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More background in ourfirst challenge article.

Posted byPyBiteson Mon 06 February 2017 inChallenges 2 min read

A new week, more coding! In Part 2 of our Twitter data analysis we challenge you to find out how similar two tweeters are …

This week, each one of you has a homework assignment … – Tyler Durden (Fight club)

assuming using ssh key $ git remote add upstream[emailprotected]:pybites/challenges.git $ git fetch upstream if not on master: $ git checkout master $ git merge upstream/master … no helper template for this challenge …

Enjoy and were looking forward reviewing our and your solutions on Friday.

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Get the last n tweets of these users. You can use the code ofPart 1.

Python Code Challenges, Articles and News – One Bite a Day

Extract the main subjects the users tweet about. You could useGensim, an NLP package for Topic Modeling. However feel free to take your own approach! We are dropping the helper template and external libs (requirements.txt) for this challenge, wed love to see different approaches to this problem …

Compare the subjects and come up with a similarity score.

See an error in this post? Please submit a pull requeston Github.

Make a script that receives two command line args: user1 and user2

Remember: there is no best solution, only learning more Python.

Start coding byforking our challenges repo:

Tokenize the words in the tweets, filtering out stop words, URLs, digits, punctuation, words that only occur once or are less than 3 characters (and/or other noise …)

Code Challenge 05 – Twitter data analysis Part 2: Similar Tweeters

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