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How to Learn HTML

When coding, make sure you lay your code out neatly, so that it is possible for you and others to understand it. Use !– Insert comment here — for HTML comments, which dont show up in the webpage, but do in the code.

Most text editing programs, including Notepad or Notepad++ for Windows, TextEdit for Mac, and gedit for GNU/Linux can be used to write HTML documents. Open a new document and use

subHello world!/sub

pThis is a separate paragraph./p

Row tags around the contents of each row:

You might have an error in the code. Put it at the very top of the page.

Now its time to try adding things besides text to your page. Try out the following tags, or click the links for more information. Youll need to use an online image hosting service so you have a URL to link to in the image tag:

Save the document and open it in a browser (or save the document, then refresh the browser page if its already open.) Do you see what you wrote at the top of the browser, above the address bar?

line that indicates that the file as a whole should be read as a HTML file by browsers. It isnt needed, but may help resolve compatibility issues.

strongHello world!/strong

Youve actually seen attributes before, if you followed the tutorial in the basic HTML section. img tags use the

Write start tags in between angle brackets:

script tags are used to link the page toJavaScriptfiles, which can cause the page to change as the user interacts with it.

Attributes are placed within the tag itself, making additional alterations to the element content between the start and end tag. They never stand alone. They are written in the format

Heres an example of how it all fits together:

else in this tutorial in between these two tags.

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 479,805 times.

Fill out the head portion of your document.

a name=TipsThis is the text you put the anchor around./a

Use this code to make bulleted lists:

Write end tags in between angle brackets, but put a slash after the first bracket:

Some tags have become deprecated over the last few years, and have been replaced with other options to produce the same effects, and even add different effects, if you so desire.

If you are interested invalidating your pages, go to the W3 website and learn valid HTML! HTML standards change over time, and some tags are replaced by different tags that work better on modern browsers.

titleHow to Learn HTML – wikiHow/title

A great way to expand your knowledge is by looking into the HTML source of webpages. You can do this by right clicking the page and selecting View Source, View Page Source, or a similar option, or by going to the

I have written html, but the doctype where I wrote shows red. What could be wrong?

Often, HTML files are started with a

Make sure the file is an html extension (eg., home.html). Right click on the file and click on open with, then select Mozilla Firefox or any browser you have to open the file.

Keep reading to learn how to write functional markup tags. For this step, all you need to remember is the basic format they are written in: and /

a href=url of webpage, or name of anchor within this pageWrite the text or image that will be displayed as a link here./a

ulliOne item/liliAnother item/liliAnother item/li/ul

Note that this does not actually create a website online. It will not be accessible by other people, and you do not need an internet connection to test out. This just uses a browser to read your HTML document as though it were a website.

several times to give yourself some space, then write

. For the rest of this tutorial, everything you write will go in between these body tags. You should now have a document that looks like this (ignoring the bullet points):

An HTML editing program like Notepad++ (Windows) or TextWrangler (Mac)

In between the head and /head tags, write

In between the html and /html tags, write a

Notepad++ is an excellent, free program, which acts like a regular notepad, but you can save and test your code live in a browser. ((It also allows almost any coding language. HTML, CSS, python, Javascript, etc. ))

You could get a notebook and write all the codes down, so that if you need reminding, you can just open your notebook and see. You could also print this page out as a helpful point of reference.

View your document with an internet browser.

While you cannot edit other peoples web sites, you can copy the HTML you find into your own document, then play with it to see what different options do. Note that, without theCSS stylesheetthat website links to, you may not be able to see all of the colors or formatting.

Save your blank document, then find the document icon in your computer and double click to open it. It should open as a blank web page in your browser. If it doesnt, drag the file icon to the URL (address) bar of your browser. As you edit your HTML document in this tutorial, you can keep checking back and seeing how your web page changes.

Start with table tags around the entire table:

XML andRSSare becoming more and more common on websites these days. Their code may seem tough to read and understand to the human observer, especially when viewed on a HTML source code file, but they have their own effects to them.

in the top menu to save it as a Web Page, or to change the file extension to .html instead of .doc, .rtf, or any other extension.

h4header text/h4(the 4thlevel header)

Learn more advanced web design from comprehensive guides.

You might like to try finding a simple webpage on the Internet, and playing around with the code. Try moving some text, changing the font, altering images, anything that takes your fancy!

Hit the refresh button (usually an arrow going in a circle next to the forward and back buttons) or if you have a mobile site, scroll up to the top; at the top, swipe down to refresh.

h1header text/h1: the largest header

h2header text/h2(the 2ndlevel header)

Meta tags, which are used to provide

h3header text/h3(the 3rdlevel header)

. You also need an end tag to let the browser know where the instructions apply: in this example, all text between the start tag and the end tag will be bold. Write end tags inside angle brackets as well, but start with a slash after the first bracket.

