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Fullstack Academy is thetop-rankedcoding school in the U.S.

Work withpassionate programmerswho love to teach and are damn good at it. From large open source libraries to quantum computer simulators, theyve hacked it all.

You will work in a group of 3-4 students to build an e-commerce site, and will build all the components of a web application from the ground up including the front-end, back-end and database.

Its also important to consider your readiness for the admissions process. If starting from a pure beginner level, weve often seen it take students 3-5+ months of study to get to admissions standards. If youre not accepted during your first application attempt, there is a 2 month wait period before be able to apply a 2nd time.

You will master data persistence by building your own SQL database engine, learning about popular SQL databases like Postgres, and how to integrate these into your applications.

Front-End vs. Back-End Developer: What Is the Difference?

Learn how to scale your apps in the cloud using powerful tools like Amazon Web Services and Heroku.

The instructor leads the class through the workshop, live coding the best-practices solution, and taking questions along the way. There are many routes to achieve an outcome in programming, but some are much better than others. Instructors leverage their experience to show students the most efficient solutions to problems within the workshops.

However, most cohorts begin filling-up about one month before the Foundations pre-work begins. With this in mind, the best time to apply is 2 (or ideally 3) months before your desired cohorts on-campus (or remote) start date.

Our graduates get hired by industry leaders:

You will take a 90 minute break, to recharge and refuel. Many of our students take advantage of this time to get some exercise as well, which is a great way to get energized for the rest of the day.

You will use popular developer tools like Git, Github, Bash, Sublime and Chrome Dev Tools.

Theres a great amount of resources available online to learn coding these days. They are particularly useful for learning the basics, since the concepts are not quite as complex and the problems/errors encountered are relatively easily to solve on your own. However, self-driven learning becomes more difficult as you get into the intermediate and advanced areas of coding. You can easily get stuck, you dont have strong commitment methods or expert feedback, and you have to develop your own path of instruction (difficult for a beginner to do).

And we will introduce you to our hiring partners at top technology firms, to find opportunities that might be a good fit.

Foundationsis a 20-30 hour per week prep course that you will take remotely for the first 4 weeks. You will work through theFoundationsmaterial on your own pace, to get ready for the live portion of the immersive that starts in week 5.

At this point, you will have a solid understanding of the core technologies taught in the immersive program. It is now time to put that knowledge to use by building fully functional web applications from scratch. You will continue to work six days a week during this phase, while you deepen your knowledge by solving real-world problems and learning best practices.

Were happy to answer any other questions you might have about Fullstack. Pleaseask them hereand well get back to you with the details you need.

The workshops are challenging, and often go deeper than some of the areas covered in the related lecture. You will cultivate the skill of reading documentation, and thinking creatively to solve programming challenges. Your instructor and teaching fellows are also available to review your code and answer any questions you may have.

After completingFoundations, you will have a firm grasp on the more advanced areas of JavaScript including closure, scoping, prototypal inheritance and recursion. You will also understand thedifference between front-end and back-endand be completely comfortable working in the web development environment, will be well versed in HTML & CSS, and will have built your first Node.js application.

With an in-depth curriculum spanning computer science fundamentals to front-end and back-end software development, Fullstack is a great environment for motivated, passionate students.

A word of advice to older prospective students like myself. You may be frustrated where you are right now, but afraid to make the leap, to quit your job, to spend your savings on a bootcamp, to take three months to learn, to work 80 hours a week. I promise its worth it.

An immersive 3D life simulator engine

You have demonstrated your passion by beginning to learn on your own, and are determined to become a developer whether you get into Fullstack or not.

Of course! The best way to visit and learn more about the program is to attend one of ourinformation sessionsor campus tours . Please register if you plan to attend.

Employers want to see a strong Github profile (likethis one) and that is exactly what you will have by the end of the program

You may continue working through the days workshop (if there is another component to it) or review the pre-readings for tomorrows lecture.

During the immersive program, you will pair program with a variety of other students in your cohort. Together, youll solve programming challenges and double-check each others work.

Full-stack JavaScript is the Best Way to Learn Web Development

We just sent you the syllabus, thanks for signing up!

The curriculum does not start at a beginner level, so some programming experience is required to succeed in the course. We recommend checking out ourBootcamp Prepcourse to see if its right for you.

InFoundations, you will develop a solid base of programming knowledge, allowing you to start the live portion of the course at an intermediate level, and at a fast pace.

Our JavaScript-driven curriculum immerses you in the latest web technologies such as Node.js and React. You bring the energy, curiosity and dedication well provide a world-class school for becoming an expert software developer. New classes start every 7 weeks.

User expectations of Web and Mobile Applications have significantly increased in the last 10 years, and the sophistication of front-end development has increased to match it. You will study HTML5 and advanced CSS, and go beyond with modern technologies like React.

The projects you build will create an amazing portfolio that showcases your skills and experience

By the time you complete the immersive program, you will have everything you need to power your job search and land your dream job as a software engineer:

There is a$1,000 need-based scholarshipfor all women and veterans who attend the Software Engineering Immersive at Fullstack New York.

