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The Sims 2 University Life Collection FAQWalkthrough

2 Family Friends Job Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Free Days: Tuesday, Thursday ********************** *Comic Book Penciller* ********************** Description One of your dream jobs is to work on a comic book, and this isnt just any comic, its SpiderSim! Youre making more contracts in the art biz, and throwing some dinner parties will show off your culinary expertise and win you even more friends. Job Level: 4 Carpool Arrival: 9am Work Hours: 10am to 5pm Salary: 630 Bonus for Promotion: 1,260 Requirements for Level 5: 5 Creativity Points 4 Mechanical Points 3 Charisma Points 2 Cooking Points 4 Family Friends Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Free Days: Sunday, Friday ********************** *Wedding Photographer* ********************** Description Fabulous! Your network of great relationships is paying off as you become the most requested wedding photographer in SimCity. Keep developing your creativity with a camera, and youll have a great portfoilo if you choose to move into fashion photography later on. Job Level: 5 [JOB REWARD] Carpool Arrival: 7am Work Hours: 8am to 3pm Salary: 808 Bonus for Promotion: 1,616 Requirements for Level 6: 5 Creativity Points 5 Mechanical Points 4 Charisma Points 3 Cooking Points 5 Family Friends Job Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Free Days: Sunday, Tuesday ************ *Art Forger* ************ Description Tired of making small potatoes as an honest artist, youve gone down the slippery slope into a life of crime forging famous works. Even so, you need to develop ever more contracts in order to quickly find buyers for your fakes. Job Level: 6 Carpool Arrival: 1pm Work Hours: 2pm to 9pm Salary: 1,339 Bonus for Promotion: 2,678 Requirements for Level 7: 6 Creativity Points 6 Mechanical Points 6 Charisma Points 3 Cooking Points 8 Family Friends Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Free Days: Sunday, Friday, Saturday ********************** *Fashion Photographer* ********************** Description Rod Ralloway, a world-famous model for SimStyle Magazine, hears of your expertise and calls you one day when his favorite photog is sick. You get a chance to build a career snapping shots of some of the most beautiful Sims in the city, but remember to keep in touch with your friends. Job Level: 7 Carpool Arrival: 9am Work Hours: 10am to 5pm Salary: 1,785 Bonus for Promotion: 3,570 Requirements for Level 8: 7 Creativity Points 7 Mechanical Points 7 Charisma Points 4 Cooking Points 9 Family Friends Job Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Free Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday ******************** *Acclaimed Muralist* ******************** Description Murals! Murals! Murals! You abhor the sight of a blank wall or ceiling in any public place. Your passion is to create eye-catching murals all over spare surfaces to brighten up SimCity, and luckily, an annoymous but wealthy patron is footing the bill. Job Level: 8 Carpool Arrival: 11am Work Hours: 12pm to 7pm Salary: 2,232 Bonus for Promotion: 4,462 Requirements for Level 9: 9 Creativity Points 8 Mechanical Points 7 Charisma Points 5 Cooking Points 10 Family Friends Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Free Days: Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday ******************* *Conceptual Artist* ******************* Description As your art becomes even more conceptual and abstract, you need more interpretations and advice from your friends to strengthen your ideas. Invite them to parties and show off your work at the same time. Job Level: 9 Carpool Arrival: 9am Work Hours: 10am to 5pm Salary: 2,625 Bonus for Promotion: 5,250 Requirements for Level 10: 10 Creativity Points 10 Mechanical Points 7 Charisma Points 6 Cooking Points 13 Family Friends Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Free Days: Sunday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday *********** *Visionary* *********** Description You are now a living legend. Your thoughts and artistic works influence millions and appear in galleries, news magazines and on thought-provoking billboards around the