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What about questions seeking help for coding challenges?

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(potential Stack Overflow answerer) judge that? Where does research to solve a problem end and cheating start? Under what circumstances

@deceze When you then pretend that you did it alone and thats all your work: yes. But the other question is: who is not cheating on such challenges. I assume the most of them do.

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@deceze If you cant answer a challenge without help from others, then dont participate in that challenge. Challenges are supposed to test your skill and knowledge compared to other participants and not who asked first on SO. But again, I dont think that many other people care about that, thats why these challenges are quite useless (at least in my opinion).

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You treat such questions like any other question.

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Related: should I do someone elses homework?Mrs Johnson disagrees.

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From time to time I see questions, that ask for help in coding challenges and it is quite clear to me, that they do so. An example ishere. I feel somehow biased, if this kind of questions should be allowed on SO, because to me it feels like helping the person to cheat in the challenge, which is like doing someone elses homework. What to do with these kind of questions?

This question already has an answer here:

Money and Money, can two different currency types be realistically maintained in the same economy?

see also:Is there a need for a new flag type: Embargoed until contest closes at date/time?

I specify: Questions asking for homework help must include a summary of the work youve done so far to solve the problem, and a description of the difficulty you are having solving it. So, Ill use this as a guideline.

, then yes, thats cheating. But no developer works without constantly looking stuff up, so, yes, I agree that thats unrealistic and rather useless.

@deceze Looking something up is something different than asking someone else for help. Everyone can read the same resources available on the internet, but not everyone can access the same persons to ask them for help. This is way I would discourage that for challenges.

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I ask a question without it being cheating of some sort?

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It doesnt matter what the motivations are for asking a question. A good question is a good question, a bad question is a bad question, regardless of where the underlying problem originates from. If the question and its answers are useful to future visitors, it can stay. We are here for the long tail, after all.

Handle them like any other question.

Is helping me solve a coding problem Im stuck on at work help me cheat at work?

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Asking for help for homework is clearly stated as being off-topic. Is a coding challenge comparable to homework?

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: Not really /questions/334822/

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@Tom Sure, theres a distinction there. But again, theres a spectrum from researching a detail (may involve asking someone, depending on your arbitrarily decided rules) to having someone else complete the entire task. Theres no way we can make a judgement on where one ends and the other starts, besides our own definition of too broad questions we categorically dont answer, regardless of the context they were asked in.

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@Tom Personally I hardly care where a question originated from, if its a

Asking for help for homework is clearly stated as being off-topic is not true …

which would educate everyone, then Im not going to not answer it because I suspect it is being asked in the context of some coding challenge. Having said that, I think its unlikely that questions which can rather clearly be traced back to a challenge will be

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@Tom If theres a restriction on the challenge la

may not use the internet or any external resource other than your own head

Good analogy needed: Sec issues due to different coders implementing the same features in different ways for the same app

; more often than not theyre poor to begin with. Good challenge questions probably wont appear as such. So this seems like a problem that mostly solves itself in practice.

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, pleaseask a new question.

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The Stack Overflow community cant be tasked with enforcing third-party restrictions. Thats up to the third-party here, like the competition organisers. If the answers to such a question are used to break competition rules, that is a choice the question asker has to make, and up to the designated judges or referees of the competition to police.

Asking for help for homework is clearly stated as being off-topic

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