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The Sims Deluxe FAQ

============================================================================== The Sims and The Sims Livin Large Guide ver.1.0 (and so, this is mostly OK as the guide for The Sims: Deluxe Edition as well) ============================================================================== author : Hafiz Rahman e-mail : notinm first started : 08 February 2003 last updated : 29 May 2003 ============================================================================== 0. Table of Contents / Version History ============================================================================== 0. Table of Contents / Version History 1. Introduction 2. A Quick Intro to The Sims 2.0. The Sims 2.1. The Sims Livin Large 3. Create-a-family 3.0. About a family 3.1. Character personalities 3.2. Zodiac compatibilities 3.3. Members consideration 3.4. Moving-in 4. Sims Behaviors 4.0. Between Free Will and not 4.1. One deadly need, and 7 others… 4.2. Mood 4.3. Sims way of thinking 4.4. Sims and your order 4.5. Skills 4.6. Health 4.7. What a Sim dislikes and why 4.8. SimKid behaviors 4.9. Guests behaviors 5. Building 5.0. Stats 5.1. Building consideration 5.2. To mix or not to mix 5.3. Starting ideas 5.4. Second story 6. Objects 6.0. Specific objects behaviors 6.1. List 7. Relationships 8. Career 8.0. The Sims Career List 8.1. Livin Large Career List 8.2. Standalone careers 9. Growing family 9.0. Baby 9.1. SimKid 10. Livin Large only! 10.0. Livin Large objects 10.1. Neighborhoods 10.2. Miscellaneous 11. Cheats and stuff 11.0. Playing tricks 11.1. Money, money, more money 11.2. Cheat codes 12. Miscellaneous 12.0. The Sims: Did You Know? 12.1. Careers Description 13. Credits and References =-= Version History =-= Version 1.0 ~ initial release. ============================================================================== 1. Introduction ============================================================================== I actually wanted to tell you about how I didnt have enough disk space to install the better expansions and instead was stuck with Livin Large, but I personally disbelieve that it would bring you even the slightest hint of interest. In other words, Ill shut up already. I was browsing through the Livin Large page on GameFAQs and found only a single FAQ on it, sitting there looking alone and stuff. So I took my duty as an author to, euh, (satiate my narcissistic need while pretending to) help the gaming world in general. And heres the result, hope you all like it. NOTE: If you really start reading from the beginning, you may find obscure reference about the game itself from time to time (e.g. I may point out a little about careers on chapter 6. Objects; while the career itself will be explained later in Chapter 8) You will definitely learn more as you read through the FAQ, so dont be worried when facing such occasion. /\___________________________________________________ //\\__________________________________________________\ // \\ This FAQ has spoilers within. And, judging \ WARNING! from its size, thats an AMAZING amount of \ // \\ spoilers already. If you dont mind it, then \ //!!!!!!!!\\ go ahead. If you find it a bugger, though, feel \ \ free to leave and do whatevers best for yourself.\ \_________________________________________________________\ \_________________________________________________________\ ============================================================================== 2. A Quick Intro to The Sims ============================================================================== ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.0. The Sims To put it short, The Sims is all about planning a live, and then living as is. You will have to lead your Sims (those guys in the game that you all design and stuff) to endure the hardship of their life. NOTE: I will randomly use he or she or it when referring to your Sim, depending on whichever I feel like at the time. No other reason beyond that. The Sims is composed of three different playing mode, they are -Live-, -Buy- and -Build- mode. You can switch between the three almost anytime youre playing (except during special events) at no cost at all. Logically, though, before you can place someone in a house, you will need to build him a house and buy something to put into the house. As he eventually live through the days, you will get more money to do some rebuilding or buying better objects. In -Live- mode, you will have to point your Sim to do whatever you think they have to do. They have some different needs (this will be discussed soon) and as their programmer made them, they are not that smart when it comes to helping themselves, and heres where you come to play. You will tell him to sleep, to study, to step to the next succesful ladder of a career and such. In -Buy- mode, you will browse through different categories of objects. These will help your Sim in life, and everything starts from the cheap item through eventually the better ones with such price tag. These objects have different ways and stats about which and how much will they fulfill your Sims need, and the more expensive they are, the better the feature is (usually, though). In -Build- mode, as it should be obvious, you will provide the best shelter you can think of for them. You put walls, pools, plants, doors, and such. You may not realize it, but this mode drains your money quickly. All those objects may be cheap, but you will have to buy a lot at once (say, you just dont build a single wall and call it a house, do you?). It is advisable to start small, and slowly developing as you have the money. Note that the game flows in real-time while playing -Live- mode, and it will be completely paused everytime you switch to -Buy- and -Build- mode. Uh, and you can also completely pause the game by pressing P (short for Pause) or ~ (that tilde thing next to key 1). ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ~ Quick Shortcut ~ // // ~ Learn to use these keys, a definite help they are! ~ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Key Function // // —————————————————————– // // ~ / P Pauses the game during -Live- mode // // 1 Switches the game speed to Normal (-Live-) // // 2 Switches the game speed to Fast (-Live-) // // 3 Switches the game speed to Very Fast (-Live-) // // F1 Switch to -Live- mode // // F2 Switch to -Buy- mode // // F3 Switch to -Build- mode // // F4 Switch to Photo Album // // F5 Switch to Option mode // // Tab Toggles between first and second story (if any) // // Enter Chooses OK when prompted // // Spacebar Chooses OK when prompted as well // // Esc Chooses Cancel when prompted // // Y Chooses Yes when prompted // // N Chooses No when prompted // // Delete Sells / Delete objects after being chosen in Buy/Build mode // // Alt+Tab Switch from The Sims to another application currently open // // (very useful when, like, writing a guide like this 🙂 // // —————————————————————– // // // // Mouse action (i.e. done with a left click) // // —————————————————————– // // +Ctrl(hold) Deletes building objects // // +Shift(hold) Builds square room (wall tool only) // // Fills an entire room (floor tool only) // // Fills an entire connecting wall surface (wallpaper // // tool only) // // —————————————————————– // // // // To delete a wall, for example, hold Ctrl and click on the wall // // drag it the way you build the wall. Then let go of the mouse // // button FIRST, not the Ctrl key. This act works with wall, tile, // // wallpaper, door, window, and all. // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Im not sure what to do so, Ill just press whatever! // // Selphie Tilmitt, Final Fantasy VIII // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.1. The Sims Livin Large Now since this is also a guide on Livin Large, I will also have to explain about the expansion. In many ways, Livin Large plays just like the original game, but with new objects, careers, characters, and some tweak into the previous installment (and therefore the name, expansion). One of the most obvious change to Livin Large is that the availability of 5 neighborhoods at once. All these neighborhoods are identical (i.e. just like the one in the original). The first neighborhood remains as an exact copy from the first game. The second has only three different pre-made house (each of which were made according to the three featured themes) and a pre-made family. The rest of the neighborhoods are simply empty lots. There are many new objects to the game: most has quite the same attribute and price to some of the original, but with different looks to reflect the new themes. Some are totally new and independent objects. Some other are new ways to raise stats: guitar, woodworking table, chemistry set, and a telescope. Some new happenings and features are gained through the objects. Looking through the telescope may cause your Sim to be abducted by who-knows-what, chemistry set can make different potions with different result (or simply an explosion if youre not good enough), asking the crystal ball and doing what it said may raise your personality (or otherwise). New NPCs are also available, some appeared in a very new way that is via the fuse between them and objects. This includes the Genie (by cleaning the lamp, no less) and Servo, the robot maid. There are also five new careers for the slightly amused by the previous ones. To sum it up, Livin Large adds quite a lot to the game. It will take a while for you to take a look at all the new objects and possibilities, and if youre quite bored through the same old building choices of The Sims, take Livin Large for a reason to start your house anew. Refresh your wallpapers, change your tiles, remodel the windows, anything! ============================================================================== 3. Create-a-family ============================================================================== ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.0. About a family Before you probably know the reason, it is inevitable for you to fill the neighborhood with a lot of family. You shouldnt expect to make an exclusive family of yourself, hoping that the game will just go on well like in RPGs. The game itself didnt provide that many NPCs for you to interact with, so you will have to do that on your own. You dont have to play all the family, but you simply have to have them. Oh yeah, in terms of The Sims, a family is regarded as a single or group of people under the same last name that will, by default, live altogether during the game. There can be 1 to 8 characters in a family, each of which you will have to design yourself. All the way through the game, it is possible for a character from a family to move to different family either through marriage or moving-in. Now if youre set to go, lets go create-a-family! ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.1. Character Personalities I know there are quite some steps you will need to do before taking into consideration your personalities, but I doubt you cant safely do such tasks like finding the create-a-family button or naming your family and characters or choosing their clothes and all. So lets now quickly discuss about how you will make use of those free 25 Personality Points instead. There are five different personalities you will see during the making of your character, and with those 25 points you will have to decide how your character will be. Take further note that, although it says Neat, you will have to fill the whole empty bar to have a Neat Sim. Otherwise, if you leave it empty, you will get a real messy Sim instead. Heres the explanation: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ~ Character Personalities ~ // // ~ How they turn out to be, its all in ye hands! ~ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // 1. Neat // // Its not easy to explain how a neat person is because I never really // // be one, but heh, Ill just explain about things I rarely do 🙂 Neat // // Sims are basically like those of the neat people. There are some few // // tasks a Neat Sim will do on his/her own: flushing the toilet after // // use, washing their hands after that too, and cleaning out their own // // (and others if any) dishes after eating. Neat Sim also never leaves // // water puddle on the floor after bathing, something that the Messy // // Sim seems to enjoy doing again and again. Messy Sims also rarely // // flush, clean dishes and wash hands. // // // // NOTE: although Messy Sim never do such task automatically, you can // // always tell them to do so. So, the only difference is that you // // will have to tell a Messy Sim to flush the toilet after they // // are finished, while you wont have to do so for a Neat Sim. // // // // Pts. Name Desc. // // ——————————————————————- // // 0-2 Slob So I occasionally leave a pizza box or two lying // // around, and I dont mind the flies buzzing all // // over. Why clean up when everybody else is willing // // to do it? // // // // 3-7 Occasional When it comes to cleaning up, I have a few basic // // Cleaner rules. I flush when Im done, throw away my own // // junk, and take out the trash now and then. // // // // 8-10 Neat Freak Im known to wash a dish as soon as Ive finished // // eating. The trashcans barely full before its // // taken out. The paper is recycled as soon as Ive // // finished reading. And the house is always // // spotless whenever Im about. // // ——————————————————————- // // // // 2. Outgoing // // Being outgoing is perhaps like enjoying and feeling alright being // // around many people. Talking, playing, everything. Thats something // // an Outgoing Sim will do. Outgoing Sim will easily have better choice // // of interactions when with others, and to compensate their desire to // // socialize, they will need frequent talk with friends. In other hand, // // a Shy Sim is quite obvious: they dont need that much of the talk, // // but it will be harder for them to make friend too. // // // // Pts. Name Desc. // // ——————————————————————- // // 0-2 Shy Being self-conscious and introspective, I dont // // have a great need to be social. Its hard for me // // to meet new people and make friends. // // // // 3-7 Member of Im a little reserved, and it takes me a while to // // the Crowd warm up to new people. You wont see me in the // // middle of huge crowds at parties, but I wont be // // sitting quietly in a corner either. // // // // 8-10 People I am an extrovert. I love to talk to everyone. I // // Person crave social interactions. Basically, Im a // // social animal. // // ——————————————————————- // // // // 3. Active // // As an Active Sim, he/she will get up faster in the morning, have // // some games of basketball with the neighbor, and to dance and do // // everything that takes energy. In exchange, they will quickly lost // // the comfortness of a recliner, something a Lazy Sim will prefer over // // all the other thing. Beware though, Lazy Sim also obviously takes // // quite some time to wake up, and they somehow can never walk faster // // than those of the Active Sims. // // // // Pts. Name Desc. // // ——————————————————————- // // 0-2 Lazy Is there anything worse than getting out of bed // // in the morning? Who needs ambition–a warm couch // // and a good show is all anyone needs. // // // // 3-7 Laid Back Though not always on the go, I am somewhat // // motivated. Though I tend to linger a little too // // long in a nice cozy chair, I wont be caught // // sitting there all day either. // // // // 8-10 Energetic Some say Im a live wire. Some say I have ants in // // my pants. Either way, it just means that Im // // always on the go and anxious to get there. // // ——————————————————————- // // // // 4. Playful // // It doesnt take half a brain to admit you are a Playful guy. Youre // // currently reading some guide for videogames, duh. You, like all the // // Playful Sims, enjoy new games, joking with your friends, just about // // anything that involves doing fun. A Serious Sim is probably the guy // // who frowns at you; they enjoy quietness while reading serious books // // about who-knows-what. // // // // Pts. Name Desc. // // ——————————————————————- // // 0-2 Serious Sims who spend their time joking around just // // irritate me. Dont they understand that their // // frivolous folly is meaningless? So much more fun // // can be gained by reading a good book. // // // // 3-7 Amused I laugh at good jokes, dance if there are other // // people on the floor, and like to play games. // // Generally, I like having fun, but I dont go // // overboard. // // // // 8-10 Life of When Im not telling jokes, Im laughing at them. // // the Party Ive never seen a game I didnt want to play. // // Thats why everyone knows the party is always at // // my house. // // ——————————————————————- // // // // 5. Nice // // This only covers the aspect of interaction with another, duh. Its // // hard