Try combinations of these: What does

supHello world!/sup

In between the title and /title tags, write

After typing out a full program, how do I see the result or figure out how to run it?

link tags are used to associate other files with the page. This is mainly used to link toCSS stylesheets, which are made using a different type of coding to alter your HTML page by adding color, aligning your text, and many other things.

Or this code tomake a list defining terms:

Or this code to make numbered lists:

tag. This tells the browser that everything between these tags is in HTML. Add these tags to your document:

Making a table, or chart, requires several different tags. Play with these tags, orlearn about HTML tables in more detail.

Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

Play around with HTML found on websites.

(or anything else you like), then add these new tags around it and see what happens each time:

about a web page. This data can be used by search engines when the robot scours the internet to locate and list websites. To make your website more visible on search engines, use one or more meta start tags (no end tags necessary), each with exactly one name attribute and one content attribute, for example: meta name=description content=write a description here; or meta name=keywords content=write a list of keywords, each separated by a comma

section in the top menu of your browser. Try to figure out what each unfamiliar HTML tag does, or look it up online for the answer.

If you try to write several lines of text in your HTML document, you might notice that the line breaks dont show up in your browser. You have to code these in yourself:

Everything else in this beginner document will go in a body section, which actually gets displayed on the web page.

A text editing program, e.g. Notepad (Windows), or TextEdit (Mac)

To link to an anchor on a different web page, add the sign after the URL, followed by the name of the anchor. For instance, to the Tips section of this page.

describes this specific instance (for instance red).

Youve already learned the head tag, which shows up at the start of each document. Besides the title tag, it can include the following types of tags:

You can also use this code to link to other pages and websites, but for now, since you may not have a web site yet, well focus on anchors, or specific places on the page that you can link to:

If you mean a simple paragraph then it is just a paragraph tag which is done like this: about us That will print out a message on the webpage printing that line of text. Hope this helped.

is the name of the attribute (for instance color), and

that is used for the creation of basic website layouts. It can look a little daunting if youve never done any coding before, but all you need to try it out is an ordinary text editing application and an internet browser. You might even recognize some HTML used to change text in online forums, customized online profiles, or even some wikiHow articles. HTML is a useful tool for anyone who uses the internet, and learning the basics may take you less time than you think.

symbols, however, since your browser will try to interpret it as an HTML instruction instead of normal text. Try writing

This sentence is followed by a line break.brbefore this sentence begins.

olliItem 1/liliItem 2/liliItem 3/li/ol

There are several different ways to write lists on your webpage. Try out the following types of code and see which one you like. Note that one pair of tags goes around the whole list (such as the ul and /ul tags for unordered list), while individual items on the list are surrounded by another pair of tags, such as liand/li.

There are various resources on the internet that you can use to learn about many more HTML tags, such asW3SchoolsorCodecademy. You may also find books with tutorials about HTML, but make sure you use one that was published within the last couple years, since there are occasional updates and changes. Better yet,learn CSSto have much more control over your web pages layout and appearance. Once you have CSS down, the next step for web designers is typically Javascript.

You may see a warning that your document will be changed to plain text instead of rich text, or that special formatting and images wont be saved properly. This is fine; HTML documents do not use those options.

Español:aprender HTMLDeutsch:HTML lernenPortugus:Aprender HTMLItaliano:Imparare il Linguaggio HTML: HTMLFrançais:apprendre le HTMLBahasa Indonesia:Belajar HTMLNederlands:HTML lerenالعربية:تعلم لغة HTMLTiếng Việt:Học Ngôn ngữ HTMLČeština:Jak se naučit HTMLहिन्दी:HTML सीखें한국어:HTML 공부ไทย:หัดเขียนเว็บด้วย HTML

tabletrthColumn 1: Month/ththColumn 2: Money Saved/th/trtrtdJanuary/tdtd$100/td/tr/table

First make an anchor with the a tag at the point on the page that you want to link to. Name it something descriptive and easy to remember.:

dldtCoffee/dtdd- Hot Beverage/dddtLeite/dtdd- Cold Beverage/dd/dl

Spruce up your page withline breakshorizontal lines, andimages.

Markup tags do not show up on a web page like normal text. Instead, they tell your web browser how to display the page and its content. The start tag contains instructions. For example, it might tell the browser to display text as

emstrongHello world!/strong/em

If you are using other HTML tutorials as well, you might see them refer to the tags as elements and the text in between start and end tags as element content.

attribute. See how those all follow the

The markup tags themselves in HTML are not case sensitive, but using all lower case (as used on this page) is highly recommended for standardization purposes and for compatibility with XHTML.

Use the href tolink to those anchorsorto another webpage:

end tag. Give yourself space to write between them. Everything in between these head tags wont actually be displayed on the page itself. Try the following and see where it shows up instead:

Now its time to write something you can actually see in your browser! Anything you write within the body tags will show up in your browser after you save the HTML document and refresh the browser page.

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