Hi, you make an error when saying : i is equal to the square root of -1. i is defined as : i² = -1. The definition of square root doesnt allow negative numbers under the root, it breaks fundamental mathematics if you do so, it allows you to prove -1 = 1 when ignoring this definition. Thanks for the great video!
The imaginary number is actually a misnomer. It very much is a real number! It just doesnt fall anywhere on the number line for real numbers. It is its own branch, its own axis even! Imaginary came from the fact that the original mathematicians that were exploring this number didnt believe that it was a number at all due to it not being a number we can accurately point to on a number line. The reason, as I mentioned earlier, is because it resides on its own number line! Its pretty awesome! The mandelbrot set is a graph of imaginary to real numbers. You mentioned this a bit, but I figured Id elaborate! Its a beautiful mathematic formula!
Hey! I made a thing with your thing! ?
Dude, I just want to redo all your coding chalanges in C++. Coding is fun :).
9:42he said -2 and 2 but her wrote -2 and -2
float hue = 255-map(n , 0, maxiteration, 0, 255);
for (int x = 0; x width; x++)
pixels[index] = color(hue, 255, bright);
Ive never seen a person talking about complexe numbers with such dedication XD
for (int y = 0; y height; y++)
text(Y: + yoff,-160,150);
onProgrammier dein eigenes Spiel mit Snap! Einfach erklärt: Snap! Tutorial
I am really excited to try this in c++ with DX. I want to try not just zooming in the set but changing the set (formula). I would like to make a visual of a manderbrot formula evolve to a Julia formula. (rather than itterating and zooming in itterating the formula itself)
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// Controler : use arrow key and +- to zoom and move.
Thanks for the challenge, it was accepted!
If you think thats tough, stay away from some of the coding challenges on here
Square root of 2 an imaginary number??
Loom machine (visualization/simulation) with Berkeley Snap! a free programming tool for kids on web
onProgrammier dein eigenes Spiel mit Snap! Einfach erklärt: Snap! Tutorial
Hummingbird & Snap! Programming: Graphing a Sensor Value
float a = map(x, 0, width, -2*zoff+xoff, 2*zoff+xoff);
onProgrammier dein eigenes Spiel mit Snap! Einfach erklärt: Snap! Tutorial
text(FPS: + fps,-160,-150);
onProgrammier dein eigenes Spiel mit Snap! Einfach erklärt: Snap! Tutorial
text(X: + xoff,-160,130);
I have made that ! (Its in processing !!!!) Copy paste the code.
Lol I love the way you said oh I know how to do this Ive done this before10:45
theres a bug in you code on line 23. y should map from height
why abs(a+b) 16 works?
onProgrammier dein eigenes Spiel mit Snap! Einfach erklärt: Snap! Tutorial
I teach computer science in a school the beginning of this video where you explain the Mandelbrot set is making my brain hurt in a way that my own teaching must make my students brains hurt ? Its a fun meta-learning experience for me.
If there is glitch or bug in my code please tell me :).
Coding Challenge 21: Mandelbrot Set with p5.js
In this coding challenge, I program from scratch the Mandelbrot set with p5.js
Help us caption & translate this video!
QWIK-SENSOR programming with Snap-On TPMS3 tool
float b = map(y, 0, height, -2*zoff+yoff, 2*zoff+yoff);
I want to program this myself. This video is extremely helpful. THANK YOU ?
text(Z: + zoff,-160,110);
what is the command for run a program?
The square root if 1 totally exists