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Photos 20 best resources for learning how to code

Macy Bayern is an Associate Staff Writer for TechRepublic. A recent graduate from the University of Texas at Austins Liberal Arts Honors Program, Macy covers tech news and trends.

If you are driving home from work, exercising, or just passing the time, a podcast is a great way to learn while on the go. TechRepublics Nick Heath put together thistop 10 listof programmer and developer podcasts. Hear programmers and developers talk about their field and how to code.

If you enjoyed the aforementioned Ted Talk playlist, then youll love the entire Ted Talk section devoted to programming. Learn about the world of programming and how developers are using their code in daily life. Start watchinghere.

Low-code platforms: An insiders guide (TechRepublic)

A YouTube channel, Android Developers features videos from live events. If you are a coder interested in learning more about Android development, you can check out demos and tutorials on theirchannel.

The six best programming languages to learn right now (TechRepublic)

Khan Academy is a great resource for all ages. It has free online courses for all subject areas, making it extremely popular for those who are homeschooled. If you have a child interested in learning code, Khan Academy may be a good place tostart.

The best programming language for data science and machine learning (ZDNet)

If you like watching Ted Talks, you have to check outthis playlist. It includes seven different videos discussing code and the importance of teaching code in the future. Videos range five minutes to 20 minutes, and feature by famous figures like software engineer Linus Torvalds.

GitHub: A cheat sheet (TechRepublic)

Vendor comparison: Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud

Pythons rise: Could it soon edge out C++ in programming language popularity? (ZDNet)

Hit the books with Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. Written by Robert C. Martin, Clean Code teaches readers how to write code, how to clean up poorly written code, and how to think like a coder. Order the bookhere.

Stack Overflow is an online community where programmers can gather to share knowledge and ideas. New coders can ask questions on the platform and learn tips from their peers. According to the site, over 50 million developers use Stack Overflow each month. Sign uphere.

Github is another online platform aimed at connecting developers.This siteis more general, however, with people discussing topics ranging from open source to business. As a new coder though, this site would be a great place to engage in conversation and learn from experienced coders.

Macy Bayern is an Associate Staff Writer for TechRepublic. A recent graduate from the University of Texas at Austins Liberal Arts Honors Program, Macy covers tech news and trends.

Macy Bayern has nothing to disclose. She does not hold investments in the technology companies she covers.

Code Complete is a book written by Steve McConnell that teaches readers the most effective techniques and principles for coding. With direct guidance and examples, this is a solid read for adults learning to code. Get the bookhere.

We deliver the top business tech news stories about the companies, the people, and the products revolutionizing the planet.

Are you more of a visual learner? Check out the YouTube channelTreehousefor lessons on coding, web design, business, and more. The channel has over 1,000 videos from experts that teach current technological skills.

Hackathons are a great place for coders to try out their new skills. Coders and developers worldwide come together, form teams, and compete to code a solution to a given problem. These venues are also a great way to meet other coders that share your interests.

Edge computing research report 2018: Implementation and investment growing across industries

If you prefer in-person classes, then check out the local class finder search engine. Many colleges and community colleges offer in person coding classes to help people get started on their coding journey. Find your nearest classhere.

Ruby Monk is a site that teaches users the Ruby programming language, specifically. With free, interactive tutorials,Ruby Monkhas users read a lesson and then type in code. The site offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses, so it is great for users at any stage of learning.

Udemy is an online learning platform great for professional adults wanting to add new skills to their coding. With both free and paid courses, on topics other than just coding, users learn through video-based tutorials. Clickhereto use the site to learn about programming languages, mobile apps, eCommerce, web development, and more.

A great way to put your coding to the test is with open-source projects. AtCode Triage, developers band together to work on over 3,000 open source repos. Fix problems and use your newfound skills all at the same time here.

The Pragmatic Programmer, written by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, is a great general coding book. From brand new programmers to experienced programmers, this book acts as a primer for any coding language. Check it outhere.

freeCodeCamp is ideal for beginners. The site has tutorial and interactive challenges that will help individuals learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Clickhereto get started.

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Another free, online resource, CodeWars turns coding into a game. With a martial arts theme, users are awarded various honors after completed challenges, known as kata. Make learning code fun withthis tool.

CodeAcademy is an online resource for the beginning programmer. With over 45 million users, CodeAcademy is an extremely popular tool to learn a variety of programming languages, from HTML and CSS to Python and Ruby. Best of all, its free. Clickhereto get started.

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Developers dont necessarily need a four-year degree to get into coding. Here are 20 tools to help you learn, exercise, and polish your coding skills.

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