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FBT Talk Let the 2018 Entertainment FBT challenge begin

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The future experience defined by the ATO

if using the actual method, can you confirm if the minor benefits exemption (less than $300 including GST per head cost) applies?;

CGT amendments a missed opportunity

There are 3 different types of defined Entertainment that require separate analysis, FBT valuation and FBT reporting;

10 Key Facts from the Federal Budget 2018

General Data Protection Regulation: A new regime of data protection laws


NSW: Strata Defects Regime has commenced

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority

The safe harbour legislation and its impact on the right to terminate leases for insolvency events

never assume the meal costs are automatically deductible and do not constitute sustenance;

Five top tips for preparing financial agreements after Thorne v Kennedy

dont assume that the consumption of alcohol with a meal automatically categorises the expense as entertainment;

Bang bang, no liability; victim of armed hold up unsuccessful on appeal

R&D the major business change from Federal Budget 2018/19

The safe harbour legislation and its impact on the right to terminate leases for insolvency events

Accountants Faring Well in the Future of Virtual Reality

Growing support for workplace response to domestic violence

Try to understand how your organisation has distinguished between sustenance and meal entertainment on a day to day basis, from both a policy, accounting and tax perspective. Sample testing of transactions is a good way to see if you can rely on the general ledger postings and coding rules. Importantly, in undertaking the sample testing, it is necessary to analyse how the coding/posting takes in to account:

FBT Talk: Let the 2018 Entertainment FBT challenge begin

CGT amendments a missed opportunity

Its not just about FBT, there are interactions with Income Tax and GST that require consideration and ultimately reconciliation;

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Purchaser GST withholding the final cut

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Tyler Wise, Intelligent Accounting Trail Blazer

To learn more about preparing your 2018 FBT Return register for theWolters Kluwer and FBT Solutions one day workshop.Our interactive workshops bring together the practical guidance, support and tools you need to sail through the 2018 FBT season.

Strategies to reduce your total superannuation balance: Part 1

A review of general ledger transactions should be undertaken based on a trial balance review. The following general ledger codes should be reviewed:

Other Key Corporations Law Amendments in 2017/18

Introducing Four New Content Layout Features

Some tips when reviewing expenses for staff functions and parties:

Key issues affecting Australian workplaces in 2018

Dallas Buyers Club court limits what copyright owners can demand

Queenslands new industrial manslaughter laws deviate from model laws

Have a Sweet Valentines Day thats GST-free!

R&D the major business change from Federal Budget 2018/19

R&D the major business change from Federal Budget 2018/19

Is near enough good enough when it comes to union right of entry?

Adapting to Change: Moving Your Firm to Compliance Advisory

For meal entertainment and entertainment facility leasing expenses, there is a valuation choice between 50/50 and actual method (subject to adequate records being maintained);

The plane truth re-visited plane crash survivors PTSD found not to be a bodily injury

Australian Tax Treaties 2018: Revised German Agreement and TIEA with Brunei

The Budget Lock-Up: Insights from the Experts

What is driving innovation in accounting right now?

Navigating the risk zones: ATO views on cross-border related party financing

©Wolters Kluwer2015. All rights reserved.

With the 2018 FBT year-end nearing, now is a good time to give some thought to managing the FBT reporting for Entertainment Expenses and working out your game plan!

Industrial Manslaughter National Update

food expenses (for example, sustenance, morning teas, food and beverage)

For recreational entertainment, the 50/50 valuation method is not available. However, consideration can be given to claiming the minor benefits exemption.

Strategies to reduce your total superannuation balance: Part 1

Gender pay gap: What gets measured gets managed

Mental health and workplace investigations: What are your obligations?

dont forget deposits or security bonds that may have been paid earlier these will impact all of the above; and

Rights of ostensible casuals increasing

Corporations Law Changes in 2017/18: Insolvency Law Reform, Safe Harbour, Crowd-sourced Funding

distinguishes between expenditure that is travel versus non-travel related (which is often impacted by the attendee types)

Labour market testing guidelines for sponsoring overseas workers

Court sheds light on proving claims for unliquidated damages in bankruptcy

CGT amendments a missed opportunity

Verbiage or substance? High Court to examine Family Courts ability to assign tax debts

understand the substance of the event and the attendees (who attended just employees or did spouses/clients also attend?);

Nine Budget tax changes for SMEs and individuals to watch

Always a tricky area to review. Here are some tips when reviewing travel meals:

FBT Season Tips 2018: Work-related items exemption

More complexity for small business in CGT amendments

bar tabs (drinks at the bar) would generally always constitute meal entertainment.

Changing landscape for property transactions involving foreign parties

When valuing meal entertainment using the actual method; consideration can be given to claiming the FBT exemptions for on-premises entertainment and minor benefits exemption; and

Predictive accounting the next generation

The power of implied terms in contracts of employment

More complexity for small business in CGT amendments

Marketing class actions: A new frontier

The need to separate the sustenance (deductible) from the entertainment;

CGT amendments a missed opportunity

R&D tax incentive changes: the overhaul, the tweaks, and the elephant

Refunds and concessions for NSW surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax

understand the attendees and their role / relationship to your company. For example, when a non-travelling employee or client dines with a travelling employee, then there will be FBT and deductibility issues to consider;

Court helps copyright owners identify BitTorrent downloaders

Accountants Faring Well in the Future of Virtual Reality

CCH iFirms E-Learning Platform is here

2018 Annotations of the Personal Property Securities Act (PPSA)

were there other related costs such as accommodation, meals, taxis, flights, parking, gifts, etc.

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Nine Budget tax changes for SMEs and individuals to watch

Summary: Amendments to the GST Act and Associated Legislation in 2017/18

Total and Permanent Disablement in Superannuation and Insurance

understand what information has been provided with the employees expense claim to help determine the tax implications; and

Book Excerpt: Australian Master Tax Guide – 2016 Tax Year End Edition

on-premises versus off-premises costs; and

Strategies to reduce your total superannuation balance: Part 2

More complexity for small business in CGT amendments

How to write great profiles for your accounting firm and why you should


Strategies to reduce your total superannuation balance: Part 1

Budget Overview still room for some rabbits (Broader Economic and Political Overview)

R&D the major business change from Federal Budget 2018/19

Strategies to reduce your total superannuation balance: Part 1

High Court to decide employers duty of care during workplace investigations

Industrial manslaughter now a crime in Queensland

entertainment expenses (deductible or non-deductible)

5 essential tips for improving your services content

Accountants Faring Well in the Future of Virtual Reality

Strata and Holiday Letting a word of caution about the game changer

Strategies to reduce your total superannuation balance: Part 2

Rights of ostensible casuals increasing

FBT Talk: Let the 2018 Entertainment FBT challenge begin

United Voice v Berkeley Challenge: Federal Court determines dismissed employees entitled to redundancy pay

Battling over Benji – contributions or best interests?

Australian Tax Treaties 2018: Revised German Agreement and TIEA with Brunei

Can a strata by-law restrict Airbnb style holiday lettings? A new legal decision is a game changer

Strategies to reduce your total superannuation balance: Part 2

The impact of the Internet of Things on Accounting

Beyond staples: major tax reforms to impact foreign investors

whether any $ thresholds have been applied;

Employer liable for drivers fatigue after working four consecutive night shifts

it will be necessary to analyse the costs and where applicable, split the costs between meal entertainment, entertainment facility expenses and recreational entertainment;

R&D the major business change from Federal Budget 2018/19

New federal and state property imposts

any codes with FBT or no FBT in the title

Use the best tax tools in the cloud

Court orders changes to the appearance of a house

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