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R solving hackerrank challenge

Below code works in R. Only problem is number of steps and ball values are not provided from keyboard input. We have to update them manually on line 1 and line2. How could I get update below solution so that it works on hackerrank?

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If u again want to read another data y use same approach :

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Moscow (DME) airport arrival 23:55. My Russian visa becomes valid at midnight

So far I am used to receiving input by using

5km artificial planet, with same gravity as on Earth

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I am described by temperature, and never by looks. I might be found in your camera, as well as childrens books

I am still not clear…would appreciate your help once you are back to your computer

did you fix your own problem? Also in the future, youll get a much better response to your questions if you ask one question per post. After answering the original question people are very unlikely to check back for updates that are actually additional questions. If the original answer I provided answered your original question please click the checkmark next to the answer so that others know the question is closed. Thanks.

—this solves the problem Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT nums – suppressWarnings(readLines(file(stdin))) nums – suppressWarnings(readLines(file(new.txt))) nums – as.matrix( class(nums) – numeric steps=nums[1] ball_numbers=nums[2:length(nums)],1)) for (i in (1:(length(ball_numbers)-1))) assign(paste(A, i, sep = ),value = c(0,1)) e –, i, sep = ))) colnames(e) – paste(A, i, sep=) d – merge(d,e) d=as.matrix(t(d)) answer=sum(ball_numbers %*% d)/ncol(d) write.table(cat(format(answer, nsmall=1), sep=\n), sep = , append=T, s = F, col.names = F)

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Recreate a figure with PGFplot (plot without data)

con = file(stdin, open =r) input = readLines(con) z = c() for(i in 2:length(input)) z = c(z, as.numeric(input[[i]])) cat(format(round(sum(z)/2, 1), nsmall = 1), sep = \n)

Sorry for the very basic question – what is stdin here? Is it an input file that we have to create? If yes, how?

Have you tried pressing enter when youre done typing?

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Not at my computer now to test but my guess is to 1) not print your answer and 2) you specify digits when you print your answer but you dont actually save that value to the table. So your table value is 2 instead of the correct 2.0

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steps=4 ball_numbers=c(1,2,2,2),1)) for (i in (1:(length(ball_numbers)-1))) assign(x = paste(A, i, sep = ),value = c(0,1)) e –, i, sep = ))) colnames(e) – paste(A, i, sep=) d – merge(d,e) d=as.matrix(t(d)) answer=sum(ball_numbers %*% d)/ncol(d)

How to differentiate between a and the

How should i receive input on hackerrank? I tried to see solved examples but couldnt find any solved examples.

I would like to solvethe challenge. The language of my preference is R. I am not sure how to receive input. On hackerrank coding window it says that

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thanks, that helped. Would you able to help me with update 2?

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I faced the similar issue for reading input in R in hackerrank . Then to use readLines i used following :

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would it be possible to show example? i used your line and typed multiple numbers. But still it expects more input…i am not sure how to use it

which is different from expected output which is below. How can i modify my code to get the correct format of output

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Yes, I pressed enter, but it just takes cursor to the next line 🙁

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Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT nums – read.table(/dev/stdin, sep= ); nums – as.matrix( steps=nums[1] ball_numbers=nums[2:length(nums)],1)) for (i in (1:(length(ball_numbers)-1))) assign(paste(A, i, sep = ),value = c(0,1)) e –, i, sep = ))) colnames(e) – paste(A, i, sep=) d – merge(d,e) d=as.matrix(t(d)) answer=as.numeric(format(round(sum(ball_numbers %*% d)/ncol(d),1),nsmall=1)) answer = print(format(sum(ball_numbers %*% d)/ncol(d),nsmall=1, digits = 1), quote = F) write.table(as.numeric(answer), sep = , append=T, s = F, col.names = F,quote = FALSE,)

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