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2021 Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers

2021 Best cloud native Learning Resources for .NET Developers, Enterprises are rapidly adopting cloud functions to meet user needs and improve the scalability and availability of applications. To fully embrace the cloud and optimize cost savings, it is necessary to consider the cloud environment when designing applications, that is, to use cloud-native application development methods. This means not only changing the way applications are built, but also changing development practices in the organization to adopt this cloud-native architectural style.

Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers
Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers

Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers

The .NET team wrote an article, which brings together a series of free resources to help you speed up the development process of cloud native applications, see: -for-net-developers/. There will also be a two-hour live course on March 26: Let’s learn .NET: Microservices.

Microsoft Learns

There are 76 .NET related content in Learns: , one of which is .NET Microservices: .com/en-us/users/dotnet/collections/8mq4i2mzgjwn10   , this series of modules help you learn to build .NET microservices and cloud native technologies, such as Docker, Container Registry, Kubernetes, Helm, etc.

Free e-books

Dapr for .NET developer e-book

Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers
Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers

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Dapr guide for .NET developers to understand and utilize the full functionality of Microsoft’s open source distributed application runtime. Dapr can help you solve the challenges of building microservices.

Cloud native e-book

Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers
Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers

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This guide defines cloud-native application development, introduces sample applications built using cloud-native principles, and covers topics common to most cloud-native applications. The readers of this guide are mainly decision makers, developers, development supervisors, and architects who are interested in learning how to build applications designed for the Azure cloud.

Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers
Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers

.NET Microservices eBook

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We have written this guide for developers and solution architects who are not familiar with Docker-based application development and microservice-based architecture. Technical decision makers (such as enterprise architects) will also find this guide useful for deciding which method to choose for new and modern distributed applications. This book covers patterns such as Domain Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), database of each service, API composition, etc.

Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers
Best Cloud Native Learning Resources for .NET Developers

Serverless application e-book

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This guide focuses on cloud native development using serverless applications. The book focuses on the benefits of developing serverless applications, reveals its potential drawbacks, and provides an overview of serverless architecture.

devops book cover large we

DevOps: Docker application life cycle e-book

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This guide provides a high-level introduction to Azure DevOps for implementing CI/CD pipelines, covering Azure Container Registry (ACR) and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for deployment

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