world. Job Level: 10 [MAX] Carpool Arrival: 12pm Work Hours: 1pm to 6pm Salary: 4,549 Bonus for Promotion: 9,098 Job Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Free Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday —————————————————————————— [6.04] Natural Scientist Nice job and a great career to snap up the man eating bovine. However, will your Sim get bored on the way on the top. And will you have your limbs in place when you do? *********** *Ratkeeper* *********** Description Yes, you tend rats for a living. Its not the greatest job, but at least it gets you started with a career in the biological sciences. The bites dont go too deep and no redness or irritation has started, so chances are you might live to see a promotion if you work on your skills. Job Level: 1 Carpool Arrival: 8am Work Hours: 9am to 4pm Salary: 325 Requirements for Level 2: 1 Body Point 1 Mechanical Point 1 Cleaning Point Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Free Days: Sunday, Friday ************** *Algae Hunter* ************** Description Who knows what wonderous treasures lurk in our rivers and stream? The Algae Hunter, thats who! Your job is sample collection, your focus is algae. You dont perform any of the offical tests yourself, but at least you have a job that lets you enjoy the great (slimy) outdoors. Job Level: 2 Carpool Arrival: 7am Work Hours: 8am to 3pm Salary: 483 Bonus for Promotion: 966 Requirements for Level 3: 3 Body Points 2 Mechanical Points 1 Cleaning Point Job Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Free Days: Monday, Friday *************** *Clam Wrangler* *************** Description Lets face it: Clams are slippery little bivalves. Sometimes keeping their habitats in check requires a little wrangling, and thats where you come in. Long regarded as a jumping ground for more prestigious careers in Natural Science, Clam Wrangling requires a strong body and quick reflexes. Work and prestige may not be far off. Job Level: 3 Carpool Arrival: 8am Work Hours: 9am to 4pm Salary: 672 Bonus for Prmotion: 1,344 Requirements for Level 4: 4 Body Points 3 Mechanical Points 3 Cleaning Points 1 Family Friend Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Free Days: Sunday, Wednesday ************ *Scatmaster* ************ Description You are a Scatmaster – a freelance specialist in animal droppings. Your work comes in many forms – from tracking animals to determining their dietary habits. Youre one of the best at what you do. Because, lets face it – this is a pretty niche field. Job Level: 4 Carpool Arrival: 10am Work Hours: 11am to 6pm Salary: 787 Bonus for Promotion: 1,574 Requirements for Level 5: 1 Logic Point 5 Body Points 4 Mechanical Points 5 Cleaning Points 2 Family Friends Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Free Days: Sunday, Saturday ***************** *Soil Identifier* ***************** Description As a freelance Soil Identifier, you will be at the beck and call of construction teams, farmers, and cirt officials. Is it a Mesic sandy clay loam, or a Xeric loamy clay sand? To everyone else, its just dirt. To you, its SCIENCE! Job Level: 5 Carpool Arrival: 8am Work Hours: 9am to 4pm Salary: 945 Bonus for Promotion: 1,890 Requirements for Level 6: 3 Logic Points 5 Body Points 6 Mechanical Points 6 Cleaning Points 4 Family Friends Job Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Free Days: Monday, Thursday **************** *Rogue Botanist* **************** Description No more freelancing for you! Youve found yourself a Uniersity sponsor, allowing you to do some real research of your own. The organisation has deemed you their Rogue Botanist, a suspicious yet handsomely paying title. Job Level: 6 [JOB REWARD] Carpool Arrival: 9am Work Hours: 10am to 5pm Salary: 1,134 Bonus for Promotion: 2,268 Requirements for Level 7: 6 Logic Points 5 Body Points 6 Mechanical Points 6 Cleaning Points 6 Family Friends Job Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Free Days: Tuesday, Thursday ***************** *Animal Linguist* ***************** Description More than just sitting and talking to a parrot all day, the position of Animal Linguist is a prestigious and important career. You are tasked with finding semantic patterns in the sounds of all