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Types of Computer Programmers

Luther, Carol. Types of Computer Programmers.

Luther, Carol. (2018, March 30). Types of Computer Programmers.

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Luther, Carol. Types of Computer Programmers last modified March 30, 2018.

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The internet also requires programmers or developers to design and create the websites that you visit. These programmers use a wide range of software or scripts that determine what tasks you can do when you access the site. The simplest site, such as a blog or artist portfolio, still needs someone to design its structure, functions and the information that you and others see. Common programming languages for websites include HyperText Markup Language and JavaScript. However, website developers also use applications such a Drupal, WordPress or Joomla, but they customize them based on the site owners needs.

Software developers design and manage programming functions that range from word processing software to tax preparation and graphics editing applications. Without software developers, humans would need to write their own machine language programs to get computers to open files, edit them and save or print their work. The instructions differ for each type of program and limit the tasks the software can complete. You cant edit photos in your tax software because the software developers design hasnt included any instructions for your tax program to do those tasks. In some cases, developers design programs for the specific function needed by a company, the government or an organization instead of programs for purchase and use by the public. Software developers also design and create programs that run the operating systems for computers, networks and even smartphones.

by Carol Luther; Updated March 30, 2018

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Carol Luther has more than 25 years of business, technology, and freelance writing experience. She has held leadership roles in higher education management, international development, adult education, vocational education, and small business support programs

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The next time youre stuck in automated voicemail purgatory trying to decide which number to press to reach a live person or when your ATM spits out the cash you need to buy a pizza for dinner, you can thank (or curse) a computer programmer. The machines that you use daily, including your car and your smartphone, couldnt do your bidding without computer programmers. Four main types of computer programming account for the bulk of todays programming jobs. The instructions they provide to your machines are often invisible to you.

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All computers need instructions in a language that they can understand. Generally, computer programmers write these basic instructions in a machine language that tells the computer what to do when you press the power button and use the keyboard or your mouse. The programs also include instructions for the text or interface that your computer shows you. Without both sets of instructions, co-operation between humans and computers couldnt happen. As soon as you turn your computer on, it starts to read programs that have been put into its permanent memory storage area. Then, it displays programmed information that tells you how to choose what the computer does next.

Databases often run invisibly behind the scenes of user software and websites. The need to collect, arrange, sort and retrieve related pieces of information creates demand for the development of databases. Your local phone directory, banks, car dealerships, the government and ecommerce giants, such as Amazon, all rely on database developers who write instructions for data management programs. Database developers also customize and revise existing databases when they need modified instructions to run properly and meet the requirements of specialized business systems. Although there are many options in use, database developers frequently use Structured Query Language for their programming.

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