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The Day I Gave Up on Hacker Rank

What does it mean by Scaling Agile? Download the whitepaper onFive dimensions of Scaling Agile in Large Enterprises. Brought to you in partnership withJile.

I was diving into Hacker Rank to get a feel for how the process worked. Having seen it used as a way to filter out job candidates, and also having seen that this kind of coding test was in style after a few recent job applications, I figured it was worth at least being competent with the cleverness that was so often required to pass these kinds of questions.

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The reality is that I often dont have to deal with negative numbers at all, let alone understand how they are represented at a binary level. I could take every piece of code I have written in the last year, convert every int to…,authors:[realName:Matthew Casperson,isMVB:true,isStaff:false,aboutAuthor:,claimed:Michael_Tharrington,name:mcasperson,tagline:null,company:null,id:343648,avatar:808309,isClaimed:true,url:/users/343648/mcasperson.html]]; TH.installWidgetController(article.content, articleContent5, WMODEL_DATA, typeof controller == function ? controller : null, [name: partners, data: true,name: DEFAULT, data: true], oUhbblYOaqbcblYOaqbcC, null); )(); (function() function controller($scope, $service, $location, SideBarService, $timeout) if ($scope.edition) $ = moment($scope.editionDate).utc().format(MMM DD, YYYY); SideBarService.ctx.pageSize = $scope.pageSize; SideBarService.ctx.isPreview = $scope.isPreview; SideBarService.ctx.mode = $scope.mode; SideBarService.fn.loader = $service; var $window = $(window); function checkWidth() var windowsize = $window.width(); $scope.width = windowsize; // Execute on load checkWidth() // Bind event listener $(window).resize(checkWidth); if ($scope.edition) SideBarService.ctx.edition = $scope.edition; SideBarService.fn.scrollCheck = function() $scope.$emit(thIfScrollCheck); ; var currentFilter; $scope.$on($locationChangeSuccess, function() if (!$ $scope.filter = latest; else $scope.filter = $; if ($scope.filter == latest) $, null); if (currentFilter == $scope.filter) return; currentFilter = $scope.filter; SideBarService.ctx.filter = $scope.filter; ); $scope.display = SideBarService.getList(); $scope.$watchCollection(function() return SideBarService.getList(); , function (n) $scope.display = n; ); $scope.isActive = SideBarService.isActive; $scope.isExcluded = SideBarService.isExcluded; $scope.loadMore = SideBarService.load; $scope.loading = function() return SideBarService.ctx.loading; ; TH.on(TapBarStatusChange, function(expanded) if (expanded) SideBarService.unblock(); ) var WMODEL_DATA = ; WMODEL_DATA.mode = null; WMODEL_DATA.isPreview = false; WMODEL_DATA.editionName = ; WMODEL_DATA.editionDate = null; WMODEL_DATA.pageSize = 20; WMODEL_DATA.edition = null; WMODEL_DATA.OPTIONS = ; TH.installWidgetController(sidebar.content.list, sidebarContentList8, WMODEL_DATA, typeof controller == function ? controller : null, [name: DEFAULT, data: true], oUhbkSMaaqbcdvVkcC, null); )(); (function() function controller($scope) var $window = $(window); function checkWidth() var windowsize = $window.width(); var $element = $(div.sidebar.sidebarTapBar); $scope.width = windowsize; if(windowsize

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A Scrum Reboot, This Time with the Values – A Case Study with Intralinks

,campaign:157716,details:code:aspe,level:2,partnerUrl: Training,logo://,leveldesc:Platinum,top:id:300521,text:

Two things become obvious after working through a couple of the more challenging questions: one, that I either did not know or had forgotten a lot of nitty gritty theory of algorithms and how they apply to software developmentand two, that I had very little use for that nitty gritty theory in my day job.

Buckled up and all set to kick-start your Agile transformation journey?10 Road Signs to watch out for in your Agile journey. Brought to you in partnership withJile.

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I had a decision to make. Do I gain a working understanding of yet another JavaScript library and use that knowledge to be good enough at my job to get home on time? Or do I learn how to decompose integers to binary representations, bit shift them around in the most efficient way possible, and post my results so I can stand tall amongst a crowd of developers that loves these kinds of mental challenges, only to then have to work late because I cant quite work out why this one last unit test is failing and preventing me from merging my code?

Take Agile to the next level with DevOps. Learn practical tools and techniques in the three-dayDevOps Implementation Boot Camp. Brought to you in partnership withTechtown.

Adopting a DevOps practice starts with understanding where you are in the implementation journey. Download theDevOps Transformation Roadmap. Brought to you in partnership withTechtown.

I heard about this interview process, Geary said. It seemed fine-tuned for people just out of college. When you are just out college, theres a lot of algorithms and data structures and fast-thinking on a whiteboard, like you do in school. As opposed to real software engineering, theres a lot of other stuff that goes into that. In my real work, in 20 years, Ive never used a whiteboard. I use my computer. But in job interviews they do it all the time.

