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Lisa Seacat DeLuca

IBM Tops U.S. Patent List for 21st Straight Year Date added: 14 Jan 2014 IBM received a record 6,809 U.S. patents in 2013, marking the 21st consecutive year in a row that the company topped the annual roundup of patent recipients. More than 8,000 IBM inventors residing in 47 different U.S. states and 41 countries patented a range of inventions in 2013 that are expected to enable the company to compete and lead in strategic areas-such as IBMs Watson, cloud computing, Big Data analytics and the new cognitive computing era. IBM Master Inventor Lisa Seacat DeLuca (pictured) received nearly 50 U.S. patents in 2013, including patent 8,494,851, which depicts a system that continuously analyzes terms and topics discussed during a phone conversation, and automatically identifies and displays contextually relevant social networking information (courtesy: IBM)

But did all that shopping land the perfect gift?

s most prolific female inventor ever. Her inventions include a way for people on conference calls to get alerts when a certain topic comes up or a certain person starts talking; a system that can guide cell-phone users as they walk and talk so they dont lose service; a necklace that lights up every time a given Twitter hashtag is used; and a locator service in cars that can track items like, say, a wallet that falls under the seat.

Since 1977, women have quintupled their representation among patent holders, yet they still hold an extremely small share of patents, according toa new paperby the Institute for Womens Policy Research. Four decades ago, 3 percent of all patents listed at least one woman inventor. As of 2010, nearly 19 percent of patents did. Overall, more than 81 percent of patents include no women.

Working Mother.IBM 2015 Working Mother of the Year. 5 Sept 2015.

The AAAS-Lemelson Invention Ambassadors Program completed its first year with a transition event for its inaugural class at the Thomas Edison National Historical Park on June 15th.  In its second year, the program seeks to leverage its efforts and use the voices of Class 2 of Invention Ambassadors to further its vision: to showcase the human face of inventors in order to inform, inspire and influence thought leaders and global communities.

Seacat DeLuca is the most prolific female inventor in IBMs history, with 180 patents to her name and more than 380 applications filed. The 32-year-old grew up around gadgets, but she got hooked on invention at IBM after filing her first patent in 2006. Now she works for the companys commerce team, where she develops innovative ways for marketers to engage with customers. But shes not just inventing at the office: Seacat DeLuca is constantly tinkering, even while at home. Tired of waiting around while doing laundry, she built an app that cleverly alerts users by phone when its time to move clothes from washer to dryer. That inventing process gives you a different mindset, she told LinkedIn, where you look at every type of problem around you like, Oh, I could do something cool here.

We spoke to DeLuca about her career, how she has improved various technologies with her ideas and what she has learned from both being a mentor and mentoring others.

Your Working Life with Caroline Dowd-Higgins. March 3rd, 2017.

A software engineer makes a habit of going after everyday problems.

She is one of the most prolific inventors in IBMs history. See how everyday challengs inspire Lisa Seacat DeLuca to create new technology solutions.

Voice-over for an IBM commercial originally aired during the Masters. April 8th, 2016.

MIT35 lisadeluca

Most recently, six of them have been scooped up bySnap, the social media company that recently began trading on The New York Stock Exchange. One of the patents, US8825778, enables selective display of past instant messages as well as establishing an instant messaging session among at least two participants.


As a woman who pursued a male-dominated field in computer science, Lisa Seacat DeLuca encourages young girls to take the harder road in their career and education.

But your accomplishments as a technology strategist have gone far beyond the walls of IBM.

A prolific inventor at IBM has come up with a unique childrens book on the Internet of Things.

Lisa Seacat DeLuca, 2 in Top Voices in Technology.


Patents are the proof of unique ideas, even if the everyday use of those ideas arent realized until well into the future. For example, I have more than 150 patents in my name but many of them have not yet been productized. Thats fine, though, because all innovations start with a spark of an idea. Capturing those sparks is whats critical to the process.

When we say tech, what do you first think of? Young men squirreling away in a dark room surrounded by half eaten pizzas, lit only by flickering lines of code an army of wannabe Mark Zuckerbergs on a mission to develop the newest product which will make them millions? Or a woman? For the majority of us, the first image springs to mind sort of understandably. After peaking in 1991 at 36 percent, the number of women in computing roles has decreased to25 %. Gender ratios are as low as1 female to every 4 male engineersin top tech companies like Google. Women only hold11 %of executive positions in Silicon Valley companies.  And things arent looking up especially when women receive lower salary offers than men for the same job at the same company63%of the time and their earnings are on average29%less.

