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Basic HTML Web Page

title favorites / bookmark title goes here /title

Lets start with a tag for a horizontal line = hr

Now lets put in an image (that is in the same folder as this file so we dont have to put the full path / URL

Thats really all you need for a web page e.g :

title favorites / bookmark title goes here /title


headtitle… favorites title …/title/head

After playing with the tags in the first example, here a few more to practice with:

font color=brown tag with a closing = /font

This is my second web page with a few more HTML tags.

Now that you know the basic structure of a web page all you need to do is start learning HTML tags (and their attributes) to use in the body ……… /body sections.

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Save the file as ASCII (text) file with the name index.html

Here are some basic HTML tags that show how a web page is created. For a fast start, just copy n paste this code into a text editor – save as index.html. Then read the practice tips on this page.

This is my first web page and I can say anything I want in here – I do that by putting text or images in the body section – where Im typing right now 🙂

Now Practice Practice Practice before you upload / publish your web page. In other words, it is better to practice and finalize your web page on your local computer. To do this with MSIE browser:

Save the new index.html i.e. just use save to overwrite the old index.html.

Just put in a title (favorite bookmark)

Open up a text editor (such as WordPad / notepad) and load the index.html file. Make changes to the file such as adding more text or use the

Summary: By saving the index.html file – then opening it in MSIE browser – then switching back to the text editor – making changes to the info between the body tags – saving the changes – restore the MSIE view – use refresh. Using this back n forth procedure you can design – finalize the web page – all on the local computer. Then when its finished just upload it to your web host.

Open MSIE browser (either work offline or online)

h1 My first page /h1

Most HTML tags require an opening and closing

From MSIE, use file open and browse to the location of the index.html – then open – ok

Now restore (bring back up) the MSIE browser window and click on refresh. The new reworked web page will now appear.

To create a simple web page, the first step is to learn a few HTML tags. And copy n paste, the HTML tags into a file using a text editor (such as WordPad or notepad). Then save the file as an ASCII (DOS text) file with the name index.html. BTW: index.html is the default name for the homepage on most web host.

Now that the web page is open on your screen, just minimize it so you can edit / make changes.

Then upload the index.html file to the public_html ( directory


Locate your index.html file on the hard drive (i.e. know the path)


body bgcolor=white text=blue

For an alternate start, some preferA Basic HTML Generator (HTML editor)- or more advanced users may prefer the newerCSS Template Generatoror the complete PHP (includes)Template Tutorial- followed by a complete php / css / html combinationTemplate Code Maker.

A web page requires an opening and closing HTML tag i.e. html .. web page here.. /html

This page is a very simple basic webpage tutorial to show how a web page works i.e. how to create a first basic simple HTML page.

Add some text or images in the body section

The top section of the web page requires a head section i.e. head … /head

After closing the head, the next section is the body In other words the body is inside the html and /html but its below the head … /head section.

h2 second page – smaller heading e.g. h2 /h2

Inside the head you can place a title (which will be the name you see when you add the site to your favorites / bookmarks) i.e. head title ..text for favorites../title/head

This page shows how to practice / make changes on your local computer. After the index.html file has been created, it can be uploaded to the host server with FTP software (Such as:WS-FTP LE Tutorial.)

body bgcolor=white text=blue

This example only added two new tags but it shows how to improve you page as you learn new HTML tags. Also keep in mind that a lot of HTML tags have more attributes. For example, the hr tag in this example could be changed to hr width=80% size=4

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