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Go Challenge


I love writing tools to work with Go. It…Read MoreGo ChallengeNo Go Challenge for July 15 – Taking a break.


The 8th Go Challenge author, Andrew Gerrand,…

Reviewing almost 90 different solutions to the same problem revealed a lot of very…Read MoreGo Challenge – 1The worlds first monthly Go Challenge for developers (newbies included)

The author of the challenge has written ablog postthat explains how he used concurrency to improve the performance 10x without changing the basic algorithm.

July is when the awesomeGopherConhappens in Denver, USA and everyone is keen to attend or know whats happening in the world of Go.

The challenge author has this to say about the winners:

There were 105 entries from 30 countries.

Francesc has this to say about the challenge:

Feedback on the Go Challenge solutions

The challenge author has added this on 26th May 2015:

Evaluator Jeff R. Allen talks about your submitted codehereandhere.

dominik honnef


Josh has this to say about the challenge:

Some of the participants blogged about their Go challenge experience:Christopher SaundersDoug CichonHerrick ShenJason GadeandTobias Schoknecht.

Dan McCandless- Las Vegas algorithm gave me pause, and then a good laugh.

This second Go challenge is now closed.

Ive been programming for half my life, ever since my childhood. Having started in VB6 and PHP, I quickly worked my way towards Ruby and then finally Go. Along the way, Ive always tried to contribute to open source in one way or another, but Go finally spawned the kind of down to earth, no nonsense community I feel comfortable in.

This first Go challenge is now closed.


Aaron…Read MoreGo ChallengeNo Go Challenge for now – Taking a break.


The challenge author had this to say:

Additional Hint: The challenge…Read MoreGo Challenge – 3

There were 173 entries from 41 countries.


We are taking a break for July and as such there will be no Go Challenge in July.

The winners have been announced: 1 Michael Alexander (hissolution), 2 David Le Corfec (hissolution), 3 William Shallum (hissolution), 4 Luke Champine (hissolution) and 5 Arran Walker (hissolution). According to the challenge author, David Le Corfec and William Shallum were close…

The 7th Go Challenge author is Francesc Campoy Flores who joined the Go team in 2012 as Developer Advocate after several years as a Python and C++ developer. His mission is to make Go useful and fun.

Winner 1 -Martin Treusch von Buttlar

We are taking a break for sometime and hopefully would be back soon.

My preference was for idiomatic code, enough docs that I could take over the code if I had to without crying, parallelization, and memory efficiency. Martin Treusch von Buttlar nailed all of those, other ones were lacking in one or more of each of the things I was looking for.

The 9th Go Challenge is now closed. Sadly there were no submissions for this challenge.


Winner 1 -Jakub Rozanski- A readable dancing links implementation.

Some of the participants blogged about their Go challenge experience:Doug CichonandJason Clark.

The winners of the first Go Challenge are:Luke Champine(hissolution) andJeremy Jay(hissolution).

francesc campoy flores

Winners have been declared by Andrew Gerrand

David Le Corfec- Good mosaic created. Good documentation, easy parameters, fine-grained and simple to use. Simple and easy to read code, well-structured. Good performance…Read MoreGo Challenge – 2


Learn Go by solving problems and getting feedback from Go experts!

Winner 2 -Jan Mercl- I enjoyed reading this clean solution.

steve francia


The 9th Go Challenge author, Aaron Cruz, is a food lover who speaks about Go and other programming languages at conferences around the world. For his real job, he helps marketplaces start making revenue faster by integrating with Stripe Connect to simplify buyer/seller (rider/driver, freelancer/client) payments.


The 5th Go Challenge author is Josh Bleecher Snyder an active contributor to the Go project. Hes an engineer atBraintreeand previously

aaron cruz

The 6th Go Challenge author is Steve Francia who is responsible for two of the largest projects in Go (and open source); Hes the Chief Operator of theDockerproject and the creator ofHugo, the most contributed-to community project in Go. He loves open source…

Sourcegraphinterviewed our winners:Luke ChampineandJeremy Jay.

Thanks to all the Gophers for their interest in the Go Challenge.


I am choosing the submission ofDavid Le Corfecas the first winner andCraig Petersonas the second winner, but they are very close.

Robert Ortega- suGOku web app is nicely done.

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