Planting the seeds of curiosity and imagination in kids takes some creativity. Im a software engineer but my parents arent. Growing up, my father loved gadgets and we had a computer in the house. I taught myself how to type on that computer and eventually how to write html code. I shared my fathers love for gadgets and that led me to applying to colleges for computer science. But when I got to school, I felt like I was at a disadvantage. I didnt know some of the basics that would have made learning the more complex topics a lot easier.

At this years Amplify conference in Las Vegas, there was one major theme echoing throughout the MGM Grand cognitive is a journey, not a moment. In my role as a technology strategist in IBMs Cognitive Incubation Lab for Watson Customer Engagement, the idea of the cognitive journey rings very true but my view comes from a slightly different perspective, a technology one


Career Tips From The Next Gen Of CEOs. Refinery29. April 7th, 2014. Gina Marinelli.

Its not all bad news, though. All female support networks and networking sites dedicated to providing platforms for women in tech have sprung up in both the virtual and physical world, and its this outpouring of support and a dedication to profiling role models in the sector which can drive the change needed to increase female participation. So, in partnership with long-established digital marketing leadersTopRank Marketingweve compiled a few lists of the most influential women in top tech topics for you to get inspired!

Lisa Seacat DeLuca (CS05) is an inventor on fire. The IBM mobile software engineer and graduate of Carnegie Mellon UniversitysSchool of Computer Sciencehas filed 350 patents with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office; so far, 115 have been issued. DeLuca is the youngest IBM employee and the first woman to obtain the 100th Invention Plateau Achievement Award, an IBM award given for patent filings. Network World calls her one of the50 most fascinating peoplein the world of technology. I am super proud to have attended Carnegie Mellon University, and I am quick to tell anyone wholl listen about my experience there, DeLuca said.

Lisa Seacat-Deluca.  You have given us an inspiring example of what is possible when someone defies limits and follows her passions and innate curiosity to benefit the greater good.

Jan 19, 2014 Meet JSON and WiFi, two fictional robot brothers created by Lisa Seacat DeLuca, a Carnegie Mellon alumna who graduated in 2005 with a degree in computer science. Now a software engineer at IBM, DeLuca is also a mother of twin boys and the author ofA Robot Story, a childrens animated eBook and board book that teaches the fundamentals of binary.

(PITTSBURGH, Pa.) As the Carnegie Mellon University Department of Athletics continues to build upon its successful 2016-17 year, which included four University Athletic Association (UAA) titles, 17 sports participating in postseason play, and the programs best finish in the Learfield Sports Directors Cup standings (44th) in seven years, the Tartan Athletics Club has added three alumni to its Board of Directors.  Scott Barnyak, Lisa Seacat DeLuca, and Bob Patterson will each join the TAC Board for four-year terms, which began July 1.

With more than 600 patent applications filed and 300 granted for improving everyday life, Lisa Seacat DeLuca is IBMs most prolific female inventor.

Yesterday at Apples yearly developer conference,WWDC, Apple hinted at support for NFC on the main stage. If you looked closely at one of the slides, there was a blurb about NFC support. But no other mention of NFC beyond Apple Pay was ever discussed. I freaked out. Could Apple finally be opening up at least some support for NFC to iOS?

Machine learning, product recommendations, and IoT Oh my!. May 23, 2017. DeLuca, Lisa.

By the age of 34, you have reached a major milestone at IBM: the 100th Invention Plateau Award, which IBM gives to honor its brightest innovators.  You are one of the companys youngest inventors and its most prolific female inventor.  Your patents and inventions include technologies ranging from cloud and mobile to commerce and IOT.

