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App Academy – Coding Challenge 2

So with a heavy, nay sinking heart, I submitted my answers to 3 of the problems, wrote off my chances of interviewing with app academy and drowned my sorrow in icecream, while watching the red wedding in Game of Thrones. Who can recover from this situation? I DID. Only after an email from App Academy inviting me to interview with them though. Woot.

There were some interesting problems in this set that made me rake my brain for high school math (which is long forgotten!). Also, recursion reared its ugly head inone of the problemsthat had me stumped for a bit. I was struggling with the problem for a bit & when I realized I could solve it with recursion, using a SINGLE line of code, this is how I felt:

RT @andrewchen: 1/ DAU/MAU has been a popular metric bc of Facebook, which popularized the metric. Theirs was always 50%. I found

How conveniently I had forgotten all about recursion and how it came back to bite me! 😛

I interview this Monday & Im so excited about it. Im happy to have made it this far & I hope I get the chance to be part of their SF class this summer. More *fingers crossed*.

Omg. It took me at least 40 hours to finishall the exercises and practice problemsin this set.Towers of Hanoi(with user input, FML), my arch nemesis returned and wrecked havoc on my confidence. Why does every programing language make it a point to include Hanoi as a practice problem? I just dont get it. But it was easier to solve in Ruby than in C++, thats for sure!

RT @carolineframke: In which Ali Wong writes a perfect punchline for one of the oldest joke setups in the world

When the time came for the coding challenge though, I was a bit disappointed with myself. I was able to solve only 3 of the 4 problems in the challenge. I had time to solve the final question, but I just couldnt understand what they were asking me to do. How can I solve a problem that I cant understand in the first place? (nice segue to you need to truly understand customer requirements in order to translate them into the exact product they want! Which didnt really happen in this case!).

RT @fox: Funny how working in a diverse team, with people who are kind, supportive and appreciative gives your productivity

I did put in a lot of work for this coding challenge too. And I learned SO much. My biggest take-away from this though was the usage ofpryanddebuggerto debug my code. Im not a visual debugger (who is?), I always use well placed output to terminal statements to check how each of my variables is faring through my program. And I can write very very buggy code the first time I try to solve a problem (hey, dont judge me, Im still learning!). So I really loved pry & debugger because of how easy they made this for me.

app academyrubycodingcoding challenge

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