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Download CodeBlocks 1712 Rev 11256

Make the size of toolbar controls configurable in the settings

Fix doxygen spelling in the settings panel

Overall, the application is very well equipped for the tasks it is meant to perform and thanks to a well thought layout, its users will surely get to know all the functions and manage to use them to their fullest with minimal efforts.

New in Code::Blocks 17.12 Rev 11256:

Application development and code compiling are tasks specific for programmers and users with extensive knowledge in this area. To successfully carry out such projects and build apps, manage source code and collaborate with other people, having a specialized software is a must.

More so, Code::Blocks offers its users the possibility to choose the style, indentation and formatting for source code. Even the mouse movements and scrolling actions can be customized if necessary and the overall customization alternatives are quiet extensive and will require a few minutes to go through.

Code::Blocksis one of the available tools that offer everything one would need to get through all the stages of the development process. Highly customizable and extensible, this Integrated Development Environment (IDE) supports a variety of functions.

For code compiling and profiling tasks, the software enables you to select the preferred tool and configure its settings in great detail. Code::Blocks supports many compilers, like GCC (MingW / Linux GCC), MSVC++, Digital Mars, or Borland C++ 5.5.

A neat characteristic of this IDE, apart from the fact that it can be extended through plugins, is the ability to generate them using a simple wizard. There are literally dozens of highlighting modes available, so if the developer prefers a specific language, like Pascal, C++, Haskell, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby and so on, there is an option to mark the code in that specific manner.

The interface is complex, yet not too complicated and, since less experienced users are not targeted by this software, it shouldnt pose any problems to programmers. With all the features and commands ready at hand, Code::Blocks can be operated with maximum efficiency from the get-go.

Fix crash when showing the call tip

Code::Blocks 17.12 Rev 11256 for Windows

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