Internship forValentines Slate TAP.jpg.CROP .promo mediumlarge

Dynamic pricing isnt a new concept. Its the ability to optimally adjust retail prices, potentially multiple times a day, based on internal and external factors. But an A.I. based algorithm for dynamic pricing that can take into considerationnumerous factorssuch as market demand, social sentiment, competitor prices, inventory availability, time of day, conversion rates, financial goals, user personalization, and even the weather isextremely powerfulin giving your business a leg up on your competitors

Becauseyour work demonstrates the limitless possibilities of an imagination blended with a deep technological fluency,

Lisa Seacat-Deluca, because you have shined a bright light on the fields of technology,

Watson Customer gnitive is a Journey, not a moment. March 30, 2017. Lisa Seacat DeLua

Distinguished Engineer, Inventor, Author, Keynote Speaker in Baltimore, MD

At this rate, based on how things have changed in the past 15 years, women arent expected to reach parity in patenting until 2092, the report says.

As a result, mobile app development has begun to dominate marketing efforts to address our increasingly handheld-centric society. Creating more valuable user interactions requires organizations to be able to tap into the volumes of data being generated by a range of mobile devices to create context and drive greater personalization. As people download and use apps at continuing rising levels, and with greater expectations, app development jobs have also risen significantly and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. With the growth of mobile apps, the market for mobile cloud services will grow along with it. In the next four years, mobile cloud services platforms are projected to grow from $579 million to a staggering $4.4 billion in 2017.

Good recommendations should be personalized. Its incredible the amount of information that we can gather about our users or that is gathered about us as consumers. Retailers know our genders, location, social media likes and shares, purchase history, product view actions, cart abandon behaviors, and sometimes even the place we went to college and our household income just to name a few pieces of personal information. Most modern recommendation engines can only handle one or two of these user dimensions when it comes to driving what appear to be personalized recommendations. But patterns and correlations exist between so many different factors that have enough math evidence to be more than a mere coincidence. For a good, personalized recommendation on an e-commerce site, retailers need an engine that can recognize those patterns and do so at a large scale.

Think of some famous inventors from history whose names pop into your mind first? Some heavy-weights probably, like Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers, Nikola Tesla. And the list goes on. Its likely that not one womans name came to mind, since the number of notable women inventors from the pages of our history books is few and far between. Luckily for all the innovative gals out there, this disheartening statistic is quickly becoming a thing of the past in todays modern world.

All of us have an inventor inside of us, said Lisa Seacat DeLuca, the most prolific female inventor in IBM history.

Watch as DeLuca shares what fuels her to invent and reinvent, again and again.


Software engineer. Inventor. Mother of toddler twins. Nerd puller of late night coding jags. And, at 32, the most prolific female inventor at IBM with more than 150 patents in areas such as mobile, data, and cloud, to my name. Im one of the faces of innovation at IBM. One of my patents isU.S. Patent 8,694,777: Securely identifying host systems, which enables more secure identity control incloudcomputing environments.The patent was among7,534 patentsfiled by IBM last year, making it the first company to exceed 7,000 patents in one year and marking the companys 22nd consecutive year as worldwide patent leader.


Women technologists are shaping the future of technology. Wednesdays session will feature women tech leaders on the cutting edge of critical and emerging areas of technology (Privacy and Cyber-security, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing) and leading major technology companies. It will also feature technology companies who are committed to increasing opportunities for women and underrepresented minorities and the vision of a current CS student.

Enacting this change to create a more gender-equal industry is not just a case of ticking the diversity box studies have shownthat a more diverse workforce is more productive and innovative especially for tech. In the case of products developed and tested solely by men, there is an intrinsic gender biasliterallyprogrammed into it creating products such asvoice recognition software that struggles to recognise womens voices. As complicated algorithms become greater parts of our daily lives as we steam-roll into the fourth industrial revolution and rely more on human-coded AI, rounded and fully-representative development teams are essential.


All this is despite women leading the way right at the beginning of tech as we know it: Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer back in the 1840s, Hedy Lamarr invented frequency-hopping technology to help avoid the threat of blocking radio signals during the Second World War, and in 1952 Rear Admiral Grace Hopper created one of the worlds first compilers and her programming language design work led to the creation of COBOL (common business-oriented language) which is still used to this day.

According to the National Retail Federations annual study, shoppers were set to spend $23.6 billion, spending an average of $186 per mom. And everything from flowers, gift cards and clothing to jewelry, personal services and consumer electronics were on shopping lists.

IBM Master Inventor Lisa Seacat DeLuca published a new book that uses NFC tags on every page. I had the chance to speak with Lisa about NFC and her new book called The Internet of Mysterious Things. The interview is below.