kind of critters, with the hopes of someday creating a universal language to unite all fauna! Job Level: 7 Carpool Arrival: 9am Work Hours: 10am to 5pm Salary: 1,344 Bonus for Promotion: 2,688 Requirements for Level 8: 8 Logic Points 5 Body Points 7 Mechanical Points 7 Cleaning Points 8 Family Friends Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Free Days: Sunday, Saturday ************************ *Unnatural Crossbreeder* ************************ Description An opening at a suspicious, privately owned offshore laboratory? Sounds good to you! The pay is great, the ethics are lax, and youve got access to pretty much any equipment you could possibly want. Just watch out for the Possumfish. It bites. Job Level: 8 Carpool Arrival: 8am Work Hours: 9am to 4pm Salary: 1,554 Bonus for Promotion: 3,108 Requirements for Level 9: 10 Logic Points 6 Body Points 9 Mechinical Points 8 Cleaning Points 10 Family Friends Job Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Free Days: Tuesday, Thursday ***************** *Dinosaur Cloner* ***************** Description I mean, come on – everyone knows how to make dinosaurs. Find a DNA sample, splice and create a cloning vector, integrate the DNA into bacterial cells to accelerate growth … You know, easy stuff. But the real fact of the matter is that know one has the guts or the large enough financial endorsement before. Youve got both. Job Level: 9 Carpool Arrival: 10am Work Hours: 11am to 6pm Salary: 2,283 Bonus for Promotion: 4,566 Requirements for Level 10: 10 Logic Points 8 Body Points 10 Mechinical Points 8 Cleaning Points 12 Family Friends Job Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Free Days: Sunday, Monday, Saturday ***************** *Ecological Guru* ***************** Description Your breath is the wind, your body the earth. Your voice is the call of the wild. You are … the Ecological Guru. You tell people to change their environmental practices – and they listen. March yourself out on the world and make a difference – youre a veritable force of nature. Job Level: 10 [MAX] Carpool Arrival: 11am Work Hours: 12pm to 9am [NEXT DAY] [Note this is 21 hours in a row] Salary: 10,497 Bonus for Promotion: 20,994 Job Days: Wednesday Free Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday —————————————————————————— [6.05] Job Analysis To update in tandem with my Seasons FAQ this section will contain jobs from this Expansion Pack and the base game. Of course, it wont contain other jobs because if you want them, you can view that specific FAQ. BASE GAME JOBS ********** *Politics* ********** Campaign Worker – 34.22 per hour 1540 per week Intern – 70 per hour 2100 per week Lobbyist – 84 per hour 2520 per week Campaign Manager – 68.89 per hour 3010 per week City Council Member – 113.16 per hour 3395 per week State Assemblyperson – 108 per hour 3780 per week Congressperson – 140 per hour 4200 per week Judge – 284.5 per hour 4552 per week Senator – 136.11 per hour 4900 per week Mayor – 219.67 per hour 5260 per week ********** *Medicine* ********** Emergency Medicial Technician – 46.67 per hour 1400 per week Paramedic – 64.16 per hour 1925 per week Intern – 68 per hour 2380 per week Nurse – 63.78 per hour 2870 per week Resident – 96 per hour 3360 per week General Practitioner – 96.25 per hour 3850 per week Specialist – 145.33 per hour 4375 per week Surgeon – 163.33 per hour 4900 per week Medicial Researcher – 193.72 per hour 5424 per week Chief of Staff – 214.14 per hour 5996 per week ********** *Business* ********** Mailroom Technician – 28 per hour 840 per week Executive Assistant – 36 per hour 1260 per week Field Sales Representative – 50 per hour 1750 per week Junior Executive – 64 per hour 2240 per week Executive – 93.33 per hour 2800 per week Senior Manager – 80.89 per hour 3640 per week Vice President – 115.5 per hour 4620 per week President – 175 per hour 5600 per week CEO – 237.86 per hour 6660 per week Business Tycoon – 350 per hour 8400 per week ********** *Athletic* ********** Team Mascot – 25.66 per hour 770 per week Minor Leaguer – 39.66 per hour 1190 per week Rookie – 53.66 per hour 1610 per week Starter – 70 per hour – 2100 per week All Star – 89.83 per hour 2695 per week MVP – 148.83 per hour 3572 per week Superstar – 170 per