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Day 21 Generics HackerRank Solution In C

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HackerRank 30 Days of Code Solutions

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Note:You must use generics to solve this challenge. Do not write overloaded functions.

C++ Program For Store Employee Information And Display Using Structure

Explanation:-We have to just print the generic array, we can do this by using the AUTO keyword in our program. I didnt understand why people dont use AUTO Keyword in C++. as you can see that generic array means all type of data type in an array so for that this is a best practice to use the AUTO keyword in the problem.

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Day 21 Generics HackerRank Solution In C++

void printArray(vectorauto a)

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Your printArray function should print each element of its generic array parameter on a new line.

The locked Solution class in your editor will pass different types of arrays to your printArray function.

You must have exactly 1 function named printArray.

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vectorstring string_vector(n);

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Task:-Write a single generic function named printArray; this function must take an array of generic elements as a parameter (the exception to this is C++, which takes a vector). The locked Solution class in your editor tests your function.


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Copy the colored code and paste it into Hacker rank editor and click to submit button, but before this process, you have to click the below link, this link takes to you same problem Now you have to just Login if you are already not log in and done.

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