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Grok Learning

Grok gives a fun introduction to coding thats very logical and interesting. The satisfaction of creating a program that worked was exhilarating!

Take your first steps with our free short activities, designed to start you on your programming journey!

Working on a challenge for hours, racking your brain and thinking about it for hours more, and then the feeling of success and satisfaction when you run it and its correct! I love the little adrenaline rush you get when all the green ticks pop up after clicking the mark button.

Dive straight into coding while using the notes, with interactive code snippets that can be edited and run.

Pleaseclick hereto open our network blocking debugging page in a new window. You can provide this page to your network administrator so they can get Grok Learning working on your network.

I learnt a lot about Python programming and coding in general doing a Grok competition. It was challenging, but I learnt lots and it made me marvel at the delights of programming. It was really fun, and Id love to do it in the future. I also loved the pop culture references!

Code from any device, any time – start a question on your iPad at school and finish it off on your computer at home.

Our courses are comprehensive resources that will teach you how to code in Blockly, Python and HTML/CSS. Learn comfortably at your own pace while solving fun problems!

Get those green diamonds, earn points for every problem you solve, and collect all of the hidden achievement badges! Do you have what it takes to be a Grokstar?

We cover an introduction to programming using Python 3. The first two modules of all our courses are available for free!

Strive to earn points while you compete with other students from around the world! Personalised, one-on-one tutor support is available during competition times.

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Our automarker breaks each problem down into tests and gives you useful feedback to help you solve it!

Students who have normally been less than engaged in Tech are suddenly immersed in it, not only managing to work through the problems and frustrations but also helping each other. The collegiality and collaborative environment here is fabulous.

Only verified teachers and parents can see you, and you have full control over your details. Find out more about how we protect your information in ourPrivacy Policy.

Our problem-based learning approach matches each new concept with a problem so you learn by doing!

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