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DXC Codes A Global Challenge creating excitement about Computer Science

DXC Codes

What do I have to do?Teams will have until April 27, 2018 to develop and submit an online project. Entries will be evaluated by our panel of judges for creativity, originality, technical merit & accuracy and good programming practices. When does DXC Codes start?Registration for our 2018 challenge has now closed, we are in the … Read more

Coding Challenge for MI5

img src=puzzle2.png id=puzzle-image script * Pink (white) 232,3,138 Blue (black) 58,185,229 * window.addEventListener(load, function() var image = document.getElementById(puzzle-image), canvas = document.createElement(canvas), context = canvas.getContext(2d); canvas.width = image.width; canvas.height = image.height; context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height); Test 1 – rle (function() var rle = [], prev = null, count = 0; for (let y = 0; … Read more

Codes and

Share this particular page on a social media site Use CIHIsaccessibility request formto request CIHI documentation in an accessible format. ICD-11: The WHO is currently developing the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases. It is anticipated that ICD-11 will be released by the WHO in June 2018. See Canadas involvement. CIHI is an … Read more

Whiteboarding Algorithms Workshop – Wednesday Edition


If you want more community-oriented events and other cool stuff like this, please donate to Noisebridge:or ~~~~~~~~~~Websites That I Like To Use For Practice Questions:1) my favorite, has math problems2) my other favorite3)4)5)6) its ok, except that I dont like the variable names that they use. ~~~~~~~~~~Structure And Interpretation Of Computer Programs ~~~~~~~~~~My Personal Opinion … Read more

15 Questions You Would Ask a Prospective Job Applicant

Note: Depending on which text editor youre pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name. Expect top candidates to relate their strengths to the description of the open job. For example, if communication, supervisory and computer skills are necessary, candidates should tell you when they used such skills, and should … Read more

Coding challenge longest substring contained in two strings

Find the longest repeating character in a sorted string One caveat: No C, C, C++, Javascript or anyC-based programming language^], nor any VB-based language (VB, , VBScript). That cuts out most of the easy languages. Spread your wings! String containing substring problem This solution was built using theCoding Ground^] online IDE. Here is a link … Read more

Tag twitter coding challenge questions

Still, the organization is forging ahead with programming, he said. But that statement also made it clear that the nonprofits backers were concerned about Wests controversial comments of late. Kanye West has been off the board of Dondas House, nonprofit named after his mom, for more than a year Over the last few months, due … Read more

Krebs on Security

I would LOVE to be able to change my password on . BUT, every time Ive attempted to login, I end up at a page with nothing on it (other than the Twitter styling) except a link labelled Continue and pointing to ExxonMobil Bungles Rewards Card Debut Password storage is not the password transmission process. … Read more

Students Parents And Suicide Whats The Role Of The University?

Veena Velury,junior at San Jose State University and president of her schools Active Minds chapter, an organization that promotes student advocacy in mental health. Locke: The mental health providers have to balance the students expressed and actual needs with familys interest. Folks are not really talking about the fact that college is actually protective. The … Read more