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The article that takes several hours to read:

Bill Worthingtonresponded:I remember taking the test back in 1961 when the bank I worked for wanted to see what my aptitude was for programming their on-order IBM 1401. IBM had a version of the PAT which they let customers use. In 1964, I took the IBM version of the PAT before they offered me a job as a Systems Engineer. There were two versions. I guess I passed — both times and both versions.

Office: 555 California St. Suite 200; San Francisco 94104

Software always seems to get involved with computers.

However, with that bit if history, I am not aware of how to find the answer sheet for either of the PAT tests.

Phones: … Office & computer 415 972 6542

Paul Ford is worthwhile to interview (i.e. listen to).

Researcher Emeritus, Microsoft Research

Gordon Bell sent this along -Subject: Business Week Issue on Programming by Paul Ford… Really great essay about aka programs, programmers, and programming

Some people insist you need the stuff ;-))

professor of mathematics in State University of Ponta Grossa, wroteI took the test Programmer Aptitude Test online (20 minutes) (only the nonverbal part) and I would like to know if it is possible to get the answers of this test.

Wonderful story e.g. it answers various questions an exhibit might answer.

Lovely (strongly recommended) story of programs, programmers, and programming.

Hardly a single mention of things called computers, or Intel, MAC the virtual complement of CHM.

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