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30 Day Coding Challenge

Step 1.Join the Coding Challenge group with me for $100.[Challenge Now Closed]

Financial pressure =You paid money for this so you have to complete it.

Step 3.Start learning to code and see ya inside the group!

I chose PHP because its a super popular programming language that lets you build WordPress websites.  This is more than just web design.  In fact, by the end of this 30-day course, youll be able to use your skills youve learned to build your own WordPress theme which you could then sell.

Want to learn how to code? Me too. I keep putting off further personal development, which is why I came up with the idea of running a challenge with the Despreneur squad. This challenge will be a 30-day self-study coding challenge to learn PHP.

Clear goals =You have set times to go to college each day, which keeps you on track. With there being multiple tests you have to prepare yourself to achieve results. If you fall behind, you have a big cramming session before the test to get back on track.

Im lazy and have signed up for this in the past and gotten nowhere, I need some additional pressure to get me through this which is where you come in. In this way, we can keep each other on track. The challenge starts on 1st November and will run to the 30th November. It costs $100 to join the group + $25 for a Treehouse subscription per month. You can sign up at the bottom of this post.

This way the entire class can communicate together.

Youll have to pay me $100 to join the challenge. Plus youll also have to join Treehouse at $25/month. This will add $125 worth of financial pressure to you, to make sure youre actually getting it done.

On day 12 of the challenge if youre really behind, you know you cant just drop out and get your money back, so youll push yourself to finish with me and rest of the class.

By the end of the challenge, well try to make the whole spreadsheet fill with ✔✔✔✔✔✔ !

30 Day Coding Challenge to Learn PHP

Social Pressure + Financial Pressure + Clear Goals

This is why Im going to emulate these three factors within the 30-day coding challenge.

Yes, I understand all of this, and I still wanna join Elliott in learning PHP in the month of November 2016:

Learning stuff on your own is hard, so having financial pressure helps push me, and having social pressure pushes me too. So if I wuss out and dont stay up-to-date with the group, I simply lose my money and I deserve it because Im a lazy ass.

You can see the full curriculum here. It seems very doable if you were to dedicate 1 hour/day:

By paying $100 of my hard-earned money to Elliott, I am agreeing that I commit to learning to program PHP in a month.

We are also going to have a separate slack chat for us to discuss what weve been doing and learning, so we can all help each other to stay on track.

Ending: 30th November 2016 (Wednesday 11.59pm)

Ive gotten to the point where I have tonnes of ideas that I want to create and build, but currently I dont have the skills to do this but not for much longer. This is why I have enrolled in Treehouse and will be completing the PHP track. I invite you to join me and learn PHP in the month of November.

Starting: 1st November 2016 (Tuesday 8am)

You will be added to the shared Google Spreadsheet containing everyones completed modules, so we can all monitor each others progress. You will also be added to the group slack chat and this way we can chat to each other and even help each other out a little.

So in addition to this being a class and putting social pressure on you, now weve got:

When is there ever a good time to do something? The answer Never! You just have to accept this if you ever want to progress. Think back to college when you had to pull an all-nighter to just get your assignment in on time. If you join the challenge you will have support and encouragement from the group and the added pressure you need to get it done. What more could you hope for?

You have paid for the course AND you have paid me to be part of this challenge. Its up to you if you complete the challenge or not, but if you dont youll lose the money. Who wants to be wasting money these days? Not me.

Social pressure =Your friends, family and teachers expect you to complete this course. They keep track of your progress and follow up with you when youre slacking.

I have had my Treehouse subscription for years now and havent made much progress. This is why we need to do this together. I bet youll agree with me. You have bought and enrolled in multiple online courses but you fail to complete most of them. I bet you, if you actually went to college, this wouldnt be happening.

Social Pressure + Financial Pressure

Learn Web Design & Development Fundamentals, Take Our FREE 7 Day CourseI Want to Learn!

I didnt pick Treehouse because they approached me or any weird thing like that, I picked it because I have used this platform before and personally know how good it is.

Always wanted to build a dynamic website? Nows your chance to learn PHP with the help of the Despreneur Squad in only 30 days!

Step 2.Sign Up for a Treehouse subscription here(Its $25/per month but youll get a free 14-day trial).

So now weve got a pretty good cocktail of motivation going on:

Join me and take this 30-day PHP coding challenge from 1st November 30th November.

Ok, Im in. I want to learn PHP with everyone!

Youll have people able to login to your website, post stuff, and edit stuff.  Just from 30 days of coding!!

I also wanted a platform who assumes the student is a 100% complete newbie beginner and knows NOTHING about programming.

Were going to have a shared spreadsheet with everyones name on it. On the spreadsheet, we will mark which lessons we have actually completed. This will add to the social pressure as you will clearly see that you are falling behind.

The best way to get something done is to have super clear goals on what needs to get accomplished and exactly when it needs to be accomplished. This is a 30-day challenge that requires you to watch some videos and practice a little each day. Most lessons are between 15 minutes and 1 hour long.  You can also do a few of them in one day to catch up or get ahead.

Youll join me and other Despreneur students in completing the Treehouse PHP Development track in one month.

Once you learn to code, you can easily pick up another coding language.  So were moving ahead with PHP.

At a single glance you can tell where you are in comparison with the rest of class..this is will create great social pressure for you (and me) to keep up!

..but if you fall significantly behind itll be easy to see who isnt keeping up with the class.  This creates social pressure for you to keep up with everyone.

We will be learning the programming language PHP through a platform called treehouse.

Posted by Elliott Davidson on August 15, 2017 – Get free updates of new postshere

I know therere a million other programming languages we could learn together, but losers sit around and debate which language to learn for months..while winners pick one, jump in, and learn it in one month.

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