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Industry News

Project Xtern (Onsite Extern Program)

Certified Physician Practice Manager

Certified Professional Medical Auditor

Want to Be a Writer? Get Published in a National Magazine

Magazine (Healthcare Business Monthly)

Certified Documentation Expert Outpatient

ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Converter (FREE)

Job Experience / Apprentice Removal

Fifty professional societies and healthcare providers wrote a letter to Seema Verma, the secretary of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) asking that the agency reimburse three new CPT codes for remote monitoring. Remote Monitoring More than 99091 While expressing their gratitude that the 2018 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule includes 99091 Physician/healthcare professional collec…

Magazine (Healthcare Business Monthly)

Certified Documentation Expert Outpatient

The ICD-10-CM code set for 2019 includes 279 additions, 51 deletions, and 143 revised codes for a grand total of 71,932 codes, compared to this years 71,701 codes (an additional 228 codes). Codes Get Even More Specific Most of the changes, which go into effect October 1, provide more specificity than in existing codes. For …


Certified Professional Medical Auditor

Health Plan / Provider Policy Search (FREE)

Project Xtern (Onsite Extern Program)

Certified Physician Practice Manager

Modifier 52, Reduced Services and Modifier 53, Discontinued Procedure apply to physician services while Modifiers 73 and 74, Discontinued Out-Patient Hospital/Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Procedure Prior to the Administration of Anesthesia and Discontinued Out-Patient Hospital/Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Procedure After Administration of Anesthesia respectively apply to facility charges. It …

ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Converter (FREE)

Certified Professional Compliance Officer

ICD-10-CM Codes Released for Fiscal Year 2019

The typical path to becoming a medical coder starts with a recently graduated high school student who is detail-oriented, enjoys healthcare and anatomy, and learning about medical records and the physician revenue cycle. But not all medical coders start out that way. Some people pursue a career in medical coding because there is the potential to work …

Certified Professional Compliance Officer

Youll Never Believe How I Became a Medical Coder

3 New CPT Codes for Remote Monitoring

Health Plan / Provider Policy Search (FREE)

If youve always wanted to be a writer, heres your chance. AAPCs Healthcare Business Monthly provides an opportunity to be published in a national medical coding magazine. It looks great on your resume and your expertise will be recognized, which builds your credibility in the medical coding industry. By sharing and giving back what youve learned, you …

Job Experience / Apprentice Removal

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