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Live Mail Inserting HTML coding

I see that there are various sites that I can d/load Outlook Express6 , if I do this would Windows7 accept it?

Help, my PC with Windows 10 wont shut down properly

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I take it that its possible to download Outlook Express and use it with Windows 7? If this is so, then does one have to buy Outlook Express, or is it a free download.

In reply to:Live Mail & Inserting HTML coding.

Virtual XP, not sure what this is , would it change Windows7 to XP? Obviously dont want this to happen.

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But its easier to switch to a new mail program than using virtual XP, I think.

I want to send an email newsletter through Live Mail and cannot find where you insert the HTML in Windows Live Mail. In Outlook there were Tabs across the bottom where you could switch between editing the email html and normal tet. I cannot find this option in Live Mail and am wanting to insert my newsletter html into the new, blank email but cannot find how to do this. In Outlook Express this was easy but can anyone help me with this and explain where ( and how ) to insert the html.

If you have the Professional or Ultimate version of Windows 7 you can download and install the Virtual XP. That will run Outlook Express. Outlook Express last came with IE6.

Seems they left it out of this consumer product. You might try MS Outlook.

you can make the email using outlook express

byfedericokliche/ June 19, 2012 4:42 AM PDT

Outlook Express was already left out of Vista. It was replaced then by Windows Mail. Now in Windows 7 they made a separate download for all Windows Live programs. Same for movie maker, for example.

Since upgrading to Windows 10 my computer wont shut down properly. I use the menu button shutdown and the screen goes blank, but the system does not fully shut down. The only way to get it to shut down is to hold the physical power button down till it shuts down. Any suggestions?

It really does seem as if your options are limited. I have seen other discussions where it is said that no email client supports this now, (other than the now unavailable Outlook Express).

you can make the email using outlook express, saving as email eml extension, and then sending using windows live mail…

a workaround, but I offer it without knowing anything at all about the method, using PHPList, an open source script.

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I have recently bought a new computer which has Windows 7 & Live Mail instead of Outlook Express.

Other than that, do you still have your other computer? I assume it had XP installed on it. If you do, then perhaps you could continue using that as a dedicated email newsletter system.

Do you think this could be the case? I run a small business and need to have the capability of sending email newsletters on a regular basis. I was amazed when, upon opening Windows 7 that there was no Outlook Express. Bad mistake I reckon by Windows.

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Have a look at the web site below where the poster had/has the same problem as you, and the single reply which suggests this method;

Thanks for the info , I do have Win7 Pro and my business email is an IMAP account. When you say you think its easier to switch to another email programme I have only ever used Outlook as my main email hub , I have yahoo accounts and my own email accounts going through there, what other new email proggies would you suggest?

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Thanks mark, I do still have the other computer but alas the motherboard went on it and I dont have access to the net on it anymore. Ill take a peek at that link you sent, but surely there must be a way around this as I, along with no doubt zillions of other people, get inudated with email newsletters daily.

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