Lisa Seacat DeLuca is the most prolific [female] inventor in IBM history. She also happens to be a woman, a detail thats notable perhaps only because of the outsized number of men who hold patents in the United States.

IoT Institute.IoT Trends and Analysis. An IoT-Enabled Childrens Book from a Rockstar Inventor. January 24th 2017. Brian Buntz.

Successful inventors need more than a fabulous idea. They also need inspiration, great collaborators, and a lot of persistence, said seven new AAAS-Lemelson Invention Ambassadors introduced 14 July at the Celebrate Invention event at AAAS.

Business Insider.Would you bring your baby to a tech conference?2 Mar 2016. Julie Bort.

As someone who has always loved technology, Ive spent my life inventing things. I was born and raised in Montana with an older brother and a younger sister. As kids, we would entertain ourselves with video game consoles, and an old computer that had one of those clicky keyboards. My sister and I would also perform puppet shows, tape them with a camcorder and show the video to family and friends. We were, and are, part of a generation that has grown up surrounded by technology and continue to be passionate about learning today.

Claim to Fame: What started out as a childhood love of Nintendo and technology eventually lead Seacat Deluca to Carnegie Mellon where she studied computer science. IBM offered her a position before she even completed her senior year, and since then, shes been able to accumulate a staggering 115 patents under her (professional) belt. One of her most recent projects, however, is a childrens computer-science book that was successfully funded onKickstarterand is currently in production.

Lisa Seacat Deluca, mobile software engineer and the most prolific female inventor in IBMs history, believes that we all have an inventor in us. Although that may be true, this woman – who has filed over 420 patents with over 225 issued so far is undeniably an inventor on another level.

So, what happened whats holding back all the Lovelace 2.0s? There isnt a straightforward answer, nor a straightforward solution. An internal study by HP found women are only likely to apply for jobs for which they are100% qualified, compared to men applying for ones when they only hold 40% of the qualifications. In fields such as tech, where the general view is that its complicated and difficult to understand, womens lack of confidence in putting themselves out there and taking a risk could be more common. Couple this with the stereotype at the beginning of this article, and you get an industry lacking in clear role models for women of all ages to aspire to which could boost confidence and encourage them to apply for roles in which they could possibly excel. Not ideal.

Finally! Apple joins the NFC party, providing iOS developers with the ability to read NFC tags. IBM DeveloperWorks. June 6, 2017.

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Seafood Restaurant: An Idea

IBM and Sesame bring cognitive education to the classroom

A trip to the ballpark can turn into a new way for people to experience baseball at least it can if you are Lisa Seacat DeLuca.

DeLuca was attending a San Francisco Giants game with a friend who wanted to visit every baseball stadium in the United States. She started thinking, why cant he change his experience during the event? Then he could see the game from various spots, such as behind home plate and up in the nosebleed seats. Perhaps people could split their tickets, she thought, and she decided to patent her idea. A technology strategist for IBM Commerce, DeLuca was familiar with the process of inventing and patenting an idea. Already she has nearly 400 patent applications filed and about 200 have issued, making her the most prolific female inventor in IBM history. But for her sports ticketing idea, she decided to go it alone, pursuing a patent without a lawyer. The path was difficult, she noted, and her patent was turned down twice, but she eventually succeeded, obtaining United States patent no. 8,589,192. All of us have an inventor inside of us, and its possible to go out on your own and learn how to submit a patent application, she said.

Can artificial intelligence help merchandisers stay competitive with their pricing strategies?

Upon the recommendation of the faculty, and with approval of the Board of Trustees of Claremont Graduate University, we confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Sciencehonoris causa, with all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto.

IBMs Most Prolific Female Inventor, Lisa Seacat DeLuca, to Speak at National Academy of Inventors 2017 Annual Conference. April 7th, 2017.

News 20150721 DeLuca thirdsize

The most prolific inventor in IBMs history, Lisa Seacat DeLuca has filed more than 420 patents in technologies ranging from Internet of things, mobile security, and wearables.

As organizations seek new opportunities to engage with communities vital to their business, mobile has become the primary touch point with shoppers, patients, employees, voters, consumers and more.

