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Headlines saying vaping might cause cancer are wildly misleading

So conclusions around the health effects of vaping must be viewed alongside the damage that smoking has wreaked for decades. Only then can smokers make a call that could have a big impact on their health.

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Finally and crucially, the study didnt compare vaping to tobacco smoke.

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If you want to quit smoking you can find support to help youhere, and find out about your local Stop Smoking Serviceshere.

E-cigarettes are in the news again. This time with.

Aryeh Greenbergs link is precisely the kind of ridiculous, pseudo-research that places the lives of a billion smokers at risk. Place cultured cells in a dish in contact with any substance and they will die which, of course, is just the response the researchers sought. It is shameful that the media gives wide coverage to junk science like this and ignores proper studies. Greenberg clearly doesnt value harm reduction for smokers fortunately for us in Britain our NHS and medical bodies do.

Different e-cigs devices deliver different amounts of vapour, and people use them in different ways. So the levels of e-cig vapour and nicotine used in the study might not match the levels that people are exposed to through normal use.

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The researchers focused on how components of e-cig vapour damage cells DNA. And DNA damage increases the risk of cancer.

The evidence so farshows that e-cigarettes are far less harmful than smoking.

Researchers from New York University School of Medicine looked at how e-cigarette vapour affected the DNA of mice, and human cells in a dish.

And for some people theyre a helpful aide to stop smoking.

Text from Cancer Research UK Science blog byCancer Research UK, is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

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They found that e-cig vapour raised levels of DNA damage in the lungs, bladders and hearts of mice.

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They also found that the molecular machinery cells use to repair this DNA damage was less effective in the lungs of mice exposed to e-cig vapour.

We cover the latest cancer research, including that funded by the charity. We also highlight other relevant material, debunk myths and media scares, and provide links to other helpful resources.

This doesnt tell us anything. I thought it was half of smokers not 2/3.

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Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666) and the Isle of Man (1103). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F). Registered address: Angel Building, 407 St John Street, London EC1V 4AD.

The researchers described their results with an interesting line:

Then they looked at how nicotine, the chemical that e-cigs vaporise, affects human lung and bladder cells grown in a lab dish. Nicotine is what makes cigarettes addictive, but isnt what causes the damage from smoking. Both e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes contain nicotine, but e-cigs havemuch lower levels of the harmful components of tobacco smoke.

Andother researchdidnt show a link between nicotine products and cancer.

Headlines saying vaping might cause cancer are wildly misleading

While this is technically possible, the study didnt look at humans, and so didnt show any effect on the health of humans.

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Thank you for writing this article. I am personally doing a research on vaping and your post is helpful. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Cheers!

Ive poisoned myself for 25 years by smoking on the coffin nails and can tell you first hand when I started vaping 6 years ago it was God sent! I could see/smell/taste/breathe/feel much better within the first 2 weeks of switching to vaping. Its ridiculous how the big tobacco greedy companies havent had enough money made by contribution to human skulls and skeletons and continue paying off some unknown lobbyists to publish all the scare tactics of articles to deter people from longevity and quality of life just so they can make all the $$ and make us people sick and pass us on to the big pharma to continue making $$ by radiation/so called treatments and finally pass us in to the grave (population control). Guess what? Go screw yourselves big pharma and tobacco! People are getting wiser and youre losing the war!

Headlines saying vaping might cause cancer are wildly misleading

E-cigs are a relatively new technology and so we cant be certain about any long-term effects the devices might cause to health they havent been around long enough for this to be completely worked out. But compared to smoking, the evidence so far shows they are less harmful.

They didnt look at how it affected people. And they didnt directly compare it to smoking.

Ive been using ecig for around 6-7 months now, and feel so much better for it. I try to keep up to date with all the research and studies, though this one doesnt seem as reliable as most. Im in the process of cutting out nicotine (in stages, almost there) as I believe the chemical is harmful as well as addictive, which this study also seems to suggest, however a nicotine free ecig study alongside the standard nicotine levels being studied on the mice and human tissue would make an interesting and maybe more informative read.

The researchers found that nicotine damages the DNA inside those lab-grown human lung and bladder cells. And they found that these cells were less able to repair this damage. These cells were then more susceptible to further genetic faults that could give them properties like those of cancer cells.

Studies like this are important for building up the evidence around vaping, and how e-cig vapour might damage cells in controlled conditions. Its a small piece in the puzzle, and must be viewed alongside other studies. Large, long-term studies are also needed to definitively answer health questions, because those conclusions cant be made from lab-grown cells and mice alone.

The popularity of e-cigs continues to grow, butfigures showthat most people using these devices are now ex-smokers, and people mainly use them to quit smoking or cut down.

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Read more: 10 common questions about e-cigarettes answered

But the study that the stories are based on,published in the journalPNAS, doesnt show this.

Up to two-thirds of long term smokers will die because of their addiction. E-cigarettes dont contain tobacco, which is the biggest cause of preventable death worldwide.

Category:Science blogJanuary 30, 2018Michael Walsh45 comments

Youve claimed that the study didnt show that vaping can contribute to cancer risk in animal models. But it does show that. Rather directly, in fact. Mice are 85% identical to humans when it comes to coding regions in their genome. Because of this, theyre a viable model for studying some human disease processes.

It is therefore possible that e-cigarette smoke may contribute to lung and bladder cancer, as well as heart disease, in humans.

But they didnt look directly at whether e-cigs caused cancer, either in mice or in people.

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