The best VPN 2024

The Best VPS 2024

The Best C# Book

2024 HostVDS VPS Review – Cheapest VPS

HostVDS VPS Review - Cheapest VPS

The purpose of this post about HostVDS VPS Review is to introduce a VPS service provider called HostVDS. Many webmasters, e-commerce independent webmasters, or users who are looking to build VPN servers like some cheap and high-performance VPS

How to parse HTML with C#

How to parse HTML with C#

In my working life, I sometimes write some code in C# to get some HTML content from the network and parse it through C#. So do you know How to parse HTML with C#?

2021 Best C# Books for Beginners

2021 Best C# Books for Beginners

Best C# books for beginners, If you are a beginner and want to learn C#, What book should buy to learn C#? C# is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on the .NET framework. C# is widely used for building mobile applications, games, and windows applications.

2021 Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers

Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers

2021 Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers, Enterprises are rapidly adopting cloud functions to meet user needs and improve the scalability and availability of applications. To fully embrace the cloud and optimize cost savings, it is necessary to consider the cloud environment when designing applications