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6 Easiest Programming Languages to Learn for Beginners

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A January 5, 2016 article on Infoworld weighed in on theresurgence of Javaas the one language to rule them all.

Both C and C++ provide a pleasant intro to not just programming, but computer science in general. Even if you concentrate on other programming languages, the fundamentals provided by C/C++ are invaluable.

Where would you recommend that we learn the above programming languages?

If you are eager to pursue web development, JavaScript is an excellent starter. The syntax is similar to that of C, so learning JS sets you up to continue with your programming education. Further, for beginners, JavaScript is more relenting and dynamically-typed (untyped). Because of its wide applicability, JS is a solid starter language. Further, it serves as a gateway to more complicated programming languages like C++.

However, learning to program is about finding theright languagejust as much as its about the edification process. Here are the top six easiest programming languages for beginners.

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for those serious about starting a career in web dev)

C can be used for web development as well so unsure as why that wasnt under the uses for it

C++, unlike C, offers OOP elements including classes. If youre interested in game development C++ can be a good starter languages as its oft-used in game and game engine development in addition to web, mobile, and desktop apps.

Swift, Julia and even Rust are much more newbie friendly, imho.

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Ive seen some incredible things done in emacs with elisp, like games (Battleship, NetHack, Othello), form-generation, as well as more mundane things like bulk file processing.

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A good place to get started is with the command-line text editor emacs. It is free, and (I believe) pre-installed on most Linuxes and Mac OS. (AS with so many things, Windows users will have to go find and install it.) It is scripted in a Lisp variant called elisp.

F, Go and Elm make more sense on this list?

Java Shutterstock

Lisp is fun and fairly simple, because (unlike JavaScript) it uses a few concepts, rigorously applied.

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Learning of languages are all about the syntaxes and usability. We can learn any language by a systematic study starting from alphabets then words and so on… It applies to any language not only computer language.

Image Credit: kikujungboy via

Additionally, its an open-source language which means its free to get started and theres a dedicated community. Need even more motivation? Joel Lee breaks downwhy Python is pretty useful5 Reasons Why Python Programming Is Not Useless5 Reasons Why Python Programming Is Not UselessPython — You either love it or you hate it. You might even swing from one end to the other like a pendulum. Regardless, Python is a language thats hard to be ambivalent about.Read More.

Learning to program may seem like a daunting task. Luckily, its not nearly as difficult as it seems. With a bevy of resources available both on and offline, dedicated communities, and experts to follow on social media, learningprogramming is much simpler than it used to be. Evenkids can get started programming10 Tools To Get Kids Excited About Programming10 Tools To Get Kids Excited About ProgrammingFor the average kid, computers and smartphones are fun tools. Education comes much later. Getting a kid excited about programming might take some doing because logic needs a bit of time to develop. It is…

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Look C/C++/Java are not easy they belong to a family of power languages, also C/C++ are not your everyday languages they are system programming languages. To even think recommending them before something like Ruby or Python is a disaster for new beginners, its like handing a bunch of kids nuclear launch controls to state of the art ICMB missiles. Java is more mellow in that its a forgiving C++ and doesnt force the user to learn about manual memory or pointers or even the stack. But it is by far not a simple first language to learn if you have never touched programming at all. Java has archaic syntax purposely designed to ensure safety, where as C/C++ dont hold your hand in what is written making it far more likely to create bugs and spend hours debugging.

Yet some such as Matthew Mombrea argue thatJavaScript is in fact a poor starter. Mombrea argues that JS is a bad example of object-oriented programming, and moreover that its already really well known. Furthermore, while JS is untyped, which may lead to greater efficiency while programming, errors wont be revealed until runtime. Thus, he claims, JavaScript is not the starting place if you want to make a career out of software development. But as an intro to the world of programming, its a solid choice. JS requires only a notepad app and a bit of research. Its also instantly gratifying being cross-platform compatible.

However, Visual Studio does have auto-complete, and aspects like auto-generated project files, C may be more complex. Unlike in languages such as C and Ruby, there are multiple compliers and interpreters. But the easy to use IDE along with wide-ranging use make C a good pick for beginner programmers.

There is no reason to promote the stone age.

Notably absent from this list is HTML. Why, you might ask, considering that HTML is super easy to learn and often taught even at a middle school level? In fact, HTML was the first language I learned, and within a matter of hours I progressed from novice to moderately competent. HTML is, as many of you might know, a markup language,nota programming language. So unfortunately, it doesnt quite fit the criteria.