to call you a nice person if youre only nice to yourself. A // // Nice Sim will have friends easier, while the Grouchy Sim enjoys more // // the idea of taunting the others in hope of getting into a fight. // // // // Pts. Name Desc. // // ——————————————————————- // // 0-2 Mean Everything makes me mad, especially when someone // // says I have a temper. If everything wasnt always // // broken, or other Sims werent always bothering // // me, I probably wouldnt have to blow my stack so // // often. // // // // 3-7 Easy-going While some Sims can get on my nerves a little, // // overall Im pretty good-natured. // // // // 8-10 Compassionate I like giving hugs and compliments. I love // // making friends with everyone. If everyone were // // more like me, the neighborhood would be a nicer // // place. // // ——————————————————————- // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // My lusty personality cant be described by any one type! // // Meis Triumph, Thousand Arms // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.2. Zodiac Compatibilities As you try different combinations of personalities, you will see that the zodiac sign for your Sim is changed accordingly. This sign is used for one and only matter: that is to decide how compatible your Sim is with other Sims zodiac. For a start, here are the zodiac signs and stuff: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ~ Zodiac Signs ~ // // ~ I personally dont care about this, but who knows! ~ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // NOTE: The Example stats are gained as you click the name of a zodiac // // as soon as they appear when you place the points. When you do so, // // the name will shuffle to the next zodiac and you will get the // // Example stats from there. // // // // 1. Aries // // Dynamic and confident, most Aries never shy away from the // // opportunity to strike up a conversation with anyone. However, they // // can be somewhat impulsive and quick-tempered. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Taurus, Gemini // // No Good with : Cancer, Libra // // Example : Neat (5) // // Outgoing (6) // // Active (8) // // Playful (3) // // Nice (3) // // ——————————— // // // // 2. Taurus // // The typical Taurus is strong-willed and determined. That can often // // mean determined to have a good time. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Aries, Libra // // No Good with : Cancer, Virgo // // Example : Neat (5) // // Outgoing (5) // // Active (3) // // Playful (8) // // Nice (4) // // ——————————— // // // // 3. Gemini // // Youthful and lively, many think Gemini have enough energy for two. // // Also energized by conversation, it isnt surprising to find them // // bouncing from one topic to the next at parties. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Virgo, Pisces // // No Good with : Aries, Capricorn // // Example : Neat (4) // // Outgoing (7) // // Active (8) // // Playful (3) // // Nice (3) // // ——————————— // // // // 4. Cancer // // There is nothing extreme about Cancers–they are very balanced. They // // can also be very changeable which can be good or bad depending on // // the situation. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Taurus, Scorpio // // No Good with : Aries, Gemini // // Example : Neat (6) // // Outgoing (3) // // Active (6) // // Playful (4) // // Nice (6) // // ——————————— // // // // 5. Leo // // The ultimate people people, Leos are complete extroverts. // // Unfortunately, this makes them deficient in other areas. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Cancer, Sagittarius // // No Good with : Gemini, Capricorn // // Example : Neat (4) // // Outgoing (10) // // Active (4) // // Playful (4) // // Nice (3) // // ——————————— // // // // 6. Virgo // // Modest and shy, introverted Virgos take pride in their meticulous // // and practical approach to life. Unfortunately, these same traits can // // also result in a very fussy individual. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Sagittarius, Aquarius // // No Good with : Taurus, Leo // // Example : Neat (9) // // Outgoing (2) // // Active (6) // // Playful (3) // // Nice (5) // // ——————————— // // // // 7. Libra // // Romantic and charming and incredibly sociable, its hard not to like // // a Libra. However, their social pursuits leave them little time for // // more practical endeavors. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Cancer, Virgo // // No Good with : Scorpio, Pisces // // Example : Neat (2) // // Outgoing (8) // // Active (2) // // Playful (6) // // Nice (7) // // ——————————— // // // // 8. Scorpio // // While somewhat withdrawn from social activities, Scorpios are // // forceful and determined in more practical pursuits. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Leo, Pisces // // No Good with : Libra, Aquarius // // Example : Neat (6) // // Outgoing (5) // // Active (8) // // Playful (3) // // Nice (3) // // ——————————— // // // // 9. Sagittarius // // Jovial and carefree Sagittarians are also blessed with boundless // // energy. Unfortunately, this combination can also make them restless // // and careless. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Capricorn, Pisces // // No Good with : Libra, Scorpio // // Example : Neat (2) // // Outgoing (3) // // Active (9) // // Playful (7) // // Nice (4) // // ——————————— // // // //10. Capricorn // // Armed with a dry wit, Capricorns can often be found telling a good // // joke. Also being very practical, they strive for order and // // discipline. