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Technology news

A new experimental discovery, led by researchers at the University of Minnesota, demonstrates that the chemical element ruthenium (Ru) is the fourth single element to have unique magnetic properties at room temperature. The …

Iron-rich rocks near ancient lake sites on Mars could hold vital clues that show life once existed there, research suggests.

A team of researchers at Cornel University working with the Wikimedia Foundation has come up with a digital framework for detecting when an online discussion is likely to get ugly. In a paper uploaded to the arXiv preprint …

Humans arent the only earth-bound organisms that need to take their vitamins. Thiamine commonly known as vitamin B1 is vital to the survival of most every living thing on earth. But the average bacterium or plant …

The EUs flagship new data protection laws came into effect on Friday but hit an early hitch as several major US news websites were blocked to European users.

NVIDIA researchers have set about teaching a robot to complete a task byheres the kickersimply observing the actions of a human. Networks were trained as described in a video. The system was tested in the real world …

Researchers from the University of Virginia have established new guidelines for scientists mapping out the body molecule by molecule to help us better understand how our cells use metals such as iron and magnesium to maintain …

The permanent networking of mobile devices can endanger the privacy of users and lead to new forms of monitoring. New technologies such as Google Nearby and Silverpush use ultrasonic sounds to exchange information between …

Researchers in Peru believe they have traced the origins of the Incas the largest pre-Hispanic civilization in the Americasthrough the DNA of the modern-day descendants of their emperors.

Californians love renewable energy. In fact, California just became the first state to require solar panels on all new homes.

The rise of self-driving cars is set to dramatically alter the way we move around cities in the future.

The presence of microbial life in Earths stratosphere is not only opening up a new arena in which to study extremophiles, but is increasing the range of possible environments in which we may find life on other planets. This …

Former Apollo 12 astronaut and painter Alan Bean, who was the fourth person to walk on the moon and later turned his passion for space into art, has died. He was 86.

Crypto currency stunt on Everest linked to Sherpa death

Researchers have discovered mountain ranges and three huge, deep subglacial valleys from data collected during the first modern aerogeophysical survey of the South Pole region.

A study by MIT researchers has uncovered a new way of telling how well people are learning English: tracking their eyes.

Baby panda born in Malaysia zoo makes public debut

The 12 m radio telescope APEX in Chile has been outfitted with special equipment including broad bandwidth recorders and a stable hydrogen maser clock for performing joint interferometric observations with other telescopes …

An Egyptian court has ordered the suspension for one month of video-sharing website, YouTube, and others sharing a video found to be insulting the Muslim Prophet Mohammed.

Last updateEgypts top court orders temporary suspension of YouTube, 1 hour ago

Every cell in our bodies is shaped by its outer coating, or biomembrane. This incredible, naturally created nanostructure wraps the cell in a supportive and protective blanket, allowing the cell to carry out its normal function …

London police have seized half a million pounds ($667,000) worth of bitcoin from a prolific computer hacker in a case described as the first of its kind for the 188-year-old department.

A reliable functioning of technical infrastructure networks is essential for our modern, high-tech society. Cascading failures, i.e. chain reactions of failures of different infrastructures, are the cause of many failures …

The increase of skyscrapers in a city resembles the development of some living systems. Spanish researchers have created an evolutionary genetic algorithm that, on the basis of the historical and economic data of an urban …

They roam Moroccos southern desert, braving the searing heat to scour the undulating sands for bounty fallen from the sky.

What would you say about smart traffic lights that always turn green? Recipe for disaster? A reader comment on another site took issue with a headline suggesting lights would always turn green, saying, Obviously the lights …

The way you walk and your footsteps could be used as a biometric at airport security instead of fingerprinting and eye-scanning.

