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Robot Revolution

Take a deeper dive into the world of robots with these exciting events.

Geek out and learn more about robotics and cutting-edge tech with hands-on activities and demonstrations presented by 20+ robotics partners from across the Portland metro area.

There are millions of astonishing robots in existence todayand innovators are taking robotics to the next level with the latest generation of these awe-inspiring machines: humanoid robots that can work like us, play like us, learn, and even look like us.

In this immersive giant-screen film experience fromNational Geographic Studios, audiences get an inside look at just how hard it is to mimic what we humans can do, as well as what it means to be humanoid.

Robots and lasers are pretty awesome, add some rockin tunes and youve got an amazing show.  Songs include Major Tom by Peter Schilling, Powerhouse by Sid Bass, Technologic by Daft Punk, and more.


My face-tracking software helps me recognize when youre looking at me, but I also recognize objects, like a soccer ball, and can even kick one!

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Heres a few of the coolest robots youll meet insideRobot Revolution:

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Take a deeper dive into the world of robots with exciting events.

Have you heard that imitation is the best form of flattery? By making eye contact, I can read your expressions and imitate your look using the facial recognition from Microsoft Kinect and a facial coding software.

robots film

Regardless of age, youve seen it happen. A new technology comes out and completely changes the way we do things. It starts with a simple question: How can we do this better? Faster? Safer? The answer: Robots! They are human wonder put into motion.

Discover and learn inRobot Revolution.

Not only can I challenge you to tic-tac-toe, but you can train me to do a wide range of simple, repetitive tasks just by moving my arms.

In the near future, robots will become our companions and colleagues changing the way we play, live, and work together. Come see the coolest robots ever assembled inside

You could say I know when to hold em! I have two arms and can use them together or independently to pick up cards and play games of blackjack with you.

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