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C Corner

We can explain this entire mechanism using the following:

The client then submits data to the server

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The client again renders it back for the users view

(Some other languages also can be used on the basis of the modeling/designing /graphics/animations and for extra functionalities.)

It is the general name for the kind of program that runs directly on the server.

Web development is all about communication and data exchange. This communication takes place via two parties over the HTTP protocol.

The server processes the data and replies back with a related search result

titleClient Side/title

(Into a viewable/under a stable website)

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A client is a party that requests pages from the server and displays them to the end user. In general a client program is a web browser.

Or we can say that client-side programming mostly deals with the user interface with which the user interacts in the web. It is mostly a browser, in the users machine, that runs the code and is mainly done in any scripting language like JavaScript (or we can use Flash instead of JavaScript or VNScript).

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Client-side vs Server-side Programming Languages

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The user gets access to the requested link.

Server-side programming can be explained as:

There are several languages that can be used for server-side programming:

System.Console.WriteLine(Hello C Corner);

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There are many client-side scripting languages too.

Similarly to server-side programming, client-side programming is also the name of the entire program that runs on the client.

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The client then receives the page source and renders it.

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Or we can say that server-side programming must deal with dynamic content. It runs on the server. Most web pages are not static since they deal with searching databases.

The Server is responsible for serving the web pages depending on the client/end user requirement. It can be either static or dynamic.

The client forwards this request to the server, for accessing their web page.The server then acknowledges the request and replies back to the client program.

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