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Taurus, Aquarius // // No Good with : Gemini, Leo // // Example : Neat (7) // // Outgoing (4) // // Active (1) // // Playful (8) // // Nice (5) // // ——————————— // // // //11. Aquarius // // Friendly and amusing, Aquarians are excellent companions. Being well // // balanced in other areas helps to make them one of the most agreeable // // signs. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Sagittarius, Capricorn // // No Good with : Virgo, Scorpio // // Example : Neat (4) // // Outgoing (4) // // Active (4) // // Playful (7) // // Nice (6) // // ——————————— // // // //12. Pisces // // Selfless and kind, Pisces are one of the nicest signs. Theyre // // active too. However, this combination can make them emotionally // // restless and indecisive. // // // // ——————————— // // Good with : Gemini, Scorpio // // No Good with : Aries, Leo // // Example : Neat (5) // // Outgoing (3) // // Active (7) // // Playful (3) // // Nice (7) // // ——————————— // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // And you think God can only make 12 different traits and fates? // // A friend of mine, or probably myself // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NOTE: A characters zodiac is, in fact, not permanent. I know this because I always make a Pisces Sim, but as I increase their personalities through the crystal ball quest (explained later), I find out that the zodiac of mine is changed accordingly. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.3. Members Consideration Now you may want to decide how many people you want to include in a family. There is no absolute must about that, duh, you can have as few as you want or vice-versa. This section will only provide the facts known so you can put them in mind anytime a decision is near. 1. Bachelor Living as a bachelor, or being alone in the family, is only good for three reasons. (1) If youre seeking for greater challenge. (2) If youre so idealistic about making the direct imitation of your real-life (i.e. you also live alone) and (3) You want to eventually let other Sim marry your bachelor, and therefore letting her to move to another family. Being a bachelor is not good as a starting point for you to learn the game, because you will miss a lot and will likely meet many trouble on the way. Therefore, until you grasp most of the point of the game, it is better for you to go with: 2. Two Sims Anytime you want to get to know the game better, make a family with two Sims. The idea is to let each of your Sim have his/her own task. One should be the moneymaker, going to work and stuff, while the other should be the homer, that is to stay at home. This basically balances the difficulty and closes the weak points of each other (i.e. moneymaker cant clean the house and greet the guests when at job, and this is where homer comes in; while the homer cant make any money with all the business at home, the moneymaker can). When living as a bachelor, you have to be both a moneymaker and a homer for yourself, which from time to time is proven near impossible. Go with Two Sims, all the way! 3. Eight Sims The big mother of a challenge is to take care of EIGHT different Sims all at once. Everything starts from your money: you only got 20000 at the beginning, and the fact is that such amount is quite enough to make a decent starting house…for only two Sims. Remember that you will need to buy more beds, dining table, a lot of chairs, different objects, and such. If somehow youre able to give them a quite dependable house, you will have to go the rough task. The good part about having eight Sims is that, with the moneymaker/homer strategy, you can easily have 7 moneymaker while a single homer is enough. That makes way greater income, obviously, but when the time has come to raise their stats for a job promotion… 4. To have or not to have… Even if you want to have eight Sims in the family, you just dont have to start with eight at the beginning. You can slowly (and safely) begin with two Sims, and then begin marrying, having kids and maybe asking the same gender neighbor to move in to your house. Before then, you can always make preparation first! Build bigger house, more bedrooms, and buy better objects! Each kid you have will cut 10% off of your bills, so if you have an adult and 7 kids (you always have to have at least one adult), you will only have to pay 30% of your total bills. Kids cant go to work, but they are able to paint, and will occasionally get 100 from grandpa or when studying with the computer if they have the best grade at school. More adults, as it is already mentioned, will let you have more people to work, and quick money therefore. Make a balance between adults and kids, and see if it worksbest for you. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.4. Moving-in Now that everything is ready, all you have to do is to move-in your family into the neighborhood. You will also see there are another pre-made family there. You can always evict them out of the house to replace them with your very own neighborhood set. With Livin Large, you can have five different neighborhoods. The 1 is exactly the one you see on the original The Sims, the 2 is a new one with three newly-themed house and a pre-made family, while the rest (3-5) are empty neighborhoods with no house or family. Personally, I went to the fifth neighborhood to build my very own, but you can do anything you want. When moving-in, you can buy a house (if any) or just buy an empty lot and build on your own. Also note that the lots have different size, and therefore, different price. It doesnt matter as to their surroundings, though. Just because you buy a lot near the ri

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