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Check outthe 100DaysOfX Challenges Project. Changing your habits you are changing your life. Remember that the best time to start is always NOW.

Important: Encourage others who are doing the same challenge on Twitter or elsewhere – by giving them props when they are posting updates on their progress, supporting them when things get difficult. Thus we will grow a community that is helpful and effective, which will lead to a higher success rate for each person involved. Its also more likely that you will stick to your own commitment, given that you will get acquainted with a couple people (probably more 🙂 ) right away.

If you find a great, helpful resource that others would benefit from, either submit a Pull Request to add it to the repo, or just tweet at me (see info below)

Read the original article:Join the 100DaysOfCode

If you have any questions or ideas about 100DaysOfCode (or other ideas), feel free to reach out to me on Twitter:@ka11away

If you made the decision to commit to the challenge, Click here to tweet it to the world, making yourself accountable and taking your resolve to the next level!

. It might be – learning a framework, or starting a journey of learning to code, or improving your skill level with a particular technology or a programming language. Dont spend too much time planning, but having a plan like this will help you on your path.

If youve decided to join, here are the steps you need to go through:

Plan: Formulate what you want to work on during the challenge

Follow 100DaysOfCode Twitter Bot that retweets all the tweets that contain the 100DaysOfCode hashtag. Its a great way to keep yourself motivated and to participate in the community. Thanks @amanhimself for creating it!

If you are interested in changing other habits,check out the 100DaysOfX Project!

Steps to increase the likelihood of success

(Optional, but highly recommended) Forkthis Github repoand commit to the Log daily. Follow the instructions in the repo.

Welcome! Here you can learn the rules, get answers to your questions by reading the FAQ, and find out more about the community thats growing around the challenge.

I recommend that you commit to no more than 2-3 challenges at a time, ideally 2. If you are doing the 100DaysOfCode which involves a lot of mental activity, try the100DaysOfHealth, or100DaysOfFitnesschallenges. There is so much more on the site, check all of them out and choose the ones you want to acquire! Languages, writing, meditation, journaling, cooking, and more!

From today on, for the next 100 days, tweet your progress every day using the 100DaysOfCode hashtag.

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