The best VPN 2024

The Best VPS 2024

The Best C# Book

Programming Challenge

Judges will use a category rubric as a guideline for exemplary characteristics of projects in this category. Students should use the rubric as a guide for what judges are looking for.

Any questions regarding interpretation of the problems must be submitted in writing to the judges who may choose to answer or reject the question. The decisions of the judges are final.

This category is an on-site event in which one or two students are given a series of problems that they must solve during the two-hour competition time. Each team will be awarded points for each problem solved correctly. Programs will also be judged on structure, design, and organization.

Contestants will not be permitted to communicate with their advisors. No visitors will be allowed in the testing areas. Contestants will be monitored on a random basis. Each contestant must be able to enter their programming code, execute the solutions to the problems and save them as directed by the judges.

Each contestant is required to bring the computer of their choice, appropriate operating system software, and programming software with which to compete. Students must also bring a power strip and extension cord to the test site. Contestants may bring an additional computer only for emergency situations in the event that one computer does not function. However, back up computers must remain unplugged and may not be used unless permission is obtained from one of the judges. Contestants may bring to the contest only the manuals for their computers. Any contestant using other resources including textbooks, published program listings, notes, or any storage media, will be disqualified.

Competition will begin with a briefing session. The contest(s) problems will be distributed to all teams at the same time. At the end of the two hours, the programs developed iin the competition will be submitted for judging. The judges will use the contestants computers to check the solutions to the problems. Results will be announced at an awards ceremony.

a project of the Georgia Educational Technology Consortium

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