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Top 10 Most Popular Programming Languages

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7 CCis a compiled, object-oriented language written by Microsoft. It is an open specification, but rarely seen on any non-Windows platform. C was conceived as Microsofts premium language in Framework. It is very similar to Java in both syntax and nature.Strengths: Powerful and pretty fastWeaknesses: Only really suitable for Windows

3. C++C++is a compiled,multi-paradigm languagewritten as an update to C in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup. It attempts to be backwards-compatible with C and brings object-orientation, which helps in larger projects. Despite its age, C++ is used to create a wide array of applications from games to office suites.Strengths: SpeedWeaknesses: C++ is older and considered more clumsy than newer object-oriented languages such as Java or C.

4. PHPPHPuses a run-timeinterpreter, and is a multi-paradigm language originally developed in 1996 byRasmus Lerdorfto create dynamic web pages. At first it was not even a real programming language, but over time it eventually grew into a fully featured object-oriented programming language. Although PHP has been much criticized in the past for being a bit sloppy and insecure, its been pretty good since version 5 came out in 2004. Its hard to argue with success. Today, PHP is the most popular language used to write web applications. Even English 4 IT, the program you are currently using, is written in PHP ;)Strengths: Web programming, good documentationWeaknesses: Inconsistentsyntax, too many ways to do the same thing, a history of bizarre security decisions

1. JavaJavauses acompiler, and is anobject-oriented languagereleased in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. Java is the number one programming language today for many reasons. First, it is a well-organized language with a strong library of reusable software components. Second, programs written in Java can run on many different computer architectures and operating systems because of the use of the JVM ( Javavirtual machine). Sometimes this is referred to as codeportabilityor even WORA ( write once, run anywhere ). Third, Java is the language most likely to be taught in university computer science classes. A lot of computer science theory books written in the past decade use Java in the code examples. So learning Javasyntaxis a good idea even if you never actually code in it.Java Strengths: WORA, popularityJava Weaknesses: Slower than natively compiled languages

Learning a programming language is not easy, but it can be very rewarding. You will have a lot of questions at first. Just remember to get help when you need it! You can find out the answer to almost everything on Google nowadays…. so there is no excuse for failure. Also remember that it takes years to become an expert programmer. Dont expect to get good overnight. Just keep learning something new every day and eventually you will be competent enough to get the job done 😉

2. CCis a compiled,procedural languagedeveloped in 1972 byDennis Ritchiefor use in the UNIX operating system. Although designed to be portable in nature, C programs must be specifically compiled for computers with different architectures and operating systems. This helps make them lightning fast. Although C is a relatively old language, it is still widely used for system programming, writing other programming languages, and in embedded systems.Strengths: SpeedWeaknesses: Memory management can be difficult to master

Which programming languages do you already know? Which ones do you want to learn? Why?

8. JavaScriptJavaScriptis an interpreted, multi-paradigm language. A very strange one too. Despite its name, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Java. You will rarely, if ever, see this language outside of a web browser. It is basically a language meant to script behaviors in web browsers and used for things such as web form validation and AJAX style web applications. The trend in the future seems to be building more and more complex applications in JavaScript, even simple online games and office suites. The success of this trend will depend upon advancements in the speed of a browsers JavaScript interpreter. If you want to be correct, the real name of this programming language isECMAscript, although almost nobody actually calls it this.Strengths: its the only reliable way to do client-side web programmingWeaknesses: its only really useful in a web browser

6. PythonPythonis an interpreted, multi-paradigm programming language written byGuido van Rossumin the late 1980s and intended for general programming purposes. Python was not named after the snake but actually after the Monty Python comedy group. Python is characterized by its use of indentation for readability, and its encouragement forelegant codeby making developers do similar things in similar ways. Python is used as the main programming choice of both Google and Ubuntu.Strengths: Excellent readability and overall philosophyWeaknesses: None

Okay! Those are the top 10 programming languages in use today and some personal comments about them. Remember that opinions are like noses, everyone has one and they all smell 😉 If you disagree, please feel free to email me or write your own opinions on the forum.

There are hundreds of programming languages in use today. How can you know which one to learn first? How do you know which ones are the best for your IT field of choice? Well, I cant answer that question for you. But why not start by learning one of the top 10 most popular ones? That way you will always be able to get a job in the IT industry.

9. PerlPerlis an interpreted, multi-paradigm language written byLarry Wallin 1986. It is characterized by a somewhat disorganized and scary-looking syntax which only makes sense to other PERL programmers 😉 However, a lot of veteran programmers love it and use if every day as their primary language. 10 years ago, Perl was more popular than it is today. What happened? A lot of newer programmers and even old Perl programmers (such as myself) have switched to other languages such as PHP, Python, and Ruby. Perl is perhaps still the best language for text processing and system administration scripting. I personally do not recommend it however as a primary programming language.Strengths: text processing and system administrationWeaknesses: strange syntax, and perhaps too many ways to do the same thing

Which language do you think is best for making banking software? Web pages? Games? Text processing?

5. VB ( or Visual Basic )Visual Basicis an interpreted, multi-paradigm language developed by Microsoft Corporation for the Windows platform. It has been evolving over the years and is seen as a direct descendant of Microsofts old BASIC from the 1970s. Visual Basic is a good language for scripting Windows applications that do not need the power and speed of C.Strengths: None.Weaknesses: Only runs in Windows

Computer languages such as FORTRAN and COBOL were once very popular, but not so much anymore. Why do you think they lost popularity? Which languages in the top 10 do you think will drop in 10 years? Which one will gain in popularity?

10. RubyRubyis an interpreted, object-oriented language written byYukihiro Matsumotoaround 1995. It is one of the most object-oriented languages in the world. Everything is an object in Ruby, even letters and numbers can have method calls. Its a great language to learn if you love objects. The only negative is that its love of object-orientation makes it a bit slow, even for an interpreted language.Strengths: Perhaps the worlds most object-oriented languageWeaknesses: its superior object model comes at a price… namely speed

This article covers the top 10 most popular programming languages as ranked by in June 2009. I have added some general reviews and comments about each language they listed. Remember these are my own personal opinions. Other IT professionals might have different opinions.

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