hour – 4760 per week Assistant Coach – 297.6 per hour 5952 per week Coach – 291.66 per hour 7000 per week Hall of Famer – 505.5 per hour 9099 per week ********** *Criminal* ********** Pickpocket – 32.67 per hour 980 per week Bagman – 40 per hour 1400 per week Bookie – 55 per hour 1925 per week Con Artist – 81.67 per hour 2450 per week Getaway Driver – 74.375 per hour 2975 per week Bank Robber – 92.75 per hour 3710 per week Cat Burglar – 149.33 per hour 4480 per week Counterfeiter – 177.33 per hour 5320 per week Smuggler – 262.2 per hour 6300 per week Criminal Mastermind – 320.83 per hour 7700 per week ********** *Military* ********** Recruit – 58.33 per hour 1700 per week Elite Forces – 75.83 per hour 2275 per week Drill Instructor – 93.33 per hour 2800 per week Junior Officer – 105 per hour 3150 per week Counter Intelligence – 116.66 per hour – 3500 per week Flight Officer – 128.33 per hour 3850 per week Senior Officer – 135.33 per hour 4060 per week Commander – 140 per hour 4200 per week Astronaut – 182.33 per hour 4376 per week General – 189.66 per hour 4552 per week ********* *Slacker* ********* Golf Caddy – 25.2 per hour 630 per week Gas Station Attendant – 25.67 per hour 770 per week Convenience Store Clerk – 35 per hour 1050 per week Record Store Clerk – 42 per hour 1260 per week Party DJ – 77 per hour 1540 per week Projectionist – 78.4 per hour 1960 per week Home Video Editor – 102.67 per hour 2452 per week Freelance Photographer – 157.6 per hour 3152 per week Freelance Web Designer – 186.6 per hour 3732 per week Professional Party Guest – 350 per hour 4200 per week ***************** *Law Enforcement* ***************** Security Guard – 56 per hour 1680 per week Cadet – 74.67 per hour 2240 per week Patrol Officer – 69 per hour 2760 per week Desk Sergeant – 102.67 per hour 3080 per week Vice Squad – 114.33 per hour 3430 per week Detective – 126 per hour 3780 per week Lieutenant – 137.67 per hour 4130 per week SWAT Team Leader – 125 per hour 4375 per week Police Chief – 113.75 per hour 4550 per week Captain Hero – 204.16 per hour 4900 per week ********** *Culinary* ********** Dish Wisher – 15.75 per hour 630 per week Drive Through Clerk – 42 per hour 840 per week Fast Food Shift Manager – 36.4 per hour 910 per week Host – 40.33 per hour 1210 per week Waiter – 61.6 per hour 1540 per week Prep Cook – 78.16 per hour 2345 per week Sous Chef – 116 per hour 4060 per week Executive Chef – 201 per hour 4824 per week Restauranteur – 166.25 per hour 5320 per week Celebrity Chef – 434 per hour 6510 per week ********* *Science* ********* Test Subject – 36.16 per hour – 1085 per week Lab Assistant – 53.66 per hour – 1610 per week Field Researcher – 74.66 per hour 2240 per week Science Teacher – 75 per hour 2625 per week Project Leader – 90 per hour 3150 per week Inventor – 84 per hour 3780 per week Scholar – 179.2 per hour 4480 per week Top Secret Researcher – 148 per hour 5180 per week Theorist – 380.5 per hour 6088 per week Mad Scientist – 583.25 per hour 6999 per week UNIVERSITY JOBS ************ *Paranormal* ************ Psychic Phone Pal – 36 per hour 1260 per week Conspiracy Theorist – 53.57 per hour 1875 per week Tarot Card Reader – 75 per hour 2625 per week Hypnotist – 96 per hour 3360 per week Medium – 120 per hour 4200 per week Douser – 156 per hour 5460 per week Police Psychic – 231 per hour 6930 per week UFO Investigator – 300 per hour 8400 per week Exorcist – 415.67 per hour 7482 per week Cult Leader – 675 per hour 9450 per week *************** *Show Business* *************** Screen Test Stand-In – 60 per hour 2100 per week Body Double – 82.43 per hour 2885 per week Bit Player – 102 per hour 3570 per week Commerical Actor – 95.67 per hour 4305 per week Cartoon Voice – 144 per hour 5040 per week Supporting Player – 165 per hour 5775 per week Broadway Star – 187.43 per hour 6560 per week Leading Man – 367.5 per hour 6615 per week Blockbuster Director – 435.86 per hour 9153 per week Icon – 1255.5 per hour 15066 per week ******** *Artist* ******** Canvas Stretcher – 33 per hour 1155 per week Street Caricaturist – 51 per hour – 1785 per week Souvenir Whittler – 62.57 per hour 2190 per week Comic Book Penciller – 90 per hour 3150 per week Wedding Photographer – 115.43 per hour 4040 per week