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X-Women are 4 girls from Bangalore India. cAppable connects users with disabilities to NGOs and corporations for employment and career opportunities.

Upon receipt of your request, we will respond with a license fee for the screening.

In 2014 Chilcott directed the feature documentary, A SMALL SECTION OF THE WORLD, about a village of women coffee producers from the Talamanca mountains of Costa Rica which played at the State Department of the UN in Geneva. The film also had and theatrical run and aired in 40 countries through Sundance International. Her short film CODESTARS garnered over 20 million views online and was the number one video on for two days.

You want to screen the film at your high school, college, academy, etc.

Join high school-aged girls from around the world as they try to better their community through technology and collaboration in this thrilling, heartfelt documentary.

CODEGIRL is about girls working together, and that message is most powerful when people watch it together. If you would like to organize a screening, well need some basic info: where you are, what organization (if any) you represent, how many people will be attending, when/where you plan to screen it, and if you require a digital or hard copy of the film.

Team WoCo are 4 girls from all over the world, who met at their boarding school in Andover, MA. Praise Pop is a social media App that eliminates isolation at schools and connects users with positive messaging, complements and invites to campus events.Watch their pitch video

You want to screen the film in a public setting perhaps at a meeting of your non-profit organization, or a museum, or at your place of business or worship.

Girls do not need to have programming experience to participate, and Technovation is free for any girl who wants to participate.

Team Health in a Drop are 5 girls from Stefanesti, Moldiva, and the winners of the 2014 Technovation challenge. Their App guides users to swells with zafe drinking water. 65% of the students in their school have Hepatitis A as a result of drinking unsafe water from local wells. The girls test the wells for safe water, and the App informs users which wells are safe, and which are not.

By 2017, the app market will be valued at $77 Billion. Over 80% of all these developers are male. The Technovation Challenge aims to change that by empowering girls worldwide to develop apps for an international competition. From rural Moldova to urban Brazil to suburban Massachusetts, CODE_GIRL follows teams from around the world who dream of holding their own in the worlds fastest-growing industry. The winning team gets $10K to complete development and release their app on the market, but every team discovers something valuable along the way.

By 2017, the app market will be valued at $77 Billion. Over 80% of these developers are male. The Technovation Challenge aims to change that by empowering girls worldwide to develop apps for an international competition. From rural Moldova to urban Brazil to suburban Massachusetts, CODEGIRL follows teams who dream of holding their own in the worlds fastest-growing industry. The winning team gets $10K to complete and release their app, but every girl discovers something valuable along the way.

Team USG are 5 girls from Drochia, Moldova. Helply links users to volunteer opportunities. The girls from Team USG want to get teens involved in making their community a better place through volunteerism

Every year, Technovation challenges girls all over the world to build a mobile app that will address a community problem. Since 2010, nearly 5,000 girls from 60 countries have submitted to Technovation, thanks to dedicated volunteers around the world.

Team iFrench are four girls from San Francisco, CA. iSwap allows users to rent everyday items in their community, such as a lawnmower or tent. Users can set the meeting place, price and exchange items all on their own, while saving the expense of purchasing something that they truly only need to use once.

Tech Voca is a group of 5 girls from Guadalajara Mexico. They created their App, Violentometro to help young women realize if they are being exposed to violence in their homes or relationships. The App takes the users through a series of questions, which then informs them of the percentage of violence in their life.

Portmund are five girls from Recife Brazil. Brazil currently suffers from a severe drought, and the girls from Team Portmund often do not have water at their homes Theyve created an animated game that teaches children ages 5-12, about water conservation and efficient use of power.

Chilcott got her start in film and production with MTV Networks. Before she made documentaries, she produced and directed hundreds of TV commercials. She was a producer of the 2007 Academy Award-winning documentary, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH and also produced the amazing rock documentary IT MIGHT GET LOUD (2009) about legendary guitarists The Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White. Other notable Chilcott-produced films include A MOTHERS PROMISE, the Barack Obama biographic film for the Democratic National Convention in 2008, and WAITING FOR SUPERMAN (2010), for which she received an award for Outstanding Producer of Theatrical Documentary from the PGA.

Puppy Sized Elephants are two girls from Cupertino, CA. Many individuals struggle with basic counting and money management. MyCashCount helps users to find the exact amount of money from their wallets while making a transaction.

AMEKA is a group of 5 girls from Winchester, MA, who have developed an App to ensure that teens do not drive when impaired. Twenty-four hours without sleep is the equivalent of consuming 4 beers. The App takes the user through a series of 5 questions to test balance, reaction time and attention to determine if the user is capable to drive safely.

Join high school-aged girls from around the world as they try to better their community through technology and collaboration in this thrilling, heartfelt documentary. By 2017, the app market will be valued at $77 Billion. Over 80% of these developers are male. The Technovation Challenge aims to change that by empowering girls worldwide to develop apps for an international competition. From rural Moldova to urban Brazil to suburban Massachusetts, CODEGIRL follows teams who dream of holding their own in the worlds fastest-growing industry. The winning team gets $10K to complete and release their app, but every girl discovers something valuable along the way.

Lesley Chilcott is an award winning filmmaker, documentarian, and producer. She is the Chair of the West Coast Producers Guild of America (PGA) Non-Fiction documentary committee, and hosts popular PGA screening series The Doc Club.

Coding is for everyone: we made CODEGIRL because we wanted to inspire you to code, whether youre a girl or a boy. Just answer the three quick questions below and youll be on your way to a FREE coding lesson at Codecademy or !

Our hope is for this film to inspire girls everywhere to pursue a career in programming, empowering them with the knowledge that girls just like them from all over the globe are learning to code and developing applications that improve the world in which they live. Read below to learn how to request a screening in your community and see the different types of screenings available to you.

Team Charis are 5 girls from Calabar, Nigeria. In their home state of Cross River, waste is disposed of improperly causing illness such as Malaria and Typhoid. The Government does not have a system for home to home waste removal, and Team Charis developed an App to allow users to request carts to remove of waste safely.

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