Imagine being able to power your car partly from the heat that its engine gives off. Or what if you could get a portion of your homes electricity from the heat that a power plant emits? Such energy-efficient scenarios may …

In the field of self-driving cars, algorithms for controlling lane changes are an important topic of study. But most existing lane-change algorithms have one of two drawbacks: Either they rely on detailed statistical models …

EPFL has developed tiny fibers made of elastomer that can incorporate materials like electrodes and nanocomposite polymers. The fibers can detect even the slightest pressure and strain, and can withstand deformation of close …

Anticipating a critical strain on the ability of fifth generation (5G) networks to keep track of a rapidly growing number of mobile devices, engineers at Tufts University have come up with an improved algorithm for localizing …

UBC computer scientists have turned Amazon Alexa into a tool for software engineers, tasking the virtual assistant to take care of mundane programming tasks, helping increase productivity and speed up workflow.

A mountain range with a total length of 65,000 kilometers runs through all the oceans. It marks the boundaries of tectonic plates. Through the gap between the plates, material from the Earths interior emerges, forming new …

Revelations that an Amazon Echo smart speaker inadvertently sent a familys private conversation to an acquaintance highlights some unexpected risks of new voice-enabled technologies.

A Tesla that crashed while in Autopilot mode in Utah this month accelerated in the seconds before it smashed into a stopped firetruck, according to a police report obtained by The Associated Press. Two people were injured.

Laser pulse compression technology invented in the late 1980s resulted in high-power, short-pulse laser techniques, enhancing laser intensity 10 million-fold in a quarter of a century.

Peruvian scientists use DNA to trace origins of Inca emperors

A self-eating rocket engine which could place small satellites in orbit more easily and more affordably is under development at universities in Scotland and Ukraine.

A small team of physicists that includes Jessie Shelton of the University of Illinois and David Curtin of the University of Toronto has written a paper and presented it at this years American Physical Society meeting outlining …

As a young Austrian law student, Max Schrems took on Facebook and won, and seven years ago he was already raising the alarm over the flaw Cambridge Analytica allegedly exploited to obtain the data of millions of users for …

A small team of researchers from the U.S. and Tunisia has found evidence that suggests a huge asteroid that struck the Earth approximately 66 million years ago caused the planet to warm up for approximately 100,000 years. …

The European Unions new data protection laws came into effect on Friday, with Brussels saying the changes will protect consumers from being like people naked in an aquarium.

Egypts top court orders temporary suspension of YouTube

German pharma and chemicals giant Bayer said Friday that savings from its hoped-for takeover of US seeds and pesticides behemoth Monsanto will be smaller than previously thought.

The voice is sweet, youthful but not childish, just vibrant enough to hit all the marks of a call from a good friend who can listen and react. It is not the voice of a human. It is a chatbot to be exact. And oh, it can chat. …

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A new NASA-led study shows that climate change is likely to intensify extreme weather events known as atmospheric rivers across most of the globe by the end of this century, while slightly reducing their number.

The future of transportation in waterway-rich cities such as Amsterdam, Bangkok, and Venicewhere canals run alongside and under bustling streets and bridgesmay include autonomous boats that ferry goods and people, helping …

A 10-fold increase in the ability to harvest mechanical and thermal energy over standard piezoelectric composites may be possible using a piezoelectric ceramic foam supported by a flexible polymer support, according to Penn …

University of Illinois engineers built a 3-D printer that offers a sweet solution to making detailed structures that commercial 3-D printers cant: Rather than a layer-upon-layer solid shell, it produces a delicate network …

Amid a global scramble to comply with new EU data protections laws, the debate on privacy has intensified in the United States with some calling for similar measures for Americans, and others warning the rules could fracture …

Finding a new particle is always a nice surprise, but measuring its characteristics is another story and just as important. Less than a year after announcing the discovery of the particle going by the snappy name of cc++ (Xicc++), …

A software fix to prevent cars from accelerating out of control prompted Fiat Chrysler on Friday to issue a recall for 4.8 million US vehicles.

Iridescence is a form of structural colour which uses regular repeating nanostructures to reflect light at slightly different angles, causing a colour-change effect.

Using electric vehicles (EVs) as mobile power storage could eliminate the need to build costly stationary grid storage for energy from renewable sources.