Art Forger – 191.29 per hour 5356 per week Fashion Photographer – 255 per hour 7140 per week Acclaimed Muralist – 318.86 per hour 6696 per week Conceptual Artist – 375 per hour 7875 per week Visionary – 909.8 per hour 13647 per week ***************** *Natural Science* ***************** Ratkeeper – 46.43 per hour 1625 per week Algae Hunter – 69 per hour 2415 per week Clam Wrangler – 96 per hour 3360 per week Scatmaster – 112.43 per hour 3935 per week Soil Identifier – 135 per hour 4725 per week Rogue Botanist – 162 per hour 5670 per week Animal Linguist – 192 per hour 6720 per week Unnatural Crossbreeder – 222 per hour 7770 per week Dinosaur Cloner – 326.14 per hour 9132 per week Ecological Guru – 499.86 per hour 10497 per week —————————————————————————— [7.01] Paranormal Career: Paranormal Job: Medium [Level 5] The Resurrect-O-Nomitron No need to mourn the passing of your loved ones. Not only is this telephone a classy accesssory to any stylish realm, but it also provides a direct line to the Grim Reaper. For nary the price of your soul, Mr Reaper will gladly bring anyone back from the beyond. But beware: if you dont offer a competitive price, your resurrected loved one may be … incomplete. This reward was probably put in by Maxis by those who like to ahhh, kill their beloved Sims so many times that it is not really funny anymore. This is great for the player that loves to injure, harm, torture, kill, murder their Sims by accident. It gives a direct line to Mr Reaper who will resurrect your dead ones for a price. Why the hell he wants money in a place that will burn it is unknown to me but its Maxis, so yeah. But please, get the price right. The description doesnt lie when he says that if you dont pay a good price, it will end up, incomplete. It really depends on how you create your Zombies. The stinger and cheaper your are, the worse the zombie will be and if you are too cheap, then nothing will come your way. You should spend about 8513 for the perfect zombie or about 1000 if you want a miserable, hating slave. If you want a slave, kill off a person that didnt die a glorious death, find one that loves to die. Knowledge Sims love to make the dead come back, and some even have the want to come back as zombies. I guess reading too many books and study would make them a bit whacked. Why on earth they want to be zombies is definately beyond me. On the other hand, family Sims would hate to have an incomplete zombie so make a knowledge sim the person that handles the resurrection as the family Sim will pee their pants and wet their couchs/beds. Zombies will always be different to ordinary Sims, just like a potato is to a carrot. Zombies cannot run or skip, and with the correct requirements, they will do some kind of Zombie dance or jig or whatever. The option of running when your are on the verge of collapse is out of the question. Secondly, they cannot reproduce. I mean, who would want to reproduce with a guy that just can back from the dead and reaks of zombie stench. I mean, that is wrong, would you do that? Another one is that although a teen can be a zombie, that cannot stop that fact that they can go to University. They also can become an adult. Thats funny, a zombie growing up. Finally, their personalities are really pathos, I mean, it is worse that the custom Sim I screwed up on purpose and so I know, if I want a really sucky Sim, just get a zombie. Once you get a zombie back from the dead, well, they will be a zombie for life and you cannot change that, even if you get a perfect resurrection fifty goddam thousand times. Try not to off them again, with your evil methods such as the towering inferno fire, Starvation tactics or the Laganaphyllis Simnovorii. The paying price is paid like the fridge groceries. You can pay more and less with the respective arrows. This is how the pricing works 987- = Nothing, no refund, Mr Reaper takes the money and runs. Maybe you should get the money by killing him. 988 to 4127 = The Sim is resurrected with really bad motives and is really pissed with the stingy bastard (no, it is not a swear word, I mean Bart Simpson said it and that is rated for general viewing) who resurrected. They have lost most of their personality and have lost about 6 points in each skills so its a waste. 