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The Best C# Book


1 Java C++Objective C Python

Learn how to create Intents that apps outside your control can respond to

Learn how to persist data between orientation and other changes

Learn the difference between Explicit and Implicit Intents

Android Android

Android Android

Learn about threading and how to make requests without slowing down your app

Consume data from an already existing ContentProvider

Android Android Android

Consider when to omit or add a preference

Allow users to customize some aspects of your app

Java Java

Learn how to create and run a simple Android app


Understand the phases of the Android application lifecycle

10 Android Android

Learn how to navigate inside your apps using intents

Make queries to and modify that database in your app

Connect to the Internet and communicate with web APIs


Learn how Content Providers provide an interface to share data

Learn about the components that convert a list of data into visual UI elements

(Udacity) ICP160887 1682301 © 20152018

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