One of the reasons for our top rank in the country is our inspiring team of instructors, including:

If you are eligible for rollover tuition, then simply email the receipt for tuition for which youre eligible for a rollover to , and well provide a refund via the same payment method that you originally used.

You will get a full classroom experience with your classmates and instructors, through a mix of live lectures, workshops and team projects. No two days are the same, but here is an example of what a typical day looks like:

You will pair up with another student to tackle a workshop assignment related to the lecture you just watched. Pair programming is an essential skill for any developer, and also helps in the learning process.

Full tuition in Chicago includes a built-in $2,000 scholarship to reduce costs from $17,610 to $15,610.

Your morning starts with a programming challenge or two, so you can get in the zone for the coding day ahead.

Learn Ruby on Rails for Free With These 6 Websites

Cut through all the hype about agile workflows, and find out what youreallyneed to know about scrum and kanban.

Students learn best by doing. At Fullstack weve designed a unique educational program that combines lectures, workshops, projects, and more to help you gain a deep, practical understanding of our curriculum. During the process, you will build an impressive portfolio that demonstrates your skills as a developer.

You will work with a team of students to come up with an ambitious idea for an app, and build it out over 2 weeks. This will be the most impressive project in your portfolio, and will demonstrate your full understanding of software development and industry best-practices.

Fullstack Academys flagship course, the Full-Time Software Engineering Immersive is a 13 week career accelerator.

Co-founder and CEO, Fullstack Academy

What about Ruby on Rails? Why are other schools teaching Rails?

Fullstack Academy is, by all measures, the best investment I have made to date, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anybody considering it, especially those with little to no prior programming knowledge. I will note, however, that hard, consistent, and dedicated individual work is a must if you want to make the most out of the Fullstack investment.

Within 4 weeks, I received 2 job offers at companies I was really excited about. During my interviews, both companies were pleasantly surprised by how knowledgable and capable a boot camp grad could be. Truly, I owe it all to Fullstacks education and preparation.

Go beyond programming. Think Like a CTO.

Retro video game (controlled with a tablet!)

Find the one thats right for youwhether its a prep course, an alum panel, or an info session.

We will help you get ready for technical interviews by doing practice interviews and working throughdozensof sample technical questions.

Our graduatesget hired by amazing companieslike Google and Amazon.

Unfortunately we arent currently able to accept tuition assistance payments from the new GI Bill (though were working hard on changing this). In the meantime, all veterans should visit our friends atOperation Code, where you can find more information and ways to help support the cause. Veterans also automatically qualify for a $1,000 scholarship at Fullstack.

Once accepted you have the option to join any cohort beginning within 6 months of your acceptance date. Essentially, you have the freedom to apply whenever you feel comfortable approaching coding challenges. However, regarding deadlines, we recommend applying at least 6-8 weeks before the on-campus start-date of your desired cohort. This allows us 2-3 weeks to conduct the application process and accounts for the 4-week mandatory Foundations pre-work.

New York, NY 10004Chicago:405 West Superior Street, Floor 3

If you takeBootcamp Prep, then all of the tuition you pay for that course will count towards the immersive program.

Whatever you have worked on so far, you have strived for excellence. You are focused on growth for yourself and others.

Make the Leap: How to Build Your Skillset and Change Careers

If you want to build a career in software development, Fullstack offers you the best launchpad. Through a combination of thorough admissions, a carefully crafted curriculum & educational structure, and top-notch instructors, Fullstacks program takes passionate students with a base of programming skill and makes them into professional software engineers. We know what it takes from a professional, personal and mental level to be a top-performer.

We love Ruby on Rails and Python/Django (we built our successful startups using those two stacks). However, the web industry waits for no developer or technology. The future of web development has moved towards sophisticated, responsive and dynamic single-page applications running in the browser. Apps like Gmail, Asana, Trello, Facebook and Google Maps have redefined what users expect from Web Applications and thus what developers need to be able to deliver. Listening to these industry trends, and after lots of research and conversations with our CTO colleagues at top startups from Y Combinator, weve come to the conclusion that full-stack JavaScript is the future of web development. Consequently, it is what we primarily immerse our students in at Fullstack Academy.

By the time you graduate from Software Engineering Immersive, you will have four projects in your software engineering portfolio including three web applications and a Tech Talk. All of your code will be on Github, which will be impressive to future employers. If you want some inspiration, check out some recent student projects below.

DJing with motion capture and JavaScript

As evidence for how quickly one can be productive when learning on a single-language stack, two Fullstack Academy teams won the Grand Prize at two different hackathons in New York City in February 2014. Both winning teams were using full-stack JavaScript and were only 4 weeks into their semester at Fullstack. They each won $5,000 and $1,000 in cash prizes while competing with other serious teams made up of experienced developers. In December, Fullstack students swept the awards at theNew York Times Hackathon, including the Best In Show and Category specific awards. More recently, students have won awards atNYCs Fintech hackathonand the 2015Video Hack Day.