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,campaign:59512,details:code:ca-technologies,level:2,partnerUrl: Technologies,logo://,leveldesc:Platinum,top:id:299508,text:

Five Powerful Enterprise Agile Frameworks

parent.articleDate date:MMM. dd, yyyy parent.linkDate date:MMM. dd, yyyy

See how three solutions work togetherto help your teams have the tools they need todeliver quality software quickly. Brought to you in partnership withCA Technologies.

Adopting a DevOps practice starts with understanding where you are in the implementation journey. Download theDevOps Transformation Roadmap. Brought to you in partnership withTechtown.

Agile Test Data Management: The New Must Have. Get Report

But this doesnt stop companies hiring based on cleverness:

I just learned how negative numbers are stored at a binary level by Java. It was an interesting factand something that I needed to know in order to solve the latest Hacker Rank question I was attempting.

Take Agile to the next level with DevOps. Learn practical tools and techniques in the three-dayDevOps Implementation Boot Camp. Brought to you in partnership withTechtown.

What is more important than a clever understanding of algorithms, binary math, and efficient looping structures is the ability to effortlessly jump out of front end JavaScript, HTML, or CSS into backend Java or Spring in order to solve those full stack problems that are preventing go live. (Or to then SSH into a Linux box and configure NGINX to add another routing rule, or to debug a unit test, or to write some documentation, or to configure a database.)

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,campaign:200913,details:code:tcs,level:2,partnerUrl: Consultancy Services,logo://,leveldesc:Platinum]; WMODEL_DATA.edition = null; WMODEL_DATA.perms = canDecidePick:false,canPublish:false; WMODEL_DATA.OPTIONS = ; WMODEL_DATA.daysOldTitle = Heads up…this type is old!; WMODEL_DATA.articles = [pubPlug:sarahdzone,modDate:00,articleImage://,rawType:article,canEdit:false,viewTracked:true,source: being clever is the enemy of being good.,articleType:opinion,draft:false,portalId:2,isLocked:false,relatedRefcard:[img:9473135,id:2274508,title:Agile Patterns,url:/refcardz/agile-patterns],readyForAd:true,canPublish:false,articleContent:,articleTypePre: rank,code,algorithms],canonical: being clever is the enemy of being good.,saveStatus:saved:false,count:4,canSave:false,deleted:false,pdf:null,partner:top:id:299508,text:

Published at DZone with permission ofMatthew Casperson, DZone MVB.See the original article here.

Five keys to higher-quality application delivery. Get eBook

I was diving into Hacker Rank to get a feel for how the process worked. Having seen it used as a way to filter out job candidates, and also having seen that this kind of coding test was in style after a few recent job applications, I figured it was worth at least being competent with the cleverness that was so often required to pass these kinds of questions.

Two things become obvious after working through a couple of the more challenging questions: one, that I either did not know or had forgotten a lot of nitty gritty theory of algorithms and how they apply to software developmentand two, that I had very little use for that nitty gritty theory in my day job.

,campaign:157716,details:code:aspe,level:2,partnerUrl: Training,logo://,leveldesc:Platinum,relatedArticles:[img:5392403,id:1536487,title:The Benefits of Learning Algorithms,url:/articles/is-cracking-the-coding-interview-the-only-benefit,img:3607820,id:1406676,title:How to Write Clean Code: Part I,url:/articles/coders-and-authors-are-no-different-part-1,img:3347247,id:1379774,title:Activity Selection Problem: Algorithms [Code Snippet],url:/articles/activity-selection-problemalgorithms],zonetop:,publisher:name:DZone,logo: Day I Gave Up on Hacker Rank,imageUrl://,link:/articles/the-day-i-gave-up-on-hacker-rank,id:1376902,title:The Day I Gave Up on Hacker Rank,type:article,articleDate:00,shortDesc:

7 use cases for meeting your test data needs. Get eBook

A Scrum Reboot, This Time with the Values – A Case Study with Intralinks

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I just learned how negative numbers are stored at a binary level by Java. It was an interesting factand something that I needed to know in order to solve the latest Hacker Rank question I was attempting.

Take Agile to the next level with DevOps. Learn practical tools and techniques in the three-dayDevOps Implementation Boot Camp. Brought to you in partnership withTechtown.

Discover how TDM Is Essential ToAchieving Quality At Speed For Agile, DevOps, And Continuous Delivery. Brought to you in partnership withCA Technologies.

The reality is that I often dont have to deal with negative numbers at all, let alone understand how they are represented at a binary level. I could take every piece of code I have written in the last year, convert every int to an unsigned int, and the code would work the same.

parent.isLocked ? Enable : Disable comments

The more I look at it, the more I realize just how much being good at my job involves a horizontal spread of knowledge across a huge technology stack, and just how little it involves a deep vertical understanding of any single given piece of technology. And I suspect this situation is the same for anyone not developing a new language, creating a new NoSQL service, or building data centers that take up whole suburban blocks.

Adopting a DevOps practice starts with understanding where you are in the implementation journey. Download theDevOps Transformation Roadmap. Brought to you in partnership withTechtown.

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Because being clever is the enemy of being good.

= partners.length !toUse) toUse = 0; if(partners) article.showLogo = (partners.length

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Agile Test Data Management: The New Must Have. Get Report

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