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Programming Languages for Game Design

Java runs on everything, from printers and microwaves to complex video game systems. It is a very dynamic language with lots of applications, making it seem like a good choice to learn.

It is an object-oriented language, meaning it uses internal structures to better organize code into reusable blocks (classes and objects).

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What is the best language for game development?

Java is closely related to C++, so learning the two alongside each other would not be difficult.

Well, thats what this article is about!

This comes down to entry level designers often switching their positions in teams a lot, and the nature of game design teams being very fluid.

Both are important, although what you end up doing will mostly be down to the focus of the studio and their in-development titles.

JavaScript is used to make things happen on a page, such as to make things move across the page.

Its an inescapable fact that game designers, on occasion, may be asked to do a little programming.

Along with things like content management systems (which are beyond the scope of this article).

It is not unusual for designers to step in and program, freeing up the game programmers to work on something more complicated, just like it is not unusual for programmers to be consulted during the design process.

If you only choose one language to learn, this would be it, because most other object-oriented languages stem from C++ (so picking them up will be easier).

If the studio you want to work for has a web-game focus, its worthwhile brushing up on all of these languages, but you probably will not require a very deep knowledge of them.

There are literallythousands of programming languagesout there (although its worth saying that only a very small subset are used frequently), so how does a fresh new game designer-come-developer know where to start?

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PC- and console-based languages will include object-oriented languages, as well as simpler scripting languages, whereas web development will focus solely on technologies built for the web (although there is some crossover, again beyond the scope of this article).

That said, getting started in programming can be a little daunting.

There are two main types of programming you should focus on as well, something calledsystems programming, andweb programming.

SQL is used for back-end database work, so that the player can access their account and do other things on the server.

It isby far the most commonly used languagefor writing game engines, and some engines (such as Unreal) only accept information written in C++.

Which language you choose to learn will depend a lot on where your interest in game design lies; web-based or PC-/console-based.

We hope this run-down of the top languages to learn has been informative. Check back for more on how to bestprepare yourself for a career in game design!

TeamTreehouse Game Development Review

C++ is a language with a relatively high entry barrier (meaning its quite difficult to learn), but the reward is greater because it allows more direct control over the hardware and graphical processes (something very important in video game design).

HTML5 is a powerful language, and can be used in place of JavaScript in some cases.

Another type of programming you may hear referred to is scripting, but that essentially comes down to a type of systems programming.

The two most common languages for game designers to learn areC++andJava, although other languages are popular (such asCforUnity).

Web programming, is used, funnily enough, for applications that are run through a browser over a web interface.

Its no lie that there are only a small subset of commonly-used languages, and the languages used for games are an even smaller subset of that.

Well help you learn how to become a video game designer or developer.

Currently,The best programming languages for games are:

Web languages are not so much one-or-the-other, they work in unison to create the kind of experience players expect (although some programmers will specialize in just one or another).

TeamTreehouse Game Development Review

HTML5andCSS3are the languages used in the web to give a page structure and visual display elements, respectively.

Systems programming means programming for a stand-alone application, such as a video game run on your machine.

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