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Coding in the Classroom 16 Top Resources

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Can you make coding fun for your students? Absolutely! These resources point you toward games and other interest-arousing activities that take coding from dull to dynamic. Many of these tools are free or low-cost, putting coding within reach of classrooms on any budget.

Dr. Who is funny and brilliant and he can teach kids how to code. Sort of. This article from discusses aDr. Who-themed gameand its role in the code literacy movement. The article points out that getting children inspired is vital in helping them to see the value of coding.

Teaching Kids Programming (TKP) provides free open-source software that aims to getchildren into the world of computer science.

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What does thefuture of programminghold? offers 12 predictions that may interest high school students who want to pursue a career in computer science.

By now, saying that the iPad is a great tool for customizing the classroom wouldnt exactly be breaking news. But while this holds true for every student, each of…

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Coding in the Classroom: 16 Top Resources

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Inc. provides a list of nine places where people canlearn how to code for free. The resources on the list are not particularly dressed up to be fun or colorful in fact, adults are their target demographic so they will work better for middle-school and higher-school students than for younger learners.

The nationwide implementation of school choice would require a significant overhaul of the nations education landscape. The impacts, both positive and negative, are expected to be dramatic.

Games are one of the best ways to foster a love for coding in kids, and this list of12 games that teach kids how to codeprovides what you need to start the fun. The list includes games that are appropriate for various age groups. Some of the games are suitable for children as young as four years old.

For those raised in the information age, life without the internet is no life at all. It is often a primary focus of a teens day (75% of teens…

As cool as technology is, its intricacies and inner workings are sometimes intimidating, especially for young people who may be more interested in what technology can do for them rather than what they can do with technology. However, when students hurdle that obstacle and see the value of computer science specifically coding they gain a broadened perspective and the potential for a rewarding career in the tech field. The following resources will help you teach your students the basics of coding and will provide tips on how to keep kids interested as you go.

Edutopia presents a list of six resources designed to help parentsget their kids interested in coding. One of the websites, Made with Code by Google, specifically aims to appeal to girls. Another resource on the list is a thought-provoking discussion that goes into how and why parents should teach kids to code.

The benefits of learning to code go beyond what it can do for job prospects. As this article from points out,knowing how to code can helppeople build their own websites and start a business without having to carry the burden of outrageous tech costs.

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At long last, online learning is maturing to the point of being a viable option for many. Lets uncover the truth about cheap online colleges and if theyre right…

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How important is it that children learn to code, really? This piece, entitled Should I Teach My Kid to Code? discusses that question. It also talks about Codarica, a Swedish startup that created a game that focuses on teaching young children to code.

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Best Online Teaching Education Degrees for 2016 argues that its possible that coding isnt quite as valuable for career-seekers as the masses proclaim. However, even if coding isnt a popular career a few decades down the road, it still offers other benefits. Indeed, learning how to code can help studentslearn valuable thinking skillsthat will benefit them for a lifetime.

Coding in the Classroom: 16 Top Resources

Career in Teaching1

Kodu. Move the Turtle. Daisy the Dinosaur. Those things sound like a good time, right? This compilation ofcode-teaching resourcesfrom includes those activities plus 17 more. The article does not describe the resources in much detail, so youll have to do your own exploring to discover more about them.

Teaching your students to code is important, but teaching them its practical value is also key in helping them derive the most benefit from what they learn. The following news pieces and articles explore how coding is useful and serve up some fun facts about computer programming.

Back in March 2014, Edudemic highlighted the value of coding in the post Why (And How) Students Are Learning To Code. The statistics in the articles first section highlight that computer science is a practical field to pursue for students who want a stable career.

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There is no shortage of free software that can teach kids to code, but the human element is also important in learning. If you are not an expert in computer science, you may wonder if you are qualified to introduce coding to your students. This piece highlights aGoogle-sponsored programthat tries to get coding-savvy people to teach in schools without burdening the schools with an excess expense.

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This compilation from Common Sense Media entitled Cool Tools to Help Kids Learn to Code is divided into two sections, one for younger kids and one for older kids. Several of the listed tools are games, but there is also Codeacademy, which provides a challenging interactive course that teaches the languages of programming.

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Even for students who do not wish to start a career in the tech field, learning how to code can be valuable. The above resources will help you bring coding into your classroom in a fun and effective way.


You may be able to light a fire under students who do not like computer science by using some of the facts on this list from (despite the name, the site isnt full of inappropriate language). The fun information highlights therole that computers play in society.

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