used? If so, then Java is used in web applications, mobile phones (android and blackberry) as well as desktop applications.

So what would happen if you tried to store something that wasnt an Integer, into an Integer variable, say for instance the value $35.38?  Well, quite simply, you would get an error in the program and you would have to fix it!  $35.38 has a dollar sign ($) in it, as well as a decimal place with two digits of accuracy.  In Java, when you specify that a variable is of type Integer, you are simply not allowed to store anything except a whole number.

But again, Im not positive on what it is you need.

Youre in luck, Im actually writing a tutorial right now would you like to hop on Skype for a quick tutorial?

So now, when you type your name into the text box, that information would be stored in a variable called yourName.  I would then be able to come back and say Whatvaluedoes thevariableyourName contain?, and the program would tell me whatever it was your typed into that text box.

The first time I downloaded your podcast and listened to it, the first thing i did upon opening my ipod was to download all the remaining episodes and check your website as well. Keep it up Trevor! =)

I also just posted a quick tutorial on nestedifs, check it out here:


I also have a Podcast episode where I talk about exceptions, perhaps that is worth a listen as m/podcast-episode-13-exceptions/

i want some more information about java programming

I dont actually have much experience with Java UI, as I feel like its a bit of a wasted effort to learn, as modern Java applications these days are either Mobile Apps or Web Apps (which dont use Java UI technologies such as Swing/AWT)

The most important thing is to stay focused and not to get too frustrated. If you do ever get stuck, just leave a comment here and Ill be glad to help you out!

I have assignments + solutions available on this blog:

This might be confusing at first, but it makes more sense when we use less misleading data.

Now I dont want to go intotoo muchdetail abouttypes, as this is better suited to programming basic concept 3 Data Structures.  So thats all I will touch on for now, but no worries, it will all make sense in time!

Go ahead an click the button below to get started!

because we were having a project like that

Then by all means, keep going through the tutorials beyond this one ? Let me know if you need any help understanding any of these concepts, or if you want me to cover something that I havent yet talked about, please do let me know.

I share same feeling, good stuff with clean layout. Thanks for your sharing your knowledge dude. Along with basics of programming, its also important to know basics of OOPS likeAbstractionorPolymorphism; Which is I guess next step for any programmer.By the I have subscribed your blog now ?

hello Page pls can you put me through in using java to send message.i have tried but my code is not sending message.ur help is welcome


Your desire is to add two numbers together, lets say the number 22 and the number 3. Java will behave differently depending on the type of the variable thats storing this data.

can i ask for codings in netbeans for binary calculator

I was just away on vacation and didnt have time to write any new posts, but Im going to sit down today and get one out for you guys, keep your eyes open for it, or sign up for my mailing list where i let you know when a new post is up.

how can we run java program in program always occur error

To dive even deeper into the subject, you can watch this video Ive created on the topic of Variables:

When we refer to aStringin Java (and in many other programming languages) we are treating the data like its just a plain old sentence in the English language. A String just represents words (or more specifically letters) all placed in a certain order. Thats all the English language (or any language) is, a series of characters/letters placed in a certain order to give meaning to what youre writing down.

If you follow through all of my tutorials and download my podcast that would be a good start to understanding the core concepts of programming in Java. Make sure you download an IDE and install it to create your programs (that info is in part 5 of this series entitled tools).

zdravo potrebna mi je java runtime na mobitelu htc hd mini,zelim je skinuti kako bih mogao gledati filmove preko interneta,ali nikako da je skinem,pa mozete li mi pomoci ikako?

Glad you were able to stumble upon my site, feel free to spread the word to your classmates if you think theyd benefit from it too ?

So, lets get started with our first topic: The 5 basic concepts of any programming language.  You might say, Why are we talking about any programming language?  I thought this was about Java.  Well, Ive found that its important to remember that a lot of programming languages are very similar, and knowing whats common between all programming languages will help you transition into any other programming language if you need to!  For example, with the Java programming knowledge I had obtained, it took me less than a month to learn how to program in a language called Objective C (which is used for iPhone apps).  Thats powerful stuff!

I dont actually have any experience with installing the java runtime environment on a mobile device. The only mobile programming stuff I could point you to, is Android development resources. But as you didnt post in English, I can only guess at what your exact problem is. So, if you do have an android operating system on your phone, and youre looking to create an application to help you to watch movies on the internet, then Im sure you could create an application to do so on your phone using an Android app.

This article is very valuable to people coming in with no knowledge of programming.

Lets start with a simple example.


Hopefully your natural instinct is to say that the resulting String would be Hello World!

like adding of binary numbers, subtraction, multiplication and division.

hi im new here.. i hope this site could help me doing a java source code.

First off, Id like to say that Im writing these preliminary posts in a way that Ill assume you have very little knowledge in programming.  I want this content to provide anyone walking in off the street the knowledge to be able to write their first program with the Java programming language with as little pain as possible.

excellent site im really lucky man when i found this site everything is perfect

Hi, I took a Java class last year and Im about to take the 2nd level this year.

So now I ask you, what does it mean to add two sentences together? What does it mean to add twoStringstogether?

Trevor I just learned about this site listening to your interview with Pat Flynn. Im a former college professor (and really an ex programmer since I now mostly hire others to do it) who helps people commercialize technology. And mostly I just wanted to tell you that you are, indeed, a natural at teaching! Or maybe its just that I like using the same style starting with those things that apply across disciplines. You are an inspiration on how to set up a website for teaching. Well done!

i would wish that you sent me some your programes via my email

So, to sum up, we talked about what avariableis and how you canstore informationin a variable and thenretrieve that informationat some later point in time.  The variable can have aname, and this name you give to the variable is usuallynamed after the kind of content youll be storing in the variable, so if Im storing your name in the variable, youd name the variable yourName.  You wouldnt HAVE to give it that name, you could name the variable holyCrapImProgramming, but that wouldnt make a whole lot of sense considering you are trying to store a persons name.  Makes sense right?  Finally, variables havetypes, and these types are used to help us organize what can and cannot be stored in the variable.Hint: having atypewill help to open up what kind of things we can do with the information inside the variable.Example:  if you have two Integers (lets say 50 and 32), you would be able to subtract one variable from the other (i.e 50 32 = 18), pretty straight forward right?  But, if you had two variables that stored names (i.e. Trevor and Geoff) it wouldnt make sense to subtract one from the other (i.e.  Trevor Geoff), because that just doesnt mean anything!  So,types are also a powerful thing, and they help us to make sense ofwhat we CAN dowith our variables andwhat we CANNOT do!

So here are the5 basic concepts of any programming language:


Now what happens in your mind if I tell you to add those two words together?

I have to write a program which draw contour plot(level curves) for every f(x,y) = z but i do not know how to determine x and y to draw the curves?

and need to appears a freshmen,sophomore,junior,senior its like that code? i am very anxious to find out..

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I was the only one in my class who never had any experience with programming and felt so out of place and confused when the teacher would use computer science terms with us so loosely.

Lets dive into the power of assigning atypeto your data.

Next post:The 5 Basic Concepts of any Programming Language Concept 2

I can absolutely help you out, but I will need a little more information. What do you mean when you say that you want to send a message. Are you trying to send an email? Are you trying to just output a message onto the console?

Lets assume that in our twoStringvariables, we arent storing numbers, were storing words. So in variable 1 we store the String Hello, and in variable 2 we store the String World.

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