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Computer Software

How does JavaScript work and how can I build simple calculators with it?

It has a few other default settings that some users may take issue with, too.

How does HIPAA compliance affect data sharing?

Fans Bristle at Death of MS Paint, Microsoft Reacts

Do I need to back up files that are already in cloud storage?

Apps that augment the coloring book experience may revolutionize how we put crayon to paper.

Need a basic crash course in cloud computing? Get facts and view these cool graphics to get a crash course in cloud computing.

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Are we living in a computer simulation?

How many different Web browsers are available for Android tablets? Well discuss the options currently available — and why more are likely on the way.

You may like to think youre the only one with access to your personal medical records, but youre not. Within the guidelines of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, how do healthcare entities protect your data?

Software refers to the programs your computer uses to perform the actions you want it to. Learn all about computer software, from Web browsers to the latest operating systems, with our explanations, reviews, videos and prices.

Even beloved games arent supported forever. What happens to the titles that are no longer getting official love from their creators? Can fans still find and play them?

Microsofts Windows 8 operating system works on computers and some mobile devices, too. It also brings big changes from earlier versions of Windows. What can you expect if you upgrade your computer?

Are you constantly surprised by overage charges from your smartphone or tablet data provider? Here are some easy ways to check on your overage and put a limit in place.

Were happy to help you get the latest, tastiest version of the Android operating system. Heres how.

5 Factors That Affect Cloud-based Data Upload and Retrieval

10 Things You Should Know About Rachel Carson

Microsofts New Operating System Wont Let Users Change Default Browser

10 Weird Ways Tinder Is Changing the World

Microsofts New Operating System Wont Let Users Change Default Browser

The new Discover Weekly playlist feature may know you better than do your friends, relatives… and even better than you know yourself.

How do I upgrade the version of Android on my tablet?

Its vast. Its handy. And its about time you took advantage of it, perhaps even more than you already do during your daily computing adventures.

Coloring Is Relaxing. Coloring in 3-D Could Be Even Better

A service that lets you access your files anywhere, anytime and with any device you like, as long as youre connected to the Internet, sounds good right? After all, this is why we invented the Internet: to get, share and collaborate on information.

Businesses and individuals alike are increasingly turning to the cloud to store their data, but is it really as foolproof as it appears? Do you need backup?

As programming languages go, JavaScript is average difficulty. Learn what Javascript is and how to build calculators with it.

The cloud removes the need to be tethered to a single device when storing and working with data, but its not without its pitfalls. Here are five things that could slow down your ability to get at your files — or cut you off completely.

10 Ways to Make the Cloud Work for You

African Ant GPS Finds Fastest Route Home

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10 Things to Do Before You Wipe Your Computer

While Microsoft will stop providing support for Paint, and wont bundle it in the new Windows OS, a 3-D version will exist and the classic app will remain available for download.

Do androids dream of electric sheep? Googles Deep Dream certainly conjures up plenty of animal imagery. But is this really AI, and why does it all look so trippy?

Are you informed about online fraud? See these facts, figures and tips about online fraud to get informed.

Theres a good chance youre already a freemium user. Actually, you might even be a freemium-loving freeloader. But what does freemium mean, anyway?

If youve ever played city-building simulations, you may have felt a kinship with the people on the screen in front of you. How do we know we arent living at the whim of someone playing a game?

Fans Bristle at Death of MS Paint, Microsoft Reacts

10 Weird Ways Tinder Is Changing the World

You never really think much about updating your Web browser that is, until the first time your favorite site crashes because your outdated version of Firefox cant handle it.

How do I update my Internet browser?

You want your e-mail, streaming video and social media content, and you want it now. And tomorrow, youll want more. How do data centers handle the ever-increasing demands of our perpetually plugged-in world?

Spotify Would Really Like to Make You a Mixtape, Please

Its a clever premise and a play on words: You pin your interest (or rather, interests) to a virtual bulletin board. But how does it work? Stick with us, newbie.

You may think you got rid of your personal data before you donated your old computer, but how can you be sure without smashing your hard drive? Well show you how.

Dating apps are becoming the new normal when it comes to meeting romantic partners. But how are they really affecting human psychology and even things like politics?

5 Factors That Affect Cloud-based Data Upload and Retrieval

How does JavaScript work and how can I build simple calculators with it?

How many different Web browsers are there for Android tablets?

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