Says the writer who says C,C++ and Java are Easy. He clearly knows what he is talking about since he is talking about IDEs and go-to-definition

C and C++ are great introductory programming languages. Used for software development, C and C++ syntax have impacted many other languages. Therefore, learning C++/C lends a logical jump to the likes of Java, or more complicated languages. Plus, you can get going in C and C++ right nowwith these websites3 Websites To Get Started With Learning C++ Programming Language3 Websites To Get Started With Learning C++ Programming LanguageLearning to program can be difficult for many, even with relatively easy programming languages. While Java is easier to get started with (where we have numerous articles here at MakeUseOf for Java as well as…Read More.

Python is a great, easy programming language for beginners. Used in both web and desktop apps, Python offers many potential projects. The dynamic language supports OOP, procedural, and functional programming.

By buying the products we recommend, you help keep the lights on at MakeUseOf.Read more.

Nevertheless, its not a bad intro to languages, and is HTML widely applicable. Therefore, HTML earns an honorable mention as an easylanguage(not programming language) for beginners. HTML still reinforces the concepts of programming and is widely used and accessible in web development. From there, you can learn CSS (again, like HTML, not a true programming language), and eventually move on to full-fledged programming languages like JavaScript.

You can also check coursera or udemy for free/paid tutorials. MUO also has tons of tutorial bundles.

Yet Python is a bit complicated as entry-level programming is concerned. For instance, maintaining a set naming convention and indention are important details. But considering its flexibility and the vast community, Python is an easy programming language for beginners.

Moe Long is a writer and editor covering everything from tech to entertainment. He earned an English B.A. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he was a Robertson Scholar. In addition to MUO, he has been featured in htpcBeginner, Bubbleblabber, The Penny Hoarder, Toms IT Pro,

C is an awesome choice for beginners. Theres a pretty simple startup time: merely download Visual Studio Express for a comprehensive install of all necessary elements such as SQL Express. C may be used for a variety of purposes, from web development to console applications. Syntax is based on C, so like C++ and C, it offers a stellar computer science foundation.

Im a programmer of the 70s and have used various languages over the decades and while not widely used anymore, the easiest to learn by far yet most powerful language to use was FORTRAN (77) and for pure business apps it was definitely COBOL. If you could find similar, non symbolic syntax languages (I havent) they might be just as good. Those languages you actually had to code every sentence so you actually understood what your software was doing, not like today where its all graphical input based and you choose routine function modules. You had to write the routines in those days from scratch. Yeah its easier today to write an app, but its not easier to actually code it (if you could do it). Takes a certain type of logical aptitude to program in any case no matter what the language.

C++ though may be initially challenging for first-timers. If youre able to overcome this difficulty, the rewards are plentiful.

My first programming experiences were on BASIC and Pascal in the 80s.

What makes a programming language easy to learn for beginners varies. Some languages boast an intuitive syntax. While a language may be theoretically challenging, aspects such as a dedicated community can offset that difficulty. Therefore a slightly harder programming language may ultimately be easy for a beginner programmer owing to vast resources and expert knowledge.

The reason: its perfect for beginners. Further, asOne Month pointsout, there are many startups hiring Ruby on Rails developers, so even with entry-level experience you can likely land a gig.

Javascript for Beginners

Is Lisp considered a good programming language for beginners? A few people I know use Lisp to one degree or another….

Dont confuse JavaScript with Java. Whereas JavaScript is mainly a front-end development scripting language, Java is a programming language.JS is incredibly prevalentWhat is JavaScript, And Can the Internet Exist Without It?What is JavaScript, And Can the Internet Exist Without It?JavaScript is one of those things many take for granted. Everybody uses it.Read Moresince it is cross-platform. As JS runs natively in your browser, you dont even need a compiler. You simply need a notepad app or Sublime Text.

This highly depends on your learning style. However, I found that the websites below are the best for beginners (mostly web dev):

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However Java forces programmers to think like, well, a programmer. You must considerhowcomputers process information. By fostering a solid foundation of analytical programming knowledge, Java remains a fantastic, albeit slightly harder, programming language for beginners. Additionally, with a dedicated community and due to its lengthy tenure, its likely that your Java questions have already been answered.

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Very high amounts of StackOverflow answers and jobs do NOT solve fundamental issues in languages, they camouflage them.

