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The 5 Basic Concepts of any Programming Language Concept 4

so any written program should bear this in mind.

I hope I have taken a little bit of mystery out of the term syntax, and I look forward to teaching you about our final subjecttools!  A developers best friend ?

The best place to go to learn the art of programming with Java is here:

I felt like Ive been your student for a while, Trevor.

thanx Trevor, here in Africa ud learn stuff lyk thc only in university bt nw with thc syt of urz its so simple!

different application of operator in java programming

I have forgotten the syntax structure, IE the computer recognises numbers; capitals then lowercase,is this correct.

Im expecting to deliver a lot, so stay tuned ?

Incomputer science, thesyntaxof aprogramming languageis the set of rules that define the combinations of symbols that are considered to be correctly structuredprogramsin that language.

Alright, so if youre read this far down the article, then youre clearly interested in learning how to code. You can currently get access to my 2 best courses on Java for free for 30 days (then its just $10/month afterwards, or $97/year).

If you feel like you enjoy the way this information is laid out in blog format, then I invite you to click on the next button below.

Let me know how your journey goes in learning Java, Im here to help!

Your teaching shows that you have very in depth knowledge of the language. Please share how did you do it? I want to gain much knowledge in Java programming because I love it. Can you please help me to come up in programming and become a master.

you have helped me so much.thankyou and continue please

What is syntax?  As always, lets hop over to wiki for a quick definition:

So, lets sum up.  In todays post, we have learned thatsyntaxjust means that theres a correct way towrite down your code, and that this allows theprogramming languageunderstandwhatit is thatyouretrying to tell itto do.  Unfortunately for us, computers cant read our minds (yet!) and know what it is that we want them to do, so some very smart people have created this computer language that, when understood by programmers, allows us to tell the computer what actions we would like it to carry out whether that action be to send a bill payment to our credit card company, or to play a game of poker online with a virtual table full of strangers.  Syntax is our systematic way to talk to a computer and convey our wishes.

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Youre just great! And trust me, Ive tried to get information and to understand all you said from a lot of other sites.

String helloVariable = Hello Everyone!;

Alright, so I would say thats almost English, but what do they mean by combinations of symbols that are correctly structured?  Well, I would choose a different word than symbols.  I would definesyntaxto be a particularlayoutofwordsand symbols.  An example of this in the case of Java would be round brackets (), curly brackets , and variables, among other things.  Think of it like this, when you look at anemailaddress(i.e.john.), you canimmediatelyidentifythe fact that its anemailaddressright?  Sowhy is that?  Why does your brain make the connection that its an email address, and not, say, a website address?  Well, its because anemail addresshas aparticularsyntax.  You need somecombinationofletters and numbers, potentially with underscores (_) or periods (.) in between,followed byan at (@)symbol, followed by awebsite domainsyntaxin a programming language is much the same, there are aset of rulesthat arein place, which when you follow them,allowsyourprogramminglanguagetounderstandyou and allow you to create some piece of functioning software.  But, if you dont abide by the rules of a programming languages syntax, youll get errors ?

Glad to hear youve been sticking around with me for a while.

Im really sorry to say that I have absolutely no experience with C, C++ or C. I therefore have nothing in terms of an exact book to recommend. Your best bet is to just go through Amazon and look through the reviews on books, see what people are saying they like and dislike about the books

Really, so simple and understandable Examples..

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Thanks Katelyn, I appreciate the feedback!

I love the way you explain things. It makes more sense then trying to read the text book. So thanks for the website.

Thanks very much, its always great to get such positive feedback!

Decided to learn C language and wish you could at least guide me to a link or something where i can find a good eBook? or a free C programming course?

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Great to hear Mitch, always nice to see someone eager to learn!

Of course I cant reach up to your level because you are the top most Genius. Is it okay if I keep visiting your website?

thanks for the concepts anyway, cheers!

which software do i need on my computer which allows me to type in when i am learning. I know nothing bt i think i can start here. If u dont want to tell me here,

I dont understand the question. Can you elaborate?

Thanks very much Clint, I aim to please, so Im thrilled that you feel that way. Keep coming back for more content, Im trying to post every few days with new stuff. If you want to stay up to date, Ive added a way to sign up to my mailing list at the bottom of my posts, so Ill let you know when new content goes live right away!

I just have to tell you this has been incredibly helpful to me! I am a 60 year old nurse with not much computer experience and you have made this so easy to understand! I am taking an aptitude test this morning for a new position. Part of it is related to computer programming. I feel much more confident after reading this. Thank you for making it relevant.

