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How to refactor cache code?

How to refactor cache code?

In this article, I will share with you my experience with how to refactor cache code, for a website, and improve performance’s best way is to make full use of the cache. For the back-end technology, in order to make the website have better throughput and carry more users, in addition to the reasonable allocation of server resources, caching has always been an eternal topic.

C# implements DES encryption algorithm

C# implements DES encryption

The DES encryption algorithm is a commonly used symmetric encryption algorithm, C# implements DES encryption algorithm, which allows the sender and the receiver to use the same key to encrypt and decrypt data.

What is the simplest C# code to copy directory?

What is the simplest C# code to copy directory?

What is the simplest C# code to copy directory? In the last post, I mentioned writing an automated tool software in today’s work. One of the functions is to copy directories. At the beginning, I used recursive code to copy directories and found that its work efficiency is very low. So it took some time to find the simplest and most efficient code.

C# runs cmd to output messages in real time

C# runs cmd to output messages in real time

How to let C# runs cmd to output messages in real time? Today, I use WinForm to write an automated tool software. I need to call cmd to run some batch scripts, and I need to output response messages in real time in another WinForm form. How to achieve it? This post answers that question with sample code.

Can Dapr replace Spring Cloud?

Can Dapr replace Spring Cloud?

Can Dapr replace Spring Cloud? with Dapr, we can manage the deployment of a cloud-native application without any impact on the application itself. Dapr uses the sidecar pattern to off-load deployment concerns from the application

How to develop single sign-on function?

How to develop single sign-on function

How to develop single sign-on function? SSO is a common function of our development system, but many developers do not understand the working principle of SSO very well.