US President Donald Trumps threat to impose steep tariffs on auto imports will hit foreign automakers that export a large number of vehicles to the US market, but many also manufacture cars domestically.

Scientists in South Africa on Friday launched the worlds first optical telescope linked to a radio telescope, combining eyes and ears to try to unravel the secrets of the universe.

Beta-amyloid peptides, protein fragments that form naturally in the brain and clump into plaques in Alzheimers disease patients, are thought to be responsible for neuron death, but it hasnt been clear how the substances …

Indigenous communities are rejecting non-indigenous energy projects in favour of community-led sustainable energy infrastructure.

Intels Gadi Singer believes his most important challenge is his latest: using artificial intelligence (AI) to reshape scientific exploration.

Lars Andersens business handles some of the most sensitive data there isthe names and phone numbers of children.

Software vulnerability discoveries by security researchers come and go and are more often than not promptly followed by vendor fixes. After each headline scare, you read the labs reports, you hear about the fixes, and well, …

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Astronaut and moonwalker Alan Bean dies at 86

Researchers have developed new technology for decoding neuromuscular signals to control powered, prosthetic wrists and hands. The work relies on computer models that closely mimic the behavior of the natural structures in …

When a massive astrophysical object, such as a boson star or black hole, rotates, it can cause the surrounding spacetime to rotate along with it due to the effect of frame dragging. In a new paper, physicists have shown that …

Alex Betts, Craig MacLean and Kayla King from the Department of Zoology, shed light on their recent research published in Science, which addressed the impact that parasite communities have on evolutionary change and diversity.

All plants require an adequate supply of inorganic nutrients, such as fixed nitrogen (usually in the form of ammonia or nitrate), for growth. A special group of flowering plants thus depends on close symbiotic relationships …

Chinese scientists have turned copperiodine cluster molecules into aggregated, highly luminescent nanostructures for use in light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The solid-state assemblies made of complexes of the copperiodine …

Egypts top court orders temporary suspension of YouTube

Freeways choked with traffic, supermarkets laden with fertilizer-grown stock from distance fields and virtually everything we touch derived from petroleum-based plastics. Its hard to imagine life beyond our fossil-fueled …

Human performers have developed impressive acrobatic techniques that never fail to draw gasps, blinks and open-mouthed children. They watch a body swing through the air and in the process even twist and flip. Can robots …

In the world of robotics, soft robots are the new kids on the block. The unique capabilities of these automata are to bend, deform, stretch, twist or squeeze in all the ways that conventional rigid robots cannot.

Researchers at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum have discovered why bioelectrodes containing the photosynthesis protein complex photosystem I are not stable in the long term. Such electrodes could be useful for converting light …

Glacial retreat in cold, high-altitude ecosystems exposes environments that are extremely sensitive to phosphorus input, new University of Colorado Boulder-led research shows. The finding upends previous ecological assumptions, …

Certain types of bacteria and viruses are readily ejected into the atmosphere when waves break while other taxa are less likely to be transported by sea spray into the air, researchers reported May 22.

US President Donald Trump said Friday he had reached a deal to keep Chinese telecoms giant ZTE running, rolling back some penalties in exchange for security guaranteesa move that infuriated Democrats and some in his own …

MIT researchers have built an ingestible sensor equipped with genetically engineered bacteria that can diagnose bleeding in the stomach or other gastrointestinal problems.

If you want to know how to make a sneaker with better traction, just ask a snake. Thats the theory driving the research of Hisham Abdel-Aal, Ph.D., an associate teaching professor from Drexel Universitys College of Engineering …

A federal court jury on Thursday ordered Samsung to pay Apple $533 million for copying iPhone design features in a patent case dating back seven years.

Lithium ion batteries have come a long way since their introduction in the late 1990s. Theyre used in many everyday devices, such as laptop computers, mobile phones, and medical devices, as well as automotive and aerospace …

The hysteria about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. There seems to be no shortage of sensationalist news about how AI could cure diseases, accelerate human innovation and improve human creativity. …

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