Through an advanced curriculum and project based structure, students learn todays cutting edge development technologies. The Fullstack Immersive prepares graduates for software engineer roles at top-tier technology companies.

If youve done Codecademy, Code School and/or Team Treehouse, and built some small projects, and youre looking to take your programming career to the next level, attending Fullstack is a proven, fast-track way to achieve your goals.

We will help you write a software engineering profile that will really stand out from the crowd (including demo videos of your applications)

On top of these reasons, JavaScript offers several educational advantages over other languages. And as the majority of other coding schools teach Ruby on Rails, Fullstack graduates have a more in-demand skill-set that separates them from the competition. Learn more about the educational and job seeking advantages offered by a JavaScript curriculum here:Is the programming language taught at a coding bootcamp important?

A lot has changed since 2005, however. Cutting-edge companies today want to give users highly interactive and responsive experiences that dont require a page refresh at every step. As a result, the web of today is dominated by Single Page Applications or SPAs written in JavaScript using frameworks like React or Ember.js, making JavaScript one of thebest programming languages to learn. Increasingly, the role of Rails has shifted to serve as an API layer to the back-end of web applications. You can read more about why a a lot of schools teach Railshere.

This is probably the hardest program youll ever take.But it will change your life.

When we first discovered Rails, in 2005, developers were coming from an age where PHP back-end sites were getting increasingly complex and were becoming difficult to manage and scale. Rails excelled in this world, where the goal was still to develop HTML/CSS centric web interfaces with heavy backends. Rails consolidated many of the best practices in back-end web development and made it easier for developers to build large sites in an organized way.

You will come up with an idea for a web or mobile application, and build it from scratch. You will take design considerations into account, like user experience and information architecture. You will learn new technologies or libraries in order to complete this project, which will help you learn how to learn new areas in software development.

Work with other students who are considerate, understanding and generally pleasant to be around.

Become a software engineer. Fullstack Academy is an innovative software development school with campuses in NYC and Chicago.

Not only is full-stack JS where the puck is moving, it is also the best way to learn how to code in general. Modern web development requires keeping many different parts of the stack in your mind at the same time. As a student, this is challenging enough. Now imagine that on top of this, each part of the stack requires you to understand and write in a completely different programming language (e.g. Ruby, SQL & JavaScript). The context-switch required by switching back and forth between languages significantly slows down the learning process. Full-stack JavaScript eliminates this problem as every part of the stack uses one language: JavaScript.

At Fullstack Academy, we are focused on making you more than a great coder. We want to make you a greatbuilder. We have started and sold companies, built technology teams and scaled up tech businesses. Building software is about more than code. Our CTO Program is a lecture series that goesbeyondprogramming, and gets you ready to become a leader in the exciting and in-demand software development industry. The lectures are included in the immersive program, and cover topics like:

The immersive program is a challenging and rewarding educational experience.

You will also form meaningful new friendships with your programming partners, which will last a lifetime and that will create networking opportunities for you in the years ahead.

This is one of the most intense phases of the program, when you will be working all day, six days a week. You will study:

You will work with our Career Success Team to craft an elegant resume that shows off your skills as a fullstack software engineer

You will take your JavaScript skills to the back-end, with Node.js and the amazing ecosystem of libraries that have made JavaScript the leader in next-generation back-end web engineering. You will master the use of APIs to connect to vast amounts of user data.

Fullstacks key to success is our dynamic curriculum, which is constantly updated based on tech trends and direct feedback from our hiring partners.

Learn how to master the lean startup methodology in this fun, hands-on workshop.

Monitor your critters over the internet

The instructors are always available for one-on-one help and will take the time to guide you through questions and problems. Their level of engagement in each students learning process is what sets Fullstack apart.

Most importantly, youll need to bring an open, well-rested and hungry mind ready for learning. We highly recommend using a Mac, but students have also had success using Linux (e.g. Ubuntu).

Facial recognition figures out your mood

What do our students do after finishing the Software Engineering Immersive? Watch some recent grads answer this in their own words.

Saturdays are dedicated to studyingcomputer science.You will watch a live lecture, then do a workshop based on what you just learned.

You watch a live lecture (and coding session) from a Fullstack instructor, covering a portion of the curriculum. Lectures include plenty of interaction with the students, to keep the material interesting and engaging.

Sign up below to get our course syllabus, our freeRoad to Codestarter guide of educational resources and to stay informed about Fullstack.

Employers love to see engineers who have ample pair programming experience which you will get as you work through the program.

We live by a no-asshole policy. We look for students who are considerate, understanding, helpful and generally pleasant to be around.

Alternatively, you can also schedule a short campus visit if you are already in the admissions process. Please emailwith the subject line Campus Visit to schedule one.

Spend three intensive months in New York City or Chicago, ranked the number one and number two fastest growing tech hubs in America.

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