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Today Im a software engineer, working from home in the Colorado mountains and lovin it!. While the company I currently work for has their own proprietary language, I still make use of JAVA, JavaScript, Ruby, JQuery, PLI and SQL as well as HTML & CSS (not true languages, I know, but valuable to know none-the-less)

A problem with this article, like others before it, is born out with your observation, and Im taking time to comment nearly a year late because its worth mentioning: Visual Basic is (or was) good for beginners who have no intention of learning other languages, and prioritize getting paid over being a skillful programmer. Actually Id argue something similar about Java. You could learn Java with old books and videos without spending a dime for a new textbook, and then spend the rest of your professional life without writing a line of code in anything else. At one point the same was true of C and/or C++, but that was a while back. Easy- if you dont want to learn a lot. LISP isnt good for beginners at all, but to be a well-rounded programmer, one should be exposed to it (or perhaps Scheme). Also, it seems like the on Rails aspect of learning Ruby is introduced purely to have a con to list. Just present Ruby, or dont.

Not one of those languages will be easy for a non programmer to begin their exposure to programming

Shortly after graduating high school back in 1977, I became intrigued in computers to whit I took out a personal loan and dropped down $1,100 ($ 3,400 in todays dollars) to buy my own PC (Radio Shack TRS 80 Model 3)which came with no hard drive – only 5 1/4 floppies and a whopping 4k of RAM. programming classes were relatively nowhere to be found at the time so it was a matter of buying the books and teaching myself to program using BASIC and MS-DOS programming languages. Man that was fun.

Oracles Java remains one of the oldest programming languages. Java is fundamental to both web and desktop apps, operating systems, and more. This object-oriented, class-based programming language is widely utilized and moreover its one of the most popular languages.

Funny and useless article. You might as well have added assembly.

An option to consider for learning programming for a reasonable cost might be Pluralsight.

yeah how in the world is C++ slightly harder than C?

Ruby on Rails is easy to read, a huge plus for anyone sans-programming experience. A dynamic, object-oriented scripting language, Ruby is heavily used in web development. Websites including Groupon and GitHub employ Ruby code on their backend.

I would say Groovy instead of Java, has the same power but simples syntax.

learn c intro

Definitely JavaScript is the best one. I dont recomend another languages. For totally newbie guys, which dont know anything about programming, JavaScript is the best option. It lets you simply use variables unlike C, C++, Java other languages, it gives you weak typing, and you dont need to put ; after every instruction (except writing code in one line). It also dont crash, if you do something stupid (you rather see undefined). in ifs you can compare everything, JavaScript automatically does type conversion for you. For totally newbie programming beginners on beginner level this information is not necessary to know. JavaScript is the best, because it lerns how to use for, while, do…while, if, else, function, passing parameters to function and it gives you a little introduction to OOP. OOP in JavaScript is not well example, but it explain what is that. You can learn all programming methods, technics, constructions from JavaScript. Those are used in other programming languages wich are harder to learn. I started learning HTML (my first language), next JavaScript, and thank JavaScript I had well placed knowledge about programming constructions. After that, learning C++ or C or Java was simplier for me.

So, C++ and Java are considered languages for beginners, but not VisualBasic. Interesting.

Just not languages which are full of confusing and dangerous parts.

If you think everything is graphical then youre pretty well out of touch and Id hazard a guess that you havent touched programming since back in the 70s either.

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Which programming languages do you think are easiest for beginners? Share your thoughts below, and let us know what your first language was or will be. Happy programming!

Learning Ruby is a little easier since you dont need to learn loads of commands. Since Ruby on Rails is aframework, its essentially a collection of Ruby shortcuts. Take a look at mostprogramming bootcampsCoding Boot Camp for Beginners: Should You Take One?Coding Boot Camp for Beginners: Should You Take One?Comprehensive coding boot camps provide an entry into the coding space. Find out what they are, what youll learn, and if its the right fit for your programming journey!Read More, and its likely that many of them teach Ruby on Rails.

I say this as an experienced beginner.

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But in spite of its immense use and popularity, Java is slightly more challenging when juxtaposed with entry-level languages. Java derives much of its syntax from the likes of C and C++, so many programming schools and bootcamps start with C/C++ before moving to Java. Searching for some Java app examples? Trythese five sitesTop 5 Websites for Java Application ExamplesTop 5 Websites for Java Application ExamplesRead More.

I started with QBASIC and Amiga BASIC growing up, and used Visual Basic in Computer Programming at school. But that was many years ago. I tried learning C++, but the book I had was out of date by the time I got to use it, but online courses would probably be easier anyway.

There are sane languages with enough tutorials, big community and job offers.

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