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Join us February 26 to March 1 for Open Source week, featuring four Tech Talks each day that cover a wide range of topics, learn about IBM and Unitys partnership to bring the power of AI to developers with IBM Watson Unity SDK, and explore the Watson Developer Cloud developer center.

Take the new IBM blockchain foundation developer course, explore the expanded QISKit, and find out how Shimmy Technologies is transforming the apparel industry with AI.

developerWorks Digest – November 2, 2017

Catch up on what you missed at JavaOne, find out why Lightbend and IBM are excited to bring Reactive microservices to Kubernetes, and read our blog for more information on resources for women in technology.

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Explore some of the resources announced at IBMs Think conference, inlcluding Watson Services for Core ML, IBM Cloud Developer Console for Apple, and IBM Code Model Asset Exchange (MAX).

developerWorks Digest – June 27, 2017

developerWorks Digest – July 27, 2017

developerWorks Digest – February 8, 2018

developerWorks Digest – February 22, 2018

developerWorks Digest – September 8, 2017

developerWorks Digest – April 19, 2018

developerWorks Digest – March 22, 2018

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developerWorks Digest – November 16, 2017

developerWorks Digest – March 8, 2018

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Use developerWorks resources to get started quickly with fundamental technologies like Blockchain and IoT, check out all the new Patterns on IBM Code, and explore our featured developer center this week: the IBM Bluemix Developer center.

developerWorks Digest – July 13, 2017

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developerWorks Digest – May 24, 2017

developerWorks Digest – May 31, 2018

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developerWorks Digest – October 19, 2017

developerWorks Digest – January 11, 2018

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developerWorks Digest – June 9, 2017

developerWorks Digest – April 7, 2017

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developerWorks Digest – October 5, 2017

developerWorks Digest – December 11, 2017

Check out the new developerWorks Sandbox, learn about the launch of IBM Code, and get ready to watch our first live developerWorks TV broadcast on May 4.

developerWorks Digest – August 11, 2017

developerWorks Digest – April 20, 2017

Read new interactive tutorials in the developerWorks Sandbox, solve problems quickly with new patterns on IBM Code, and find out the latest news at IBM.

Delve into the developerWorks sandbox with a brand new article series, explore new patterns in IBM Code, and submit an RFE on the IBM Knowledge Center.

Dont miss the IBM sessions at Oscon 2018, meet the Call for Code captains, and find out about the Blockchain Rethink Trust conference.

Learn about and register for IBM Index, sign up for an IBM Cloud Lite account, and browse through our featured developer centers.

Play in the developerWorks sandbox with the new article seriesThe busy JavaScript developers guide to ECMAScript 6, check out the new patterns in IBM Code, and find out how Ubisofts Star Trek: Bridge Crew game uses IBM Watsons interactive speech and cognitive capabilities.

Invoke an OpenWhisk action with a new interactive tutorial in the developerWorks Sandbox, create a cognitive banking chatbot, and dig into the ODMdev Developer Center.

developerWorks Digest – January 25, 2018

developerWorks Digest – May 17, 2018

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