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To develop coding habits among students

Event Name:- Coding Contest Just-in-Time

This is 2 day online coding marathon on data structure. Problems based on data structure easy and hard level. Student who solve all the problems with in minimum time elected as winner.

Participant at Google I/O Extended Alandi 2018

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

Destination for the best engineers to hone their skills.

Participants:- 9 Students ( 3 Teams )

1. Miss. Meenakshi Dhanani(Recipient of the Google Anita Borg Scholarship, Asia Pacific 2016.)

Rank programmers based on their coding skills.

Mahaveer Muttha for speaking about Google Developer Group Pune wherein he elaborated about the community of tech for trending technologies.

Google I/O Extended Alandi 2018 Resource Persons

hakerrank 5

Participants:- 42 Team (6 student per team)

Event started with keynote of Google I/O Extended event held in California. Following this we had Women Techmakers speaker, Nikita Gandhi, the lead of Women Techmakers to let us know about Women in Tech

To create the programming enthusiasm for various programming languages.

This is college level event. Having following rounds

Event Name:- Smart India Hackathon 2018

To create the coding culture among Engineering students.

Miss Meenakshi Dhanani guiding participants regarding Google Scholarships.

Event Name:- 2 Day Coding Marathon

This is the first event from HackerRank club for the year 2017-18. Main aim of the club is to increase the coding habit of the students. This is our first event so we first created circle for coding practice and understanding thhe inteface of hackerRank.

This event is organized by ACM at international level. From our college 3 teams were participated. Team eRoR404 got Honor code mention certificate and 1 year ACM student membership.

3. Mahaveer Muttha( Google Developer Group Pune)

This is college level event. Having following rounds

I/O Extended Alandi event organized for developers who are interested in Googles development technologies ranging from Android, App Engine, and Google Chrome platforms, to product APIs like the Maps API, YouTube API and Google Calendar API and more.

2. Mr. Mohit Choudhury(TensorFlow Expert)

Built automatic Code Challenges that cut thousands of hours in recruiting.

This is national level event offerd by Govt. India with collobaration of Persistant Pvt. Ltd. Pune. Offering 432 problem statements from various ministries. Among all teams 3 teams where selected for Grand Finale.

The goal of the club is to put MIT Academy of Engineering in the global map of the programming community with the help of HackerRank.

Event Name:- ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest(ICPC)

Make student familiar with HackerRank tool.

Helped flatten the campus by promoting a meritocracy.

With the help of passionate problem solvers in MITAOE , HackerRank Club will play a huge role in putting students of our college in the global map of the programming community, help them discover amazing learning opportunities and also find great internships/jobs in the process.

Event Name:- Pre- Placement Activity Online Coding Round

Event Type:- National Evengt by Govt. of India and Persistant

Meenakshi Dhanani to talk about Google Scholarships. Last session was of TensorFlow conducted by Mr. Mohit Choudary, wherein live demo using TensorFlow..

4. Nikita Gandhi(Lead of Women Techmakers)

Department of Computer Engineering has started College level club called HackerRank Club MITAOE to make students aware regarding the various Concepts of Programming Languages and Logic Building.

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