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Can the second coding challenge live coding challenge for App Academy be completed in JavaScript?

Can a complete novice at coding start on the JavaScript path of coding school?

How do I know when Im ready for App Academys initial coding challenge?

Is it wrong to follow up after completing a coding challenge?

When coding in C, is it necessary to use pointers for coding challenges?

What should I learn from JavaScript to be able to do coding challenges?

Is Code Academy a good website to learn to code?

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Can a complete novice at coding start on the JavaScript path of coding school?

What sites have coding challenges for C?

Can the second coding challenge & live coding challenge for App Academy be completed in JavaScript?

App Academy: What is the second coding exercise done during the interview like?

What is the best javascript coding school?

What sites have coding challenges for C?

Is JavaScript the best for algorithmic coding?

Is TopCoder the best for coding challenges?

How do I know when Im ready for App Academys initial coding challenge?

How much weight does App Academy give completion of the coding challenges during the admissions process?

How can JavaScript code be delayed for five seconds?

From my experience (circa mid-2014), I completed the first two live coding challenges in Python, since I was more comfortable in Python than in Ruby.

What should I learn from JavaScript to be able to do coding challenges?

Is TopCoder the best for coding challenges?

How much weight does App Academy give completion of the coding challenges during the admissions process?

Is it wrong to follow up after completing a coding challenge?

App Academy: What is the second coding exercise done during the interview like?

When coding in C, is it necessary to use pointers for coding challenges?

Ask ahead of time, but I think you can safely choose to code in JS without penalty, since you will definitely be using JS at App Academy.

Is pseudocode acceptable for a coding challenge, in lieu of actual code?

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