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How to refactor cache code?

How to refactor cache code?

In this article, I will share with you my experience with how to refactor cache code, for a website, and improve performance’s best way is to make full use of the cache. For the back-end technology, in order to make the website have better throughput and carry more users, in addition to the reasonable allocation of server resources, caching has always been an eternal topic.

C# implements DES encryption algorithm

C# implements DES encryption

The DES encryption algorithm is a commonly used symmetric encryption algorithm, C# implements DES encryption algorithm, which allows the sender and the receiver to use the same key to encrypt and decrypt data.

What is the simplest C# code to copy directory?

What is the simplest C# code to copy directory?

What is the simplest C# code to copy directory? In the last post, I mentioned writing an automated tool software in today’s work. One of the functions is to copy directories. At the beginning, I used recursive code to copy directories and found that its work efficiency is very low. So it took some time to find the simplest and most efficient code.

C# Multi-threaded download file example

C# Multi-threaded download file example

C# Multi-threaded download file example, File download is a common requirement in software development. This article starts from the simplest download method step by step, tells the common problems in the file download process, and gives solutions.

How to use PGO to improve the performance of .NET programs

How to use PGO to improve the performance of .NET programs

How to use PGO to improve the performance of .NET programs, .NET 6 began to introduce PGO initially. PGO is Profile Guided Optimization, which guides JIT how to optimize code by collecting runtime information. Compared with the previous without PGO, it can do more optimizations that were difficult to complete before.

How ASP.NET Core reads Request.Body

How ASP.NET Core reads Request.Body

If you are a C# developer and apply core to your project, do you know how ASP.NET Core reads Request.Body? When we use ASP.NET Core to develop projects, we will definitely involve the scene of reading Request.Body, because most POST requests store data in the Http Body. The main thing I use in my daily development is ASP.NET Core, so I often encounter this kind of scene. This post is to share the reading problem of Request.Body.

2021 C# Exception Handling Best Practices

C# Exception Handling Best Practices

C# Exception Handling Best Practices, Regarding the basic grammar and function of exceptions, I won’t repeat them here. Let me record some thoughts about Exceptions in the project.

2021 Best JavaScript asynchronous programming guide

JavaScript asynchronous programming

Best JavaScript asynchronous programming guide, js is single-threaded, and the execution stack and rendering thread of js in the browser block each other. The biggest advantage of single-threaded mode is that it is safer and simpler.

Run async tasks application starts in ASP.NET Core

Run async tasks application starts in ASP.NET Core

How to run async tasks application starts in ASP.NET Core? This article is a short follow-up to two of my previous articles about running asynchronous tasks in ASP.NET Core. In this article, I will provide some feedback on the example I used to demonstrate the problem and the approach I took. Previous posts can be … Read more