Thank you so muchi m really enjoying learning java through your site, expecting lot from you keep writing more:)

Thank you for making this site so easy to find info. good stuff. Saving this one for later.

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So, as I mentioned before, thesyntaxof any programming language willlikelybe yourbiggest hurdleas a new developer, but as you see more and more examples of code and are introduced to more and moresyntaxin the language, you will become comfortable.There is good newsthough, as people have realized that dealing with syntax can be tough, so certain companies (or groups of enthusiasts, a.k.a nerds) have createdtoolsto help us with thesyntaxof programming languages.  Thesetoolsare calledIDEs, or,Integrated Development Environments, which you can download onto your computer and use to create programs.  TheseIDEshave built insyntax checkers(much like the grammar checker in MS Word) that will let you know if yoursyntax is incorrect, and will even give you hints with what it thinks you meant to put!  So dont you worry, Ill cover those tools in the next section of this 5 part series.

Great way to start learning javaThis is awesome for beginners very easy to understand all these concepts Keep writing more Trevor!

I am glad to be one of the visitors on this great web site (:, thanks for posting .

I am novice to the programming language. I Java as one of the subjects in my career and wanted to learn it and fortunately came across your website. I am thankful to you for having such a wonderful site. I wish I had seen this before would have helped me learn faster. But better to be late as a quality person than a dumbo.

Plenty of exceptional creating the following. Only if I had discovered this particular website more rapidly. Congrats!

Came across this site to learn the basic concepts and ended up learning much more than that. thanks for the awesome site. ?

Hi Trevor, pls which programming language would you suggest a beginner to learn first?

hey man, i love your style! like, you make it seem easy as pie, Ive checked TONS of programming tutorials, and yours is the most intellectual from a beginners point of view, not just that, a lot of programmers even dont have a breif idea about things..anywho, keep up the great work, we are always grateful (y) :]

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Finally, if you prefer to learn by just listening, then theres also a podcast available on iTunes viaHow to Program with Java Podcast.

Thankx Alooot for the stuff you provide for the bigneers.

I like this and it is very cool.expecting a lot from you

How about an example ofsyntaxinJava?  Well youve seen it already back when we talked about variables and control structures.  Todefineavariablein Java, you need to do this:

Welcome back to our fourth lesson in our five part series on the 5 basic concepts of any programming language.  Todays concept is

I like the simplicity in these lessons and the examples used. Very easy to read and understand.

Thanks for great stuff. Yours study material is easy to understand for beginners like me. Im really enjoying java.. Yours is the best tutorial compared to other website tutorials you are having a very good style of explanation

Really helpful stuff trevor! Cant wait to see more. ?

If you feel like you prefer learning by watching Videos, then check out theJava Video Tutorialswebsite. Its full of fun and easy to follow video tutorials. So far the students enrolled in this video course have rated it 9.5/10!

I still post content weekly (whether its a blog post or a podcast episode). I dont see myself stopping anytime soon ?

Keep checking in every week or so for new posts on new topics ?

There arefour partsto the syntax of creating a variable in Java.  Thefirstisthe wordString, this is the variablestype.  Remember when we talked about variabletypesin the first part of this series?  I mentionedString,IntegerandDouble, three different variabletypesthat allow you to store three differentkindsofdata.  AStringin this case, allows you to store regular letters and special characters.  Thesecondpartto this variable creation syntax is thevariablename, in this case I arbitrarily chosehelloVariable.  I could have just as easily chosenholyCowThisIsAVariableName.  Variable names can be made up of letters and numbers, but the only special characters they can contain are underscores (_).  They also usually start with a lower case letter, they dont have to, but thats kind of an accepted and suggested convention (at least in the Java world).  Thethirdpartof the syntax for creating a variable is thevaluethatthevariablewillhold.  In this case, we have aStringvariable, so we have the valueHello Everyone!.  In java, Strings are defined by wrapping regular letters/numbers/special characters in quotes ( ).  Again, thats just thesyntaxthat Java uses.  Thelast partof thissyntax, is the part thatmarksthis particular code segmentas being complete.  In Java, we use the semi-colon (;) to mark a part of our code as complete.  You will see that almost every line of code in Java will end with a semi-colon (;).  There are certain exceptions to this, for example control structures arent marked with semi-colons, as they use curly braces to make their beginning and end.  Think of it like putting a period at the end of every sentence.  If we didnt put a period, we would just have one long unstructured run on sentence, and that wouldnt help us to understand anything thats being said.

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