2017 Women in Technology International (WITI) Hall of Fame Inductee.

IBM is a patent powerhouse, and Lisa Seacat DeLuca is a major contributor. With roughly 350 patent applications filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and 115 patents issued, shes the first woman in IBMs history to reach its 100th plateau, a point system that rewards patent filings and issuances. Shes also written achildrens book, A Robot Story, about a nerdy mom who teachers her twin sons, JSON and WiFi, how to count to 10 in binary. DeLuca, who has twin toddlers of her own, says children are natural language learners, so why not introduce binary language at an early age?

As proof of the changing tides for female inventors, take the story of Lisa Seacat DeLuca, a technology strategist, engineer and sophomore inventor at IBM, mother of four, and pretty close to Super Woman in our book.

Its no secret that theres a need for more women in technology. In fact, women comprised just 26% of employees in certain tech-related fields in 2013. So to inspire more women to join the tech ranks, were showcasing 26 innovations by 26 innovative women. Innovation 26X26 is just a taste of whats possible for women who choose a tech career at IBM.

Lisa Seacat DeLuca, IBM. 2015 Working Mother of the Year

Were bombarded by deals every day. Get an extra 10 percent off (if you use a coupon). Get your tenth cup of coffee for free (if you use a rewards card). What if the deal was something you didnt have to remember to bring with you, or something you didnt even have to remember you previously received? What if it was pushed to your mobile device based on a store you were nearby, or a particular section of the store you were shopping in? What if the deal was personalized for you based on your shopping habits?

Voice-over for an IBM Commercial originally aired during the US Open. August 26th, 2016.

There are more than 100,000 unique articles created on LinkedIn each week. Standing out amongst the crowd can be difficult, but for LinkedIns Top Voices in tech, they have the process nearly down to a science.

These telecoms leaders, researchers and innovators are taking us to the next generation of communications, connecting people as well as devices on the internet of things (IoT) and bringing more to your mobile phone than ever before.

This year, consumer spending for Mothers Day was on pace to reach a record high.

Finally! Apple joins the NFC party, providing iOS developers with the ability to read NFC tags

Being a parent is tough. We have to balance allowing our children to be children, while at the same time challenging them to learn as much as they can in order to become successful adults with fulfilling careers. Im always looking for ways to expose my children to new technologies while hiding the fact that they are learning while we play. The secret is simply to make learning fun.

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You also have found new audiences as a TED speaker and as the author of two childrens books, as one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business in the pages ofFast Company,as one ofNetwork Worlds 50 Most Fascinating People in the World, as IBMs Working Mother of the Year, and as one of MITs 35 Innovators Under 35, among other honors.

Honorary Degree Recipient. Claremont Graduate University. May 2017.

The ambassadors program, entering its second year, is a joint effort of AAAS and The Lemelson Foundation. We began this partnership with AAAS, as we had a mutual belief in the power of invention to improve lives and create a better tomorrow, what we like to think of as impact inventing, said Carol Dahl, executive director of The Lemelson Foundation. Dahl hopes the program will foster a strong ecosystem for inventors as well as inspire a new generation of them.

Patents can help make our lives much richer. Suppose youre on the phone with your best friend from high school. The conversation might go from an upcoming wedding, to your favorite sports team, and back to some remember when moments. Each time the conversation changes, both people might be presented with different images or social messages relevant to those keywords, further engaging both users and enhancing the phone conversation. One of my patents,U.S. Patent 8,494,851,issued last July, describes that scenario as retrieval of contextually relevant social networking information during a phone conversation.

Received a favorite Mothers Day gift? Thank a chatbot. May 17, 2017. Chain Store Age.

This mother of four has spent her life tinkering with everyday annoyances to build a more seamless, interesting and enjoyable world. Shes created a light board that lights up based on patterns drawn on your phone, a device that alerts you to the fact that your laundry is done and so much more.

Becauseyour work has never lost sight of people and has produced social impact that helps so many,

DeLuca, whos focused on wearables and mobile security, has more than 400 patents and patent applications in her name. (One recent invention is a device that shares her home networks Wi-Fi password to approved visitors when they walk in the door,according toSecurity Intelligence, an IBM publication.)

Lisa Seacat DeLuca is the most prolific female inventor in IBMs history. With more than 400 patent filings, she comes up with a new idea almost every week. Shes had numerous jobs within IBM and currently works as an omnichannel strategist for IBM Commerce. She works from her home-based Baltimore lab, which is filled with lots of different gadgets, including a 3-D printer.

With more than 150 patents, Lisa Seacat DeLuca is

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