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Men outnumber women 7 to 3 in the tech industry – for now. This 3-day project calls on all students to examine gender inequality in tech.
Can you build a symmetrical maze? A maze with right angles? Students complete maze-building challenges aligned with K-5 Common Core math.
Were sending your Hour of Code certificates! Due to high volume, they could take up to an hour to arrive in your inbox!
Will the fuzzFamily land on Earth? Will they end up in Bugs Below? Use conditions to decide the path your story takes from start to end.
Start by coding a robot together off screen, then learn about sequencing with the fuzzFamily! Choose your grade to begin.
Have you met Dash and Dot? Learn about robot guts, programming and sequencing in your very first robotics lesson!
Sequencing happens in code, reading and life! Learn about everyday connections and complete a reading or writing activity together! Choose your grade to begin.
The Hour of Code isnt just for beginners! Find an engaging lesson for each grade, whether youre starting on conditions, functions or JavaScript. Choose your grade to begin.
Everything you need to complete the Hour of Code with Kodable.
LOVED integrating writing and reading into tech- The Kodable World & lesson was a great way to introduce sequencing for coding!
Students practice new skills after each lesson with fuzzy aliens in space.
Work togeter to draft a pizza restaurants mobile ordering app! Each day students collaborate to solve the challenge while practicing their math skills.
Lesson plans written for beginner teachers.
Videos explain new concepts before each unit.
Math and programming skills combine to help Dominics Pizza develop their new mobile ordering app! Common Core math and CSTA aligned.
The Hour of Code is a nationwide initiative byComputer Science Education Weekand to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.
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If there is lightning, then thunder will follow! Students explore conditional statements in a hands-on science activity.
More at ourWall of LoveFrequently Asked QuestionsWhere do students login?
No, you can allow students to play without creating an account however having ateacher accountwill let you track their progress and continue after the Hour of Code is over.
Create a culture of learning with over 70 lessons written by elementary school teachers. Cover topics including robotics, math, social emotional learning, digital citizenship, ELA and more.
A3: We love coding unplugged! We created our own Kodable maze!
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@CASCougarsthird graders strengthening our coding skills using our favorite coding app