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UAE Developers IBMs Call For Code Challenge Is Looking For The Best Concepts For Natural Disaster Relief

To join the challenge, developers can register , wherein individuals or teams of up to five people can submit projects between June 18, 2018 and August 31,2018. A selection of 30 semi-finalists in September would be chosen by a prominent jury, followed by the announcement of the winning team in October.

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UAE Developers, IBMs Call For Code Challenge Is Looking For The Best Concepts For Natural Disaster Relief

The investment will fund access to developer tools and coding training with experts. The winning will receive a financial prize and will have access to long-term support to develop their idea from prototype to a functioning application, including ongoing developer support through IBMs partnership with the Linux Foundation. The team can also join one of IBMs Corporate Service Corps teams which spends four to six weeks inunderserved communities globally- to utilize their concept to local challenges.

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Do you have ideas to better prepare communities for natural disasters? Heres your chance. Bringing together startups and developers, IBM is launching theCall for Codeglobal initiative, focusing on solving the crucial issue of preventing, responding to and recovering from natural disasters. Launched at the VivaTech Conference in Paris, IBM Chairman, President and CEO Ginni Rometty implored on the tech industry, committing IBM technology and US$30 million over five years in the annual global initiative. Along with partners David Clark Cause, United Nations Human Rights Office, American Red Cross, the Linux Foundation and AngelHack, the initiative aims to unite developers globally and utilize data and AI,blockchain, cloud and IoT tech to help communities and tackle suchsocial issues.

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Maged Wassim, VP of IBM Cloud Middle East and Africa

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IBM is coordinating educational events, hackathons and community support from developers across the world in more than 50 cities, including Dubai, Amsterdam, Berlin, London, New York, Sao Paulo and Tel Aviv. Having UAE as part of the Call for Code initiative was pivotal. IBM recognizes the talent in the UAE among developers and the support from the government to foster creativity and innovation, hence the UAE has been identified as a key country for IBMs call for code initiative, says Maged Wassim, VP of IBM Cloud Middle East and Africa. Besides being a partner of Area 2071, IBM is already engaged with other UAE local ecosystem players includingAstroLabs, in5,DTEC, Sheraa andStartAD, plus a dedicated team of Developer Advocates, and have been involved with the Blockchain Virtual GovHack launched by the Prime Ministers Office and Ajman government- making it a prime choice for the challenge. His advice to prospective participants is to consider the implication of their proposed solutions: The impact of the solution on the worlds greatest problems is the most important aspect of the winning solution and captures the spirit of the challenge. Usage of one or more IBM Cloud services, including open-source services that are provided and run on IBM cloud, represents a portion of the overall score and is a prerequisite to eligibility.

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