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Internet news

Facebook on Friday unveiled a portal devoted to streaming video game play and commentary as it ramped up its challenge to Amazon-owned Twitch and Googles YouTube for eSports fans.

A new study finds reason for cautiona clear emergence of toxicityin nanomaterial product formulations, but it also provides an early testing technique that could help the industry continue to move forward.

Amazon eyes defense against hijacking of delivery drones by nefarious individuals

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have grown in popularity in large part because they can be bought and sold without a government or other third party overseeing everything. But theres a flipside: Unlike in markets for other …

Hear this: Apple said to have new, higher-end AirPods in the works

The World Health Organisation is to include gaming disorder, the inability to stop gaming, into the International Classification of Diseases. By doing so, the WHO is recognising the serious and growing problem of digital …

The Bank for International Settlements in a report warned digital currencies like bitcoin could overwhelm and break the internet if they continue to grow.

Bumblebee populations are declining in the United States for a range of reasonsloss of habitat, pesticide use, climate change, competition from non-native species, and non-native parasites. As major plant pollinators, …

Enter your Science X account credentials

For bacteria facing a dose of antibiotics, timing might be the key to evading destruction. In a series of experiments, Princeton researchers found that cells that repaired DNA damaged by antibiotics before resuming growth …

The price of bitcoin has fallen to a four-month low of $6,370, days after South Korean virtual currency exchange Coinrail said hackers had stolen over $37 million, or almost a third of the virtual currency it had stored.

Climate change predictions are not taking account of the full range of possible effects of rising carbon dioxide levels, researchers say.

Facebook shared personal information culled from its users profiles with other companies after the date when executives have said the social network prevented third-party developers from gaining access to the data, the company …

There are growing concerns about the potential risks of AI and mounting criticism of technology giants. In the wake of what has been called an AI backlash or techlash, states and businesses are waking up to the fact …

Great white spotted off Spain in decades first: marine group

Want access to your Facebook group? In the future, you may have to pay.

The Cambridge Analytica scandal scandalises everyone and at the same time, no one. Similarly, Mark Zuckerbergs solemn yet insolent testimony before the US congress is both reassuring and troubling.

Facebook announced new steps Thursday to let people see who is behind ads and other content on the leading social network as it braced for elections in the US and Brazil.

A rocket developed by a Japanese startup company burst into flames seconds after a failed liftoff Saturday in northern Japan.

Facebook is ending a program launched in 2014 to build a fleet of drones that could deliver internet to underserved areas of the world.

The Federal Trade Commission says it plans to hold hearings about technology, competition and privacy of a kind it hasnt held in more than 20 years.

European Union lawmakers are unhappy that Facebook is refusing to comply with their request to send two senior officials to testify at a hearing into the Cambridge Analytica data scandal.

Last updateBipedal robots ace dynamic walking on stepping stones, 1 hour ago

Forests may lose ability to protect against extremes of climate change, study finds

Based on a new study of how near-Earth asteroid Phaethon reflects light at different angles, astronomers think that its surface may reflect less light than previously thought. This is an exciting mystery for the recently …

Researchers from the University of Houston and the California Institute of Technology have reported an inexpensive hybrid catalyst capable of splitting water to produce hydrogen, suitable for large-scale commercialization.

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have designed a new technique for spotting nasty personal attacks on social media networks like Instagram.

Facebook said Tuesday it is offering a series of new formats for its online video platform including interactive game shows, quizzes and polls.

Facebook said Thursday it would launch fact-checking of photos and videos as it expands the effort to curb misinformation to more countries.

A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology provides new clues indicating that an exoplanet 500 light-years away is much like Earth.

YouTube extended its music streaming service to Europe Monday a month after it launched in North America and parts of Asia.

A team of researchers has uncovered what they describe as a skull racka basketball court length wall of skulls with poles passed through themin Mexico City. Lizzie Wade, with ScienceMag, outlines the work being done …

Tiny magnetic vortex structures, so-called skyrmions, have been researched intensively for some time for future energy-efficient space-saving data storage devices. Scientists at Forschungszentrum Jlich have now discovered …

Chinas Hainan island has proposed allowing foreign visitors access to censored websites such as YouTube and Facebook, a double standard that has raised cries of indignation from the countrys internet users.

For the first time, astronomers have directly observed the magnetism in one of astronomys most studied objects: the remains of Supernova 1987A (SN 1987A), a dying star that appeared in our skies over thirty years ago.

Fabrics that resist water are essential for everything from rainwear to military tents, but conventional water-repellent coatings have been shown to persist in the environment and accumulate in our bodies, and so are likely …

Facebooks Instagram service is loosening its restraints on video in an attempt to lure younger viewers away from YouTube when theyre looking for something to watch on their smartphones.

The study of exoplanetsplanets that lie outside our solar systemcould help scientists answer big questions about our place in the universe, and whether life exists beyond Earth. But, these distant worlds are extremely …

Facebook said Tuesday it was easing a ban on ads for cryptocurrencies while keeping a prohibition on initial coin offerings to raise assets.

Swiss voters overwhelmingly approved Sunday blocking foreign-based betting sites in a high-stakes referendum on a new gambling law designed to prevent addiction, but which opponents said amounted to internet censorship.

Twitter said Wednesday it would revamp user timelines as part of an effort to deliver more news and personalized content, the latest effort to attract more users to the platform.

A team of researchers from St Petersburgs Institute of History of Material Culture has found the naturalized remains of a mummy in an ancient gravesite near the Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam in Russia. In speaking with the press, …

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich physicists investigating spontaneous pattern formation in a model system that includes motile proteins have discovered hitherto unobserved phenomena. Their findings afford new insights …

The head of the U.K. Parliaments media committee slammed Facebook on Friday for what it described as evasive behavior in answering questions on fake news.

For the first time, researchers have created a nanocomposite of ceramics and a two-dimensional material, opening the door for new designs of nanocomposites with such applications as solid-state batteries, thermoelectrics, …

A trio of researchers with ETH Zurich and the University of Chicago has found evidence that suggests narrow channel networks seen on the surface of Mars are due to heavy rainfall runoff. In their paper published on the open …

Social media are among the primary sources of news in the U.S. and across the world. Yet users are exposed to content of questionable accuracy, including conspiracy theories, clickbait, hyperpartisan content, pseudo science …

Facebook and Google are pushing users to share private information by offering invasive and limited default options despite new EU data protection laws aimed at giving users more control and choice, a government study said …

Some people watch the competition carefully for the slightest signs of weakness. Lemurs, on the other hand, just give them a sniff.

Fifty-eight per cent of a new kind of online video piracy is based in just two locations making them more vulnerable to copyright enforcers than previously thought, according to research by Queen Mary University of London.

The 7th grader looks desperate as she approaches. Shes just been to a cybersecurity talk at her school, where she raised her hand when asked if she has a social media account – Snapchat, in her case.

In June 2017, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft announced the formation of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT). The aim of this industry-led initiative is to disrupt the terrorist exploitation of …

Instagram said Wednesday it now has more than one billion active users, as it unveiled a new long-form video feature in a bid to attract creators like those on YouTube.

Twitter on Tuesday said it will begin asking for email addresses or phone numbers to confirm new accounts as part of a battle against manipulation, particularly by automated bots.

Magnets, whether in the form of a bar, horseshoe or electromagnet, always have two poles. If you break a magnet in half, youll end up with two new magnets, each with its own magnetic north and south.

The University of Surrey has helped to create a technique that has produced the highest performing inverted perovskite solar cell ever recorded.

The use of social media for news has started to fall in a number of key markets after years of continuous growth, according to the seventh annual Digital News Report from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism …

California technology analyst Brian Solis was having a conversation with a friend while the two were driving through Texas. His friend was buying a ranch in Texas but was having trouble with the financing because it was considered …

You watched the blood flow from your arm into a vial. The technician capped the vial and secured with a rubber band the scrap of paper containing your name and patient information. When you call to get the results of the …

Snapchat messaging service on Thursday set out to spread its reach, and panache, to other smartphone apps with a software kit that promised to share little data about users.

As silicon-based semiconductors reach their performance limits, gallium nitride (GaN) is becoming the next go-to material to advance light-emitting diode (LED) technologies, high-frequency transistors and photovoltaic devices. …

News consumption is increasingly shifting from social media like Facebook to messaging applications like WhatsApp, according to a study published Thursday which also found high levels of international public concern about …

Manon, 17, has a Facebook account but to connect with her friends she turns to other social networks like Instagram or Snapchat.

A robot with true artificial intelligence is about to invade space.

Like our oceans, todays continents are brimming with life. Yet billions of years ago, before the advent of plants, continents would have appeared barren. These apparently vacant land forms were believed to play no role in …

Is the web browser on your phone slower than usual? It could be mining bitcoin for criminals.

I am not the sum of my personal data

A SpaceX rocket that flew just two months ago with a NASA satellite roared back into action Friday, launching the first orbiting robot with artificial intelligence and other station supplies.

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Freedom of expression may shrink further in Egypt where lawmakers have approved the first reading of a bill that would monitor popular social media users in the name of combating false news.

A discovery by scientists at the Department of Energys Oak Ridge National Laboratory supports a century-old theory by Albert Einstein that explains how heat moves through everything from travel mugs to engine parts.

Beyonce and Jay-Z on Monday brought their surprise joint album to all platforms including Spotify after a wait of little more than a day, relenting on keeping an exclusive for their fledgling Tidal service.

There are currently about fifty known exoplanets whose diameters range from Mars-sized to several times the Earths and which also reside within their stars habitable zone the orbital distance within which their surface …

A highly disputed European copyright law that could force online platforms such as Google and Facebook to pay for links to news content passed a key hurdle in the European Parliament on Wednesday.

Bitcoin, the star of the cryptocurrency world, is widely seen as a freewheeling tool as open as the internet itself.

A Belgian court has convicted an anonymous Twitter user of harassment after the social media giant supplied his identity, in the countrys first case of its kind, officials said Thursday.

If the recent Cambridge Analytica data scandal has taught us anything, its that the ethical cultures of our largest tech firms need tougher scrutiny.

Invigorating the idea of computers based on fluids instead of silicon, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have shown how computational logic operations could be performed in a liquid …

Rocket developed by Japan startup in flames after liftoff

Its known as the privacy paradox: people say they want to protect their data privacy online, but often do little to keep it safe.

Swimming and flying animals are optimally adapted for cruising through their environments, producing thrust via propulsorswings for birds and caudal fins for fish. Over millions of years, the morphology of these animals …

Cryptocurrencies plunged in Asia on Monday after a hack on a South Korean exchange sparked fresh concerns about the safety of the digital units.

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