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The time spent doing tutorials, online courses and other similar resources will NOT count towards this challenge. I want to write real code and work on real projects, facing real challenges. Here is the article where Ive summed up my thoughts on projects and my experience building them:How to Get a Developer Job in Less Than a Year.

The best way to start would be to follow the FreeCodeCamps Front End Curriculum from the very beginning. The further you get during the 100 days, the better.

Ive noticed that my time after work always follows a pattern of me watching something on Netflix or elsewhere, rather than coding. Like all of us, I have some things that I need to do: housekeeping, administrative tasks, washing the dishes, etc. All of that will still be there. What I plan to do less of is what I would call passive relaxation time. This is when I sit down to watch something, and my time each evening is eaten, episode by episode.

Self-Taught Web Dev. Created 100DaysOfCode Change your habits/life:

I will push code to GitHub every day so that anyone can see my progress. If you want, you can follow mehere.

Definitely. Its great for accountability and motivation to know that the stuff youve worked on is accessible online to anyone who may wish to look at it. It will make you care about the end product more, and will make the results of the challenge more impressive when you look back at them on Day 100.

I will tweet about my progress every day -ka11awayusing the hashtag 100DaysOfCode

I come home late, and by the time I am finished with my hour, its past midnight, does it count?

(so you cant skip the 14th day of one week period and the 1st day of another). This is a great piece of advice on habit formation that I got from Leo Babauta atzen habits.

Ive missed a day, does it mean Ive failed the challenge?

I am new to coding (or just deciding to learn to code) and cant build projects yet, what should I do?

Nothing can beat self-directed effort toward learning or accomplishing something, and it is something that I value highly. But looking back at the past few months, I see a lot of good intention to sit down and code every evening, but also way to much rationalization. This leads to me allowing my resistance take the best of me.

If you decide to do this, please reach out to me and we can help and encourage each other! If you like this idea,please click the❤ to recommend it here on Medium. It would mean the world to me! 🙂

Q: If everyone started on a certain day, should I join them on the day they are? For example, from Day 12?

What is the most difficult part of this challenge?

Its easy to start watching something, but difficult to stop. With things that are worthwhile, I find that the opposite is true: its hard to start, but very easy to continue. So with this challenge, I will make sure that I start (sit down to code) every day no matter what.

The part where you have to sit down and

Sticking to something like this can be difficult, which youve probably felt already  be it trying to follow courses online, or working your way through a curriculum that youve chosen.

I am actually in the same situation most of the time  I come home late on certain days (work, French courses, life getting in the way, etc.) and Ive decided not to worry about things like that, or whether I get a point on GitHub on that particular day. Yes, its nice to have them in a streak one by one, but dont do yourself a disservice by measuring your efforts to a clock.

Its helpful in two major ways: you will be able to look at the progress each day and see how far youve already come and it will be easier to find the motivation to continue, and the second one is that after youve done your 100 days, you will be able to analyze your experience better and see what worked and what didnt.

Absolutely not. You are allowed to miss

coding. Dont postpone that or think about it at all, because you will rationalize yourself out of it. Approach it mechanically: sit down, open your laptop, launch your coding editor, and start typing. After 5 minutes, you will not feel any problems/procrastination/desire to stop.

The reason for this is that we all have different schedules and different life periods (kids, school, work, and what have you) so dont hold yourself to some arbitrary time standard. You will not experience what Cinderella experienced once the clock strikes midnight.

A:Of course it counts! The rule of thumb is: have you coded for at least an hour before going to sleep that day? If yes, you are on track.

Thats why I want to make sure that I commit to a challenge that will keep me accountable to anyone who follows me or sees my updates.

A:Thats optional, but its a great idea. It can be a GitHub repo, where you store all the links and/or projects completed, or a text file where you jot down the highlights of what youve done that day.

From a quick cheer to a standing ovation, clap to show how much you enjoyed this story.

A: This challenge is individual, so when you join you start at day 1. Whenever youll be posting an update on Twitter or elsewhere, make sure to mention which day you are on and use the hashtag so that people can find and support you!

Streaks are nice and helpful, but as I mentioned above  dont worry about them too much and dont criticize yourself over missing a day. Instead, make sure you do everything to not let that happen again, and know that worrying and scolding yourself will not give you any results. (Ok, It will give you results, but only negative. I would call them consequences, not results) The best way to get out of that negative emotional state is to sit down and code.

NOTE:For the most updated information on the challenge visit:

If you want to join me in this challenge, I welcome you to do so. Just use the hashtag100DaysOfCodeor jointhe 100DaysOfCode GitterRoom.

Our community publishes stories worth reading on development, design, and data science.

Ive decided to make this a public commitment.

I will code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days.

I really want to become a better developer. But I find that after work, I always find other things to do rather than code.

on Twitter, or join the100DaysOfCode roomon Gitter  you dont need an invite, its open for anyone to join.

I will mostly be working throughFree Code Camps Front End Certification Projects.

To track your progress, fork this repo:

. (then make it up by adding one more day to the end of the 100)

I code at work, but I want to be able to work on my projects as well. Thats why I wont count the time I spend coding at work towards this challenge.

Making a public commitment has proven to improve peoples ability to stick to changes and new habits. So lets do this together!

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