4128 to 8512 = This will be a normal resurrection with a reverse personality and loss of 4 points in each skill. No, dont think about the reverse to perfect personality because all Sims that are custom made are allocated with 25 skill points so dont think about it. This is opposite if you have, well rigged the points with encouragement that it is rigged to blow. If you kill the zombie again, the personality reverses so yeah, think about it. 8513 to 10000 = Perfect resurrection with healthy motives, no skill losses and the relationship between the resurrector and zombie get a nice healthy kickstart. Also, the Grim Reaper doesnt want to be called for no reason so please refrain from calling him for no reason. He says to my Sims that because you have no one to resurrect, you should stop calling him or hell go after YOU! —————————————————————————— [7.02] Show Business Career: Show Business Job: Supporting Actor/Actress [Level 6] Dr Vus Automated Cosmetic Surgeon Does your Sim have a face that only a mother could love? If so, its time to take advantage of todays technological breakthroughs in medicine. Forget forking over thousands of simoleons for unrealiable plastic surgery, as performed by the error-prone real doctor. Trust Dr. Vus lastest insidious creation to make precise facial modifications as only a computer can. A few minutes of your time can result in a new, beautiful face that will last a lifetime! Also note that this machine comes in two but similar colours. With the makeup table that seems to dish out infinite amounts of makeup and the fact that there is so much botox in a Sims vein or artery that you wonder why they arent dead or why they refuse to paralyse the entire American army with a Sim. And besides, its not the first time anyone has heard about this mysterious doctor. He was the one who design the fishtank. Would you trust a man you have never seen before with your face even though he is a fishlover? If you wont, Im sure your Sims wont mind. You can so many things with this machine. You can get a nose job like Michael Jackson or a chin job … like Michael Jackson. Or you can get your face done, … with … Michael Jackson [Im seriously running out of ideas]. Also, if some low leveled mechanical Sim plays around with this machines, its not really good for his health, literally. It will mess up the face and make the mirror break [Figuratively speaking]. Its not a toy boys and girls. —————————————————————————— [7.03] Artist Career: Artist Job: Wedding Photographer [Level 5] Luminous Pro Antique Camera What a find! This vintage upright camera hails from the days of yore, when cameras didnt fit in your pocket. Gather your Sims family and friends to pose for a picture together, or just take snapshots of your Sims favourite scenes from around the house. Sell photos for simoleons or click on them in Buy Mode to conveniently hang on any wall or place on table or counter. The camera is a quick sure fire way to make 100. Each photo will net you good money and handy if you need some funds for some legal activity. This is available in two colours. Also, make your dull blank walls coloured with photos if you havent done so with paintings [like me]. Also, you can pose for a photo yourself so join in and have some FUN! On a proper scale, art and photos both make money but which one makes it faster in game time? Well, look at it this way. If you are an excellent painter, you can make about 2000 per painting. However, you take about 6 and a half game hours for a complete painting which is 390 minutes. The photo camera can make 100 in about 5 game minutes. So, if you are bored, in that time to make a painting, you can make 7800 with the camera. Only downfall is that you need to go to University and get a degree. —————————————————————————— [7.04] Natural Scientist Career: Natural Science Job: Rogue Botanist [Level 6] Laganaphyllis Simnovorii This bizarre bovine vegetation is large enough to swallow your next-door neighbour whole. In fact, it WILL eat your neighbours. Your friends will be hard-pressed to resist the tantalizing vine-cake of the carniverous Laganaphyllis Simnovorii. After it has consumed some prey, milk it for sweet, rejuvenating nectar of life. A swig of this liquid refreshment will add precious days to a Sims life and wash away any regret they may have over their visitors fate. Ahh, the imfamous cow plant, the murderer of many unlucky Sims. Maybe I should make a Sim Movie over this, a Series of Eaten Events. Anyway, this nasty thing has a fetish for Sim meat, I guess the butcher ran out of meat when he served this customer. This force of Nature is more than a cow that happened to breed with a plant. This force of Nature happens to be more stronger than the Social Bunny, aliens, zombies, glitches, Grim Reaper and the imfamous and dreaded Jump Bug put together. This freak of nature removes their prey from the face of the Earth that the Grim Reaper cannot even pull out a cell phone or even make a note on his clipboard. This thing is the closest that Maxis allowed to murder another so far in this rather limited series. Sure, the slow disease, isolation without food or even as far as the pool with no ladder could kill under your command, this one will live in your Sims memories. You can feed this thing two things. You can buy, well … assorted giant meat part for 35 and feed it to this abnormal thing but that will be besides the point and it wont give any elixir. The second method of course is feeding, no no no, that is too bad a word. Retake. The second method is unleashing (yes a good word) this … thing on your neighbours and this plant will sort them into breakfast, lunch and … well not tea. This plant will get hungry every 12 hours. It places a cake on its tongue on lures the AI to come. Your Sims AI is not as stupid but the neighbours are. Also, Sims that have a green stink cloud are not considered good eating as the Cow plant decides that rotten food will not so. So low hygiene Sims will have to have a shower before munch time. This includes zombies so wash and recycle and save … the environment. When you decide to milk this cow, you can drink the elixir that will rewind the days. It will rewind about 5 days in fact. Your Sim will not get any bad dreams about this new tasty beverage, I mean, they will remember it but just not in a bad way. Sims dont get bad memories of this kind of death, I just it was natural for them but certainally not for me. I find it disturbing [suddenly, FAQ writer fetches a Remington Shotgun and start looking for a cow plant to use …]. Victims of this plant will be light green, not like their disease neighbours and will spend the night taunting this poor plant with some, ghoulish meat. They never got it though. Although this plant does wind back time, it does not wind back time while at Uni so the best you can do is slaughter the damn place and drink them for the fun of it. You can only get this in a secret society while you are in Uni. —————————————————————————— [7.05] College How to Get: Finish University Save the Sheep Faux Sheepskin Diploma This prestigious diploma bestowed by your Sims University at graduation gives one more sheep another chance at life. Made of the finest faux sheepskin, this diploma tells the world that your Sim is educated, employable, and concerned about sheep conservation. When you finish University, your Sim will have this on their Rewards panel under their job rewards. You can hang the diploma on the wall and read the diploma along with any honours if they recieved any. Also, it is the only reward that your can repack. This means that you can take it back and it will be on the job rewards panel. This is because that the diploma is needed to prove you finished University and if it is sold, deleted or the owner of the diploma moves out, the diploma goes for good. Do this if your Sim has the chance that it will leave the house. Hang it if you know that your Sim will stay for good. As for me, to stop fire destroying it, I place the two diplomas that I have over the toilet, so it will never catch fire. —————————————————————————— [7.06] Aspiration Reward This is the only add on to the aspiration rewards. It is well, youll see. Genuine Bucks Famous Counterfeiting Machine Cost – 27,750 Aspiration Points Why earn money when you can simply print it yourself? Jobs and careers take away